Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 408 Brother, or No Brother

Chapter 408 Brother, or No Brother

~ ZEV ~

Zev stood outside the door into the female\'s hall, pining, though he wouldn\'t have admitted it to anyone but Sasha herself.

He\'d had to be out of the hall. Sasha had warned even the guards to stay outside. Earlier, she\'d told the females that they were going to leave that night, or early the next morning. She\'d had to explain the threat now that Nick had returned to the humans with the device that could identify that Zev was interfering with their plans. They were going to move after they got word that Nick was back.

And while some of the females had apparently seemed eager for a fresh start, those that hadn\'t left the hall yet had panicked. And even now, were frantic, pacing the hall and trembling.

The last thing they needed was more stress, but it would be unavoidable, and—he kept reminding Sasha when she questioned the wisdom of forcing them—they would be in a place of safety with as much time to heal as they needed when this was all done.

Sasha had agreed and returned to the females to continue to encourage them to see it this way. But it was a huge relief when Kyelle finally showed up, looking a little flustered—a little angry, going by her scent—but her eyes were clear and despite pink cheeks, she asked a few quick, efficient questions, then disappeared into the hall, assuring Zev that she would give Sasha all the help she needed.

He knew they were both capable. That they were both what the females needed. And he knew there was nothing he could do to help them until they asked. Yet he found himself reluctant to be far away. So, after slouching his way to the bottom of the stairs, he took a seat on one of the low walls at the side of the courtyard alongside Chet, Mae\'s mate, who had become a fixture since the females arrived.

Zev\'s heart went out to the male. And he suspected had the roles been reversed, he would have done the same thing. Then the events of the night before came back to him and he wondered if he\'d see Dunken there soon.

And he wondered which of the females had caught Dunken\'s heart.

When he sat down, Chet eyed him nervously. "I know there\'s a lot to do, Zev-dan, but I can\'t leave for long. I will ensure we\'re packed, and I\'m asking the brothers to bring me any tasks that I can do while I sit here—"

Zev raised his hand to interrupt. "It\'s fine, Chet. Don\'t worry. I\'m joining you today. Everyone\'s in motion now. Everything is happening. But I find myself reluctant to let her far out of my sight. So don\'t worry. We\'ll sit vigil together."

The male looked relieved.

They spoke a little as they sat there. Zev had never had much occasion to spend time with Chet, had always assumed the male to be a little weak. But he soon discovered a thoughtful and resilient beta wolf hidden beneath the quiet exterior. He made a mental note to make more use of him once Mae had returned to him and things were settled down. Chet would prove an asset as they navigated the coming changes, he thought.

The wind shifted and Zev scented it to see if he could catch Sasha and make sure she was okay, but instead he found his brother\'s scent on the air and moments later, saw Lhars enter the City in wolf form at the run.

He stood quickly—was there an emergency?—as Lhars galloped into the Courtyard, shifting back to human midstride, still running, his eyes on the upper level, where the large, open hall windows had been covered in hides and they all knew the females gathered. The wind curled, and the scents of the females wafted through the courtyard, bringing Sasha and Kyelle and the others.

Lhars\' expression was fixed and intent, and Zev\'s stomach dropped. He\'d just come from the human world and the village. Nick was already on the move. Did Lhars know something? Had something happened?

Lhars called to Zev as he ran through the Courtyard, "Did Kyelle make it back safely?"

"Yes, but Lhars, you can\'t go up there," Zev said quickly. When his brother didn\'t stop running, Zev growled and slipped across the space to step between Lhars and the stairway that went up to the second level of the large building.

His attention was only half on Lhars, his ears perked for the females, and also half a thought for poor Chet who\'d been so patiently waiting for days. Lhars needed to give some consideration to others who also wanted to see the females.

He\'d assumed Lhars was only being thoughtless and probably wanted to catch up with Kyelle, hadn\'t thought through the stress they were all under and the repercussions.

Lhars\' attention was very clearly on the upper level of the building until he stepped under the cover and towards the stairwell. Zev stepped into his path again, casually raising a hand to his chest. "Lhars, you\'ll need to—"

There was a vicious snarl and Lhars\' teeth snapped so close to Zev\'s jaw, Zev felt the air shift.

There wasn\'t even thought, Zev immediately snarled back and made himself as big as he was capable, standing over his brother, eyes locked and teeth bared, a guttural growl rising and falling in his throat.

Instinctively, he was a hairsbreadth from shifting.

Lhars was second in the wolves, a powerful male, an Alpha, and they had history. Zev\'s wolf scented a challenge—if an entirely unexpected one—and wanted it dealt with. His blood thrummed with Alpha authority and the growl rolled in his chest as he stared Lhars down.

Everyone in the Courtyard froze at sight and sound of two of the strongest males facing each other in genuine aggression.

Zev kept his hands open and ready at his sides, didn\'t move to the defensive. He was in power and he would take control if it was needed. But this was his brother, and clearly something had happened.

Lhars\' chest heaved, his growl rising and falling with it, his eyes flashing with his wolf and he didn\'t submit. He leaned into Zev, his teeth still bared.

"Stand. Down," Zev warned him in a low mutter, his eyes narrowed.

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