Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 289 - The Art Of Food Seduction

The viciousness in Qilin Hao\'s eyes died down as her gaze slowly shifted towards Ji Wen. She gazed at him with bloodshot eyes glossed over with a layer of tears as she tucked away the fierce expression from before.

She never wanted to show her husband and child her vulnerable side. She wanted to remain a strong powerful figure in their eyes, a person who can protect them but things didn\'t quite work out that way.

By confining Ji Wen in this place she knew he would eventually find out her secret but she still tried to conceal it for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, Ji Wen was sharp enough to notice in a short period of time. This was the woman he fell head of heels for from the moment he literally fell from the sky and on top of her.

She was the woman he constantly dreamt about each night replaying every tiny detail of their time together so, of course, he noticed something was wrong from the start.

But it seemed Qilin Hao\'s limit ended with Ji Wen knowing. If her son finds out she wouldn\'t be able to handle it. How would he look at her? It was in every Qilin to look up to their parents and aspire to be as strong as them. This is the reason why she pinned over her father despite him earning the title of the worst father in the universe.

She knew that if that Qilin cub finds out she was weak he would look down on her. She had abandoned him once already and that was disappointment enough. So when she gazed at her husband it was her way of saying Ji Yao should never find out and like a henpecked husband he agreed.

They were now one keystone away from a family reunion. Wait until Ji Yao finds out that the hostage he was trying to save ceased being a captive a long time ago. Ji Wen was in essence staying to be with his wife.


Meanwhile, Ji Yao who had no idea the former pirate king didn\'t even need to be rescued was having a hard time dealing with Rui Fei\'s new addiction. And what addiction was that one might ask?

Well, remember that particular morning when Ji Yao was seduced into letting Rui Fei service his car engine? It seemed Rui Fei liked it so much he wouldn\'t stop reminding Ji Yao at every moment. For the past two days, Rui Fei would perform several suggestive actions that only Ji Yao could understand. It was because of this that he did it in front of people and when he did Ji Yao would blush and look away which everyone around especially Rui Li noticed.

Rui Fei would for example exaggeratedly lick his fingers when eating especially his middle finger at the tip and the whole time he would be looking at Ji Yao.

And Ji Yao\'s response would be, "Shit!" while looking away with a flushed face. Even a banana wasn\'t spared. He went all out to tease Ji Yao that Rui Yewan even reprimanded him for his terrible eating habits and eating something sweet which Rui Fei paid for later.

The poor kid had no idea what Rui Fei\'s meaning was by eating this way otherwise he would have stayed out of it.

The one passerby who understood Rui Fei\'s meaning when he happened to see it was Xunshi Zhe and what did he have to say about it? "Damn, that banana is definitely pregnant... wait, or is it the other way around?"

Ji Yao couldn\'t tolerate these suggestive moves but Rui Fei hadn\'t touched his bottom line yet. That is until one night when Rui Fei had a steaming bowl of noodles topped with spring onions and a golden sunny side egg. That runny egg york purposefully found itself at the corner of Rui Fei\'s lips.

But instead of taking a napkin and wiping his mouth like most people the youth wiped away the egg york with his thumb and while locking gazes with Ji Yao he licked it off just like that day when he licked Ji Yao\'s cum off his thumb. The colour wasn\'t a match but the effect was really good. It had brought that memory back into Ji Yao\'s mind.

The sound of chopsticks hitting the bowl was heard before Ji Yao let out a loud, "Fuck," as he walked towards the kitchen. When the chief saw Ji Yao walk in he was anticipating some praise for the lovely masterpiece he made for dinner with the fresh eggs he got when they docked earlier. But instead, his four dozen basket of fresh eggs was grabbed and immediately tossed overboard to everyone\'s surprise.

"No more eggs on this ship... bananas too," said Ji Yao before walking to his cabin without eating. They had set up a huge table on the main deck planning to eat together as a crew but their King who planned this heartwarming dinner just walked away.

Ji Yao meant for this dinner to boost morale and the alcohol was meant to show his appreciation to them for enduring hardships with him but that was ruined because he..... he got hard. The culprit immediately stood up to sweet talk Ji Yao but his nose almost hit the cabin door as it was slammed in his face.

Rui Fei heard the sound of someone giggling but when he turned around the entire crew was silent. Deciding not to settle scores now he opened the door and followed Ji Yao into the cabin.

The person who had laughed before couldn\'t contain himself afterwards. Who else could it be but Xunshi Zhe? Big Hei couldn\'t take it anymore and asked, "We can\'t have eggs and bananas anymore and you are laughing? Did you see the way Rui Fei stared at us? Now we can only sleep with one eye open."

The threat from those eyes was obvious but Xunshi Zhe wasn\'t scared. That\'s because Rui Fei didn\'t know who among them was laughing so he got even more brazen. With a sly grin on his face, he said, "You heard the boss clearly. No more bananas hehehe."

Big Hei, "..."

Rui Li, "I still don\'t get it."

"If you get it then I would be seriously worried about you. It\'s a good thing you don\'t," replied Xunshi Zhe. His words seemed to flip a switch in the rest of the crew\'s minds as they let out a chorus of exclamations all except Rui Li and Rui Yewan. Bless their hearts for being the only pure people on this ship.

Rui Fei on the other hand had just discovered the statement \'hard work always pays\' as he was currently enjoying the fruits of his labour. When he entered that cabin the bright candle lights were suddenly switched off and the room fell into darkness before he was pressed against the door and kissed ruthlessly.

For the first time ever since he left his father\'s dungeon he felt threatened like a beast trapped in a corner. 

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