Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 407 - Killing One's Clansmen

Chapter 407 – Killing One’s Clansmen

Qilin Hao also knew that but she never intended to confront Huishe Nan in the first place. Her really intent was to create an alliance. She unsheathed her sword and paced to the side her gaze fixed on Huishe Yue who was standing behind Huishe Nan.

"How about this? We solve this the old fashioned way. I fight someone from my generation… like, let\'s say your son and whoever remains alive wins. If you win I surrender and if I win you do something for me. It\'s just a small favour and I promise you won\'t lose anything," she said with a fiery gaze that made Huishe Yue feel like his skin was getting burnt off.

"You know I would never agree to that. I have already won this fight so what\'s the point in indulging you?" replied Huishe Nan. But Qilin Hao didn\'t respond instead she glanced in a certain direction. Two seconds later Rui Fei appeared in that direction before landing right in front of her.

As he walked forward the retractable double-bladed sword made a sharp sound as the blades reappeared. The murderous intent surrounding his body was unmistakable. Huishe Nan wanted to stop him but the boy was in a non-negotiating mood right now.

He immediately grabbed Qilin Hao\'s neck and squeezed tightly the question at the tip of his tongue. The Concord and crew members wanted to move forward to separate them but Ji Wen stopped them. The fact that Qilin Hao let Rui Fei approach her told him that she had a plan.

Rui Fei tightened his grasp but Qilin Hao didn\'t even flinch. The corner of her lips quirked up as she said, "You have gotten stronger."

Breathing laboriously Rui Fei released his seraphic energy intending to suppress her. The darkness in his eyes spread rapidly but before they could cover his eyes completely, Qilin Hao took out a piece of paper.

"If you hurt him, I will chop you to pieces and force feed your flesh to your family," she said her gaze glancing over at the pair of father and son glaring at her. Rui Fei\'s brow creased as his hold loosened. His gaze slowly shifted to that piece of folded paper in between Qilin Hao\'s fingers as the darkness in his eyes receded.

He didn\'t understand what was going on. He had thought Qilin Hao would never permit their relationship but it turns out something had changed. Rui Fei suddenly tightened his hold and said, "If you lie to me…"

"Do I look like I am fuckin around?" she said as she indicated with her eyes for him to take it. She would never say her son\'s location aloud as that pair of delegates were still watching her. If they managed to escape this island alive then Qilin San would come after the pair of love birds so he can subdue both the Concord and Huishe Nan.

Rui Fei snatched the piece of paper and immediately walked away without looking at his uncle and grandparents. Like his grandfather said Ji Yao was priority number one. In a heartbeat he grabbed his siblings lagging behind and transformed into his true form before flying up to the skies.

That\'s when Huishe Nan realized the seriousness of this matter. This had been Qilin Hao\'s plan all along. By removing the two most important people in the equation it meant that Huishe Nan wouldn\'t deal a heavy hand and pummel her to death right here.

"Now that the kids are gone we can now discuss among ourselves as grown-ups," she said as a blaze spread to the tip of her blade. Thinking she was going to attack Huishe Nan roared as patterns of his true form appeared like a wave from his temples before disappearing under his collar.

His posture became more intimidating as he held a sword similar to Huishe Yue\'s. But instead of coming for him she suddenly changed direction and her blade pierced the back of one of the delegates. The man\'s body arched forward with a disbelieving look in his eyes as the blade pierced through his abdomen before resurfacing.

His seraphic energy immediately began to seep out like a waft of smoke. Instead of pulling out the sword, Qilin Hao sliced through his left side and the sword came out from the side of his waist. Blood splattered on Qilin Hao\'s face and paired with that red robe adorning her body she looked like a reincarnation of bloody Mary\'s ghost.

The other delegate saw this and immediately turned to run but before he could vanish Qilin Hao\'s sword extended into a whip and wrapped itself around the man\'s neck. With a tug, Qilin Hao yanked her sword whip and the man came crashing down with a loud thud.

Qilin Hao towered above him and the whip sword let go of the man\'s neck transforming back into a sword before stabbing straight into the man\'s aether. The man\'s body jerked as he held the blade trying to pull it out. With blood seeping down at the corner of his mouth he asked in a weak voice,

"Why….. we, we are….. are clansmen?"

Qilin Hao smiled like a fiend as she said, "The day Qilin San killed my mother I was no longer a Qilin….. It just took me too long to realise." She even casually mentioned Qilin San\'s name like she had been set free and could do whatever she wants now.

After saying this she twisted the blade finishing the job. Seeing this a few half and pureblood Nocru alike took a step back subconsciