The Devil's Harem

Chapter 123

Unlike any other day when Alex left early from work, he would go on a shopping spree, Alex today headed straight back to his home.

After reaching his home, with a heavy heart, Alex made his way straight toward his room, where he spent the rest of the day cooped up inside.

Later that day, in the evening, when Martha and George arrived home, they found the house unusually shrouded in darkness.

“Sometimes I feel like I am working for Mrs Flores. I never know when she is going to come,” Martha said as she looked at their house. Lately, Mrs Flores has been neglecting her work at the Rutherfords. No one could guess when she would be there for work or would she be ever there. Despite being the employer, they were the ones managing their schedule on hers.

“But shouldn’t Alex be back by now?” George asked as he looked at his watch. He did not wish to be stuck on Mrs Flores, “It’s half-past eight.”

“You know these corporates. There is no schedule. If they could, they would make you work twenty-five hours a day.” Martha said, pitying Alex, “I wish he would just leave his job and be in front of my eyes all day.”


With her brows raised, George looked at Martha peculiarly but nodded, “Well, that’s true,” George said, agreeing with her. But as they made their way into the garage, they found Alex’s bike parked there. Now, this was something serious.

“I think something is wrong,” Martha looked at George with worry stricken face, “Stop, let me out first.”

George complied with her right then and there. As soon as he applied brakes, Martha almost jumped out of the car, and through the door, in the garage, made her way into the house. George, on the other hand, was not in much hurry. He parked the car and inspecting the garage, slowly made his way inside.

As George climbed up the stairs, he found Martha slapping the door of Alex’s room.

“Alex, are you in there? Open the door.” Martha called out for Alex.

“Maybe he went out for a walk after coming home,” George suggested. It was a normal thing for Alex to just go on strolls whenever he felt like it, “Let me ring him up.”

“Yeah, do it,” Martha agreed, but before George could call Alex, the door opened, and a yawning Alex walked out.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Alex looked at Martha and George standing outside his room and asked, “What’s the matter? Why were you banging the door so hard?”

When Martha looked at him acting all relaxed, she smacked his arm hard, “What are you doing sleeping at this hour?” Martha asked. .c

“What do you mean? I was home early, so I decided to take a nap.” Alex looked at Martha, acting weirdly. Then he looked at his wristwatch, “Ahh... It’s already so late.” Alex said, shaking his head.

“It’s not because you are unwell, is it?” Pointing her finger at Alex, Martha asked.

Now Alex was clear about what was going on in her head. He smiled, “I am totally alright, my over-protective mother,” Alex teased Martha, pinching her nose, “It is so easy to worry you.”

“Uhh... Shut up,” Annoyed, Martha smacked his hand away, “Come down. We brought some pizza on our way. Let’s eat it together.”

“You go first. I will be down in a minute,” Alex said as he nodded towards Martha, then he looked at George, “I need to talk to you about something important as well.”

“What is it?” Alex’s words got George curious.

“I will tell you when I am down,” Alex said and walked back inside his room, leaving a curious George hanging in thoughts.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Soon the family was sitting together eating their pizza in unusual silence. With a slice of pizza in their hands, George and Martha were staring at Alex, waiting for him to come forward with what he had to say.

“Hey, dad,” Alex looked up and saw his parents looking at him. He knew they were waiting to hear from him, and it was the right time to bring it up, “Is your offer still on the table?” Alex asked.

“What offer?” Daniel asked, confused.

“Me... Working with you, in your company,” Alex nervously murmured.

Now, this came as a surprise for both Martha and George. They continued to stare at Alex, then looked at one another, “Did something happen at work?” Finally, Martha asked.

“Nothing much,” Alex scratched his nose nervously, “It’s just that... I... resigned... Hehehe...” Alex told them with a hollow laugh.

“What?” George cried out in surprise. How come he did not know about it.

“Why?” Martha, on the other hand, was more concerned about the reason.

“Things just happened,” Alex was trying to avoid narrating to them the chronology of the events that transpired.

