Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 256 - Section 713 Explained

The term \'fools rush in where angels fear to tread\' kept echoing in Zhang Li\'s mind as he struggled to modulate his voice so he wouldn\'t seem too frightened. He didn\'t want to lose face in front of the woman of his dreams so he put on a serious expression with a scholarly air to it and began to read.

The best way to describe him would be like an employee getting reprimanded by the boss in front of a coworker he likes. So to leave a good impression he tries to act tough so he wouldn\'t lose face in front of them.

Unfortunately, his voice no matter how hard he tried to deepen it the trace of fear couldn\'t be eliminated. "According to section 7, 1, 3... hem, Xiaoyu has been found guilty of treason against the Pirate King and the Concord. The punishment as a consequence of her actions will thereof be expulsion from the Concord with immediate effect."

"Therefore she will be stripped of all her earnings while under the protection of the Pirate King and is required to disembark the ship regardless of whether we are on water or land.... That\'s um, that is all."

As soon as he finished reading he slammed the book shut with a smug look like a student who had been asked to stand up and read in class only to ace it. But no one was praising his exceptional reading skills right now. They were more focused on the girl crying in Lady Ching Sei\'s arms.

Lady Ching Sei wouldn\'t have advocated for her if they were on land. At least then Xiaoyu would have a high chance to pick herself up and get her shit together. But if she is expelled in the middle of the sea with no boat, food or water it was like an automatic death sentence.

Section 713 had only been invoked a couple of times ever since this league of bandits was brought together and each expulsion was done while sailing at sea.

The word \'land\' was just for decorative purposes in that sentence because each time a person was charged with treason, which is rare, the fleet so happens to be in the middle of the sea. The traitor would coincidentally get charged for treason with the sentencing being done in the middle of nowhere.

The chances of survival after being expelled are extremely low even for a half Nocru. Their ability to come out of this alive purely depended on their luck.

Ji Yao got up and walked past her while fixing his wrist braces that were slightly out of place. But as he took a step forward she grabbed his ankle and began to cry at his feet in desperation.

Yes, she was wrong but based on their good feelings in the past shouldn\'t he be at least merciful? Xiaoyu held that ankle tightly with her entire body weight on that leg refusing to move. It seemed she knew if she let him go she would perish into the sea.

"Wuwuwu Yao-ge..... have mercy," she wailed wrapping herself even more tightly clinging for dear life.

Ji Yao felt a sickening feeling rise from the pit of his stomach. He just wanted to kick her away so she would let go but his body\'s reaction was overwhelmingly distractive that he couldn\'t muster up the strength.

Rui Fei noticed his bae was being harassed and had to do what came naturally. He made a move to do what Ji Yao couldn\'t do but Lady Ching Sei beat him to it.

This little girl was blinded by her love for a man who is disinterested in her and went to such extremes in an attempt to be with him which was very wrong. But the sentence had already been handed down and there was no need to kick a dying horse.

She pulled Xiaoyu away as she whispered, "You are only making this worse now calm yourself." Xiaoyu listened as she reluctantly loosened her grip. Ji Yao resisted the urge to scold Lady Ching Sei for interacting with a traitor and simply commanded,

"Bring her outside." With his jaw clenched tightly he stepped out with the sound of his boots clanking in the air. At this point, he was trying to take deep breaths and ease that sickening feeling that was slowly going down.

Rui Fei promptly followed behind till Ji Yao stood in the middle of the main deck. He stood beside him with their shoulders rubbing against each other. The warmth from Rui Fei seemed to calm his agitated state a little as the taut expression on his face slowly loosened.

Rui Fei seemed to want to say something to Ji Yao but he hesitated several times. His lips would move with a look on his face that clearly expressed his urge to say something but he couldn\'t come up with the right words.

Ji Yao could feel the tension coming from the person standing beside him but he didn\'t know what to say either to comfort him. Rui Fei had been wronged plenty of times in his life.

From being locked up as a child and labelled as a monster and now this. He was wronged on Ji Yao\'s ship under his protection which this Pirate King couldn\'t accept.

He had to show everyone onboard the position of Rui Fei in his heart to discourage anyone who harboured similar thoughts towards him.

In front of the entire crew and the concord, he was going to make an example of Xiaoyu and hopefully this would appease his handsome cub.

But it seemed this cub was more concerned about him than himself because he reached for Ji Yao\'s hand that was behind his back and passed him something with a smooth surface.

With a slight tilt of his head, he turned to look at Rui Fei with an enamoured stare. Rui Fei\'s lips were pressed together in a subtle smile that could warm one\'s heart.

Ji Yao felt at ease as he shifted his gaze to the candy in his hand. Knowing Rui Fei\'s severe aversion to sugar he knew this was sorely bought for him.

If only they were in private he would pull this man by the collar and kiss him passionately. Rui Fei was the very definition of irresistible.

Ji Yao placed the piece of candy in his mouth his amorous eyes on Rui Fei. His actions were as simple as putting candy in his mouth but in Rui Fei\'s eyes, it was a sultry scene taken straight out of a 90s R rated film.

With that glossy smooth surface of the rock hard candy touching those moist soft lips Rui Fei was incredibly envious. He just wanted to take its place and thoroughly enjoy that VIP treatment.. He stared dazedly at Ji Yao as he watched that pink tongue slide on the surface of the candy gently caressing it.

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