Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 322 - Find Your Alpha

Nick had closed the door behind them, but stood in front of it. When she turned to look back and see if she had a way out, he just smiled and gestured towards the females.

Was this some kind of test?

Sasha turned back. Her first thought was to find Vayl. But after a few minutes of walking among the females and querying with the few who met eyes with her it was clear that Vayl either hadn\'t been selected, or wasn\'t yet there. Which shouldn\'t have surprised her. If the humans had learned anything about the Chimeran hierarchy, they\'d want to leave their leadership intact so there was less disruption.

Less disruption? Sasha sighed and turned a circle, her mind spinning a lot faster than her body as she tried to figure out how to tackle this. These females were growing increasingly anxious. If she didn\'t get them calm they were going to either revolt, or break. She couldn\'t afford to give the team any reason to keep them here.

That was it, she realized. She had to make them see what was needed of them to make this work.

She strode forward, heading for the largest group, clustered together on the western edge of the arena there was at least a dozen females standing in a group, tense and poised, but listening to someone.

As Sasha approached she realized two females were at this center of this group, discussing something in soft whispers that ceased as Sasha came close.

She almost hesitated, almost asked to be allowed through the line of backs hunched toward the center. But Zev\'s cautions about leadership still echoed in her head.

Take the space you deserve. Expect to be obeyed. Don\'t ask permission.

They won\'t be offended, they\'ll find security in it.

She hoped he was right. These females hadn\'t been in the normal Chimeran circles for three years—if at all. It was entirely possible they\'d created a little sub-culture…

She couldn\'t afford to think about it.

Without hesitating, she put her hands between two of the woman and nudged them aside to give her room to move through to the center.

The two females who\'d been leaning into each other, talking, stopped completely, both of them straightening and turning to look at her with expressionless faces.

"Your positions right now are extremely precarious," she said, assuming they all knew who she was. "You\'re right to gather and establish a hierarchy. But we aren\'t going to have time to get steady together until we\'re already back—and then we\'ll have the males to contend with. What we need right now is small groups. A buddy system. Handfuls of females each following one, so we can communicate quickly and send orders—"

"Who are you to tell us what is needed?" One of the females, a tall brunette asked her sharply.

"I\'m the Alpha in Thana, and the one who\'s going to get you released from this hellhole," Sasha snapped back. "You can ignore me if you want to, but what I\'m telling you is true. And while you scramble your way through not knowing what\'s to come, I will lead those willing to follow back to your home. To your males. To your families. Do you understand that?"

"Our… to Thana?" the female breathed.

Sasha blinked. "Didn\'t they tell you?"

"No. We have… no knowledge… we have been gathered in the past, but always for…" the woman looked at the others and they all went very still.

Sasha shook her head. "I\'m sorry. I\'m sorry you\'ve been through those kinds of events before. I\'ve been here, working to get you freed. I pray that they aren\'t lying to us. I can\'t do anything if they are. But there is evidence that they mean what they say. We have… agreements. In the event that they\'re telling the truth, we need to get everyone back through the gateway safely. Did all of you cross the first time? Do you know what you\'re doing? How to make sure you can get back through?"

No one answered immediately. Then the brunette cleared her throat. "I remember," she said carefully. "But we were all… deceived that day. It\'s hard to know how much of what heard and remember is true."

Sasha looked around. All the women looked at each other—some showing shame, some guilt, others fear.

What had they done to these beautiful creatures?

"You listen to me," Sasha said, low and hard. "You are not to blame for these assholes and all the ways they play God." She pointed at the sawdust under their feet. "This place is not your home. This is a stable. For animals. You are not animals. You are strong, powerful women—so powerful, they\'re trying to replicate you. Do you know that? The whole reason they brought you here was in an attempt to make more like you. They\'ve been thwarted, and they\'re getting desperate, so they\'re giving my ideas some chance. The very, very best chance you have for finding your way back to safety is to get into Thana where the males will help us. But in order to do that you have to be certain in your mind. You cannot swerve from it. Fix Thana in your minds. The males. The gateway exit in the cave. Think about it, aim for it, and the gateway will show you through. But you can\'t afford to question. If you fear, remember that all you\'re doing is walking towards your freedom. Focus on that, and you won\'t go wrong. Follow the light because it\'s going to lead you all the way back to Thana."

A quiet sob sounded behind her and Sasha turned to find a wiry, red-headed female, her face a mask of freckles, holding her own stomach, tears running down her cheek.

"It\'s real," Sasha breathed, reaching for the woman\'s arm, rubbing it gently. "It\'s real. This is really happening."

She prayed she was telling them the truth.

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