Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 518 "One For One, Agreed!"

Where was Poseidon? 

[Poseidon shivering inside the little black shed, teeth chattering, Fuck off, trying to drown me!]


He looked onward again as the sandy tide rolled in, heavenly soldiers charging out - running, riding beasts, in machine gun pickups, modified vehicles equipped with giant drilling teeth, spikes, flamethrowers...


Ming\'s eyes widened; this was pretty interesting! He waved ahead. "Dodge, right!"

Hearing this, the Pig Demon immediately evaded a massive crossbow bolt that speared the ground.

In a few breaths, they regrouped, the punk troops halting their pursuit vehicles and forming columns tens of thousands strong, facing the handful before them. Just then, a black Bentley\'s door opened, and a suited man emerged. He went around to carefully open the rear door, respectfully ushering out the middle-aged man who stepped out. Sword-browed and eagle-eyed, the man wore a pristine white suit with an ivory cane and red leather shoes shiny-bright on his feet.

Ming inspected:


[Summary: An underworld big shot controlling both white and black paths. Doted on his only son born at 40, the brat\'s arrogance and evil went unchecked - murder, arson, debauchery, yet never a day in jail with the father\'s influence...] 

[Weakness: He may go mad if learning his child has died~]

"~~" Ming eyed the cocooned loincloth lad in the car, wondering if he\'d been too hasty with that knock-out blow...

"Vile demons, daring to trespass the divine realm, surrender at once!" Hades spoke up ahead.

"~~" Ming chuckled. "You\'re quite deeply brainwashed, believing yourself a god?"

"Heh~ I was told similar by a fool with an electric rod once. Care to guess his fate?"

Hades sneered and tapped his cane lightly. "He died, of course."

"And then?" Ming returned. He noted the tent still had a 20-minute cooldown. 

"I know who you are. I\'ve awaited you here for some time."

Hades wasn\'t angered by the flippant questions, instead calmly stating: "I know you\'ve forgotten, but that year you and the gods were annihilated, and now the cycle turns again with our rebirth, the divine court re-established. This time, I won\'t let history repeat itself; I\'ll erase you here!"

"~~" Taken aback, Ming gripped his staff and sucked in a breath. Impressive, this guy was deeply brainwashed. 

The rules wove a compelling tale. Were the stat sheets of gods different from ordinary people? 

Perhaps...truly different; otherwise, they wouldn\'t be so deeply indoctrinated.

"Lay down your weapons and surrender, or he dies." As Hades spoke, he waved a hand, and a six-meter-tall suited brute stepped forth, holding a constricted Poseidon aloft. Poseidon shouted curses: "Cowards! Dare to fight me in the sea; bullying me on land means nothing!"

Seeing his boss, he added: "Though on land, I still killed hundreds!"

"~~" Ming ignored him, snapping his fingers and patting Napoleon\'s head instead. Behind, Frank opened the car door and dragged out the loincloth lad, holding him up, kicking between his arms, mouth gagged. 

Pointing at the lad, Ming said to Hades: "You see, your son shouldn\'t only wear a loincloth. I gave him clothes and all, and I treated him well, right? Now he\'s in my hands, so we won\'t lay down arms. Either we all die fighting or see who perishes faster?"

"No!" Hades and Poseidon cried together. Hades continued: "That sea thing\'s life means nothing compared to my son\'s. I\'ll give you this once; we\'ll trade one for one!"

"One for one, agreed!" Ming instantly acquiesced, then acted hesitant. "But after the trade, you\'ll swarm us tens of thousands strong. Then I\'ll die horribly, no good."

"Then...what do you suggest?"

Hades yearned for his child. This was the son of his eighth mistress, whom he\'d doted on to a disturbing extent. All offenses before adulthood - arson, assault, imprisonment, evil - were covered up without a day in juvie. After becoming an adult, the son\'s murders, arson, sexual violence, and loansharking were tolerated, and charges were dismissed by his intervention without records. After all, he planned for his child to have a smooth rise - promotion, wealth, and influence. 

He\'d placed all hopes on his son. His own achievements in life were limited, but with his paving the way, that would merely be the starting point for his son\'s limitless future. Moreover, as gods now, past obstacles were gone, and the road ahead was even clearer. 

Hades urged: "Speak, as long as it\'s reasonable, I\'ll agree to everything!"

"Good, refreshing candor. You\'re an excellent father."

Ming thumbs-upped. "I won\'t take advantage either. Have your troops retreat 1 km; mine will too. We trade, then I go my way, you go yours. Honestly, I don\'t want to die here; I haven\'t lived enough."

"Deal!" Hades instantly agreed, ordering his side to retreat. Ming signaled Raoul and the rest the same. 

A moment later, only four remained on the deserted highway - Ming, Hades, Poseidon, and the loincloth lad.

"Exchange!" They said together. Hades pushed Poseidon forward as Ming did the same with the lad.

Seeing Ming\'s look, Poseidon shut his mouth and steadily walked over. Still gagged, the loincloth lad also shuffled forward one step at a time. However, finding something off about his son, Hades couldn\'t pinpoint what.

[Your Napoleon manipulates the lad, making him walk steadily - no future for a zombie that can\'t even walk right~]

[Your Napoleon sees the lad reach his father\'s side, who tugs out the gag - time to sacrifice kin~ Napoleon commands~] 

"My son?" Hades pulled the cloth from the lad\'s mouth, then frowned in shock. "You..."

"Grrr~" Zombie loincloth lad activated - the [Red Sash] lashed out, trussing up Hades!

"Son! You!" Hades watched the sash writhing over him like a snake, binding and knotting... Just then, from the lad\'s pocket, he saw a fat toad emerge...

[Your foodie uses its collecting ability on Hades; aside from the sash, everything else is successful~]

[Your foodie looks at you - Done, Ming! Those baby fish snacks better fill me up, no cheating me~]

Ming grinned. "More than fill you up, eat to your heart\'s content~" Then he turned to Chef.

[Chef looks at you - We finished them all last time, remember?] 

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