“But why? Out of nowhere... You looked pretty content with your life there,” While Alex did not want to explain much, Martha was not letting it go, “And your colleagues... I don’t think they are the problem here.” Martha eyed Alex, nudging him to answer her.

“Ughh...” Alex finally gave in. He put the piece back and rubbing his palms got himself into the mood. After that, Alex narrated everything that happened with him today at Theation. Obviously, he skipped the part where he called Jessica a bimbo and provoked her by smacking his knee or the content of his resignation letter.

“Hahaha... Oh my... Oh my... What bad luck have you got, my son? I can’t believe you were let go for such a reason,” Martha broke into laughter when Alex was finished narrating what happened.

“Let me make this clear,” Alex pointed his finger towards Martha and spoke slowly, emphasizing his words, “I was not fired... I quit... I kicked away their offer.” Alex was trying to hold on to the last of the face he had left.

“You can deny all you want, but it won’t change the truth,” Martha shrugged, “She took you for a broker, hahaha...”

“More like a pimp,” George added.

“DAD!” Alex was annoyed by his father’s sudden remark. Not wanting to argue with them anymore and obliterate whatever was left of his pride, Alex got up from the table.

But very soon, he returned, “So? What do you think, dad? I can start from tomorrow itself if you think it’s alright.” Alex asked with his hopes high.

But George did not respond to Alex. More so, it was like he did not even listen to him. George was busy pondering over the fact that such an event transpired, but he had no news of it. George had his own means to know everything that happened with Alex. He knew how Alex made love with Susan that day or how he was slapped in front of everyone by the same girl. George even knew that Margaret was the one who helped him investigate about Abir. But this was also true that for the last few days, he had not been able to pay much attention to Alex because of other matters. Everything around him was a mess that he needed to take care of as soon as possible.

“Dad?” Alex, when saw George lost in thoughts, called out to him. He did not want to put this matter on hold for another day. Though the matter with Margaret was still his priority, Alex was not going to let Jessica trample upon his pride. It was a matter of his ego now, and he was going to make sure that his father’s company was on par with Theation as soon as possible. Alex did not know how long it would take, but, Alex was not going to take things lying down any longer. He had a goal in sight, and Jessica, as well as Theation, was going to be stepping stones for him.

“Auh... I was just thinking about something,” George got back to his senses and said. He was a bit hesitant now to have Alex come and work with him. He had no way of explaining it to him, and he could not refuse straightaway. Helpless, George turned his eyes towards Martha for help.

Martha, when saw her husband look at her with those helpless eyes, her heart began to melt. There have been many up and downs in their relationship over the years, but one thing that kept her going all this while was the assurance she had in him that no matter what, this man, her husband loved and cared about her. It was the only reason that, despite the limited interaction between them for so long and her growing insecurities, she was willing to give him as many chances as possible.

“I guess this is my cue to leave,” Though Martha felt like helping George, she wouldn’t leave this chance to tease him. She smiled and said, “You, father and son, discuss what you guys want to do,” Martha grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and made her way from there.

“Ha... Honey... Listen...” George, on the other hand, tried to have her stay, but Martha slipped away from there in a jiffy. George then turned his face towards Alex and smiled sheepishly.

“Come on, dad. Don’t tell me it was all a sham, and you did not really mean it,” Alex asked his father in a complaining tone when he saw the reluctance on his face, “I need to show that arrogant woman that she messed with the wrong guy.” Alex let his father know his thoughts.

If George were to back down now, god knows how long will it take for him to get a footing on his own. Won’t he end up becoming a laughing stock if he were to come face to face with that bimbo again?

Now, what else can George say under all the pressure from Alex? He had no reason to turn him down, “Of course, I was not joking. I am just not sure what job will be suitable for you...” George finally gave in.

“... How about you give me time to think till Sunday? I will make the necessary preparations and let you know.” George suggested.

“That’s cool with me.” Alex agreed.

* * * * *

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