Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 712 - The Strange Monk

Chapter 712 - The Strange Monk

Thus, the bedraggled group went into the temple, while the carriages went horses were brought round to the back of the temple where the stables were .

As they entered the temple, the faint fragrance of incense and the drone of chanting scriptures wrapped gently around them .

Guang’an Temple couldn’t compare to large temples with their expansive halls, fancy gold-gilded decorations, or their opulence . It was plain and neat, simply decorated with ordinary wooden items .

One would arrive at the great hall if they entered from the mountain-facing gates . This was called the Hall of the Heavenly King . The two long corridors flanking it would then lead to the Reclining Buddha Hall and the Great Hero Hall . If they continued circling around it, they would arrive at the meditation rooms of the back courtyard .

There were many meditation rooms that made up the East, West, and South sides of the courtyard . The West rooms belonged to the abbot, the East side housed the prayer hall and the rooms of several monks, while the South side was dedicated for receiving the people that had come to the temple to meditate and stay for a while .

The little monk was extremely conscientious . He directed them to the rooms on the South side, and had some of the monks prepare some vegetarian dishes for them .

After a while, the abbot arrived to chat with them .

That abbot was actually an adorable old fellow . He even felt that Jing Rong had an affinity with Buddhism, and insisted on dragging him to the prayer hall, saying that he wishes to discuss the true essence of the Buddhist Path . Although Jing Rong didn’t believe in Buddhism, his hospitality was difficult to decline, so he could only follow along, sighing internally .

Meanwhile, Mo Ruo was sitting on the railing along the long corridor beside the meditation rooms . He had found a section of bamboo from somewhere and was whittling at it with a small knife . Tang Si walked over and sat down at the long benches opposite him . “Where did you find this bamboo?”

“There’s some all around the temple . ”

“What are you carving?”

“Just passing the time . ”

Tang Si didn’t understand and scooted forward . “Are you very bored?”

Mo Ruo stilled his hands and looked at her, waving the bamboo and replying her question with another, "This is a temple . We’re not allowed to eat meat or drink wine . Do you think I’m bored?"

Hehe . It’s really rather boring .

Thus, he started whittling the bamboo piece again, shaving one end down to a sharp point, as if it were a silver needle .

Tang Si pursed her lips and looked up at the pouring rain . Illuminated by the lights around them, the raindrops glittered and shone with tiny glimmers of light, creating a dazzling scene . As she gazed at it in fascination, a smile of wonder crept onto her face, unbidden .

Coincidentally, Mo Ruo glanced up at her . In that moment, he felt like this woman seemed to glow from within and he could hardly bear to tear his gaze away from her . His heart skipped a few beats .

However, he was also worried that he would be discovered and quickly turned his eyes away, concentrating on carving his piece of bamboo instead .

After Tang Si had her fill of the glittering raindrops, she turned towards him again . "Is the capital big?"

"Very big . "

"Is it prosperous?"

"Very prosperous . "

"Are there wolves?"

"Yes, many . "

"What is your Yuhua Pavillion like?"

"It’s just a pavillion . "

Ah... Tang Si bit her lip and continued asking, "When we reach the capital, will you marry me?" Hoo . . .

Mo Ruo froze in place . This question came at him so suddenly . He couldn’t help but marvel internally, Houliao women are really so direct .

"Reply me, are you marrying me?"

Mo Ruo simply refused to answer and turned around, continuing to carve his bamboo with his back facing that woman .

However, Tang Si just wouldn’t give up . She continued chanting beside his ear, "Marrying me or not?", again and again .

Finally, Mo Ruo couldn’t stand it any longer . He finally spat out helplessly, "Marrying . I’m marrying you . I’ll marry you and pamper you so much that you can’t take it, alright?"

Tang Si grinned from ear to ear, grabbing his forearm excitedly . She leaned her head against his shoulder and refused to let go of him .

This little demon really is wearying . But

she was also like a piece of sticky candy destined to bother Mo Ruo the rest of their lives .

This scene was witnessed by Ji Yunshu where she stood outside her door . She smiled to herself, she knew that these two archenemies would end up together sooner or later .

She secretly envied Tang Si for her freedom and lack of worries . She could fall in love and express it however she wished . This woman with such a direct and carefree personality may be a little too persistent and have an overly-cutting tongue, but her imperfection was part of her charm .

Just then, a gust of wind blew and she shivered . Just as she prepared to go indoors, she noticed a pigeon flying through the rain to land at the edge of the corridor . It fluttered its damp wings, scattering a shower of tiny raindrops .

There was nothing strange about a pigeon landing here in such heavy rain for shelter . However, Ji Yunshu’s attention was caught by a little bamboo tube tied to its leg .

The first thing that came to mind was ’messenger pigeon’ . Could it be a message for Jing Rong from the capital?

She was about to go towards it when the pigeon flapped its wings and flew in the direction of the prayer hall . She ran through the corridors chasing after it, but the pigeon had disappeared by the time she reached the prayer hall . There was only a monk standing by the door, his hunched back facing her .

Monks all had their heads shaved, but strangely this monk still had hair under his cap . She didn’t dwell on it and instead started forward, intending to ask if he had seen a pigeon . However, the old monk turned around and entered the prayer hall, limping and hobbling with difficulty . Thus, Ji Yunshu entered as well .

A dozen or so monks were seated inside, meditating . That old monk from before walked right to the front and sat down, without turning around even once .

"Benefactor?" A monk came towards her, asking, "Do you wish to chant scriptures?"

She neither agreed nor denied it .

Thus, the little monk found a cushion for her, and she could only sit down . However, her gaze never left that old monk all the way in the front .

After the time it took to burn a stick of incense, that old monk slowly shifted his body, looking as it he were about to turn around .

Instead, Jing Rong suddenly appeared beside her, turning away her unwavering focus on the old monk to the man next to her . "Why are you here?"

Jing Rong reflector the question back at her, "This prince should be the one asking you that . " The two of them were talking very softly .

"It’s because..." She turned to look in the direction of the old monk from before, but he had disappeared! "He was here just now . " She muttered softly .

Jing Rong pulled her outside instead, asking, "Just what is the matter?"

"I saw a pigeon . "

"Is that very strange?"

"The pigeon had a small bamboo tube tied onto its leg .

"A letter?" Jing Rong asked suspiciously .

She nodded, then shook her head . "I’m not sure, so I chased after it and followed it here . I clearly saw it land here, but when I reached, I couldn’t find a single trace of it . I only saw an old monk who can’t really be called a monk since his hair isn’t shaved . "

Jing Rong understood what she was implying, "Do you suspect that the letter the pigeon was carrying is for this prince, but was hidden by that monk instead?"

"I cannot be certain . "

Jing Rong smiled and said with certainty, "Rest assured, that letter isn’t for this Prince . "

"Why not?"

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