My mother's SON-IN-LAW

Chapter 88 BIANCA or QUIN - 1

Without wasting any time he simply walked towards the two men who were eyeing each other with unreadable emotions on their faces.

While Edward had a clear vision of the whole situation in front of him, Chris on the other hand was simply dumbfounded.

He did not know where to place himself and a lot of things were happening in his mind scape.

Trying to understand what exactly was going on and where exactly he fitted in or what he needed to do next.

While thinking of such he copletely forgot of the main reason he had flown to Paris in the first place, \'his little sister\'. He could only think about the sister he supposedly had which was known by more people than himself, \'STRANGERS\' rather than himself.

While thinking of this he simply, started to walk foward trying to get a better view of the man in front of him who somehow was entangled with boh of his sisters in very ambigous circumstances.

He needed to speak to him slowly and try to understand where exactly he fit in in his family and why exactly he knew his \'late\' sister.

As if Noah could tell that he was about to be man-handled, he averted his body backwards and sharply threw Chris\'s arms away from him completely.

Edward who was currently on his way to hold onto Chris in order to try to tlk a bit of sense into was speechless with the scene in front of him.

Chris currently had his butt on the floor with a dark expression while Noah on the other hand was on his knees with a pained expression.

It was probably the funniest moment he could ever come across.

That is why he reflexidly took out his phone and snapped a pic of them in that particular situation.

when they both heard the snap of the phone they were shocked, it wasn\'t exactly a picture perfect moment for them at the moment yet the moron thought it would be perfect to take a pic of them in such a compromising situation.

Edward who had taken the pic quickly said, "I have to send this to Alicia, this will work as great blackmail material for her in the future."

Chris, "..."

Noah, "..."

It was already to late for them to stop him anyway. They chose to grimace in their pitiful state.


At the same time in a car;

Alicia phone went off as Edward\'s message came through.

She was still tied up and when it went off she looked Liam with pitiful eyes. Liam chuckled lightly when he noticed the way she gazed at him.

He hadn\'t seen those eyes in a long time and for some time now he really believed that he would never lay eyes on them ever again.

After a few minutes of pitiful puppy eyes, Liam smiled and took the phone. He tried to open the phone with a password she had in the past but it did not open at all.

He furrowed his brows lightly and said, "Why did you change your password? who made you change it?"

There was an invincible kind of danger in his voice, he was somehow angry and helpless at the moment.

When Alicia noticed the anger in his eyes she smiled lightly and said, "Lili that was five years ago, it\'s not the same phone as back then."

Liam froze when he heard her words, \'Lili, Lili, ..\' she hadn\'t called him that in a very long time. He was dumbstruck not knwoing how and what to respond. Alicia who hadn\'t noticed his expressions continued with, "It\'s Noah, the password is Noah."

Liam\'s eyes darkened when he heard those words.

It was that man once again. He had been a huge thorn in his life five years ago, and he was becoming a thorn to him in this time once again.

Why, why, why was it always him?


Alicia was not done with her though so she continued with, "its Noah, Eddy Chrissy the three muskertiers."

Liam, "..."

what does she mean by that?

Why on earth would she put that as her password?

He was trying to keep calm and not get jealous of that McMillian man but he did not know that the woman he was jealous of was just as wierd as the day he had met her when she tried to kill him.

\'She is still crazy.\' that was all he thought.

Liam opened the phone lightly after he spat out furiously after that muskertiers business.

He wanted to die the moment he saw the pic which Edward had sent her. It was her two muskertiers having their reputation ruined completely.

He chuckled lightly and said, "Edward sent you a pic of your brother and McMillian embarassing themselves. He apparently said it was a good blackmail material for you to use in the future."

Alicia, "..."

He should have knwon that such a message would come from Edward. He had been too well behaved for too long. She almost believed that he was finally acting like a normal person. But no he was just waiting for something to tip him off the edge again.

Liam who was holding her phone lightly asked, "He is one of your brothers right? I heard that you have your brother Chris and some other overprotective brother called Edward. He seems more like your brother than Chris is. He is almost as crazy as you. Chris is too normal for the both of you. Well, ...except the fact that he wants you to work for him so badly, he is crazy about that anyway."

Alicia was speechless.

Does that mean that Edward and herslef were not normal then?

Most importantly why on earth was she put in the same category as Edward.

Alicia, "..."

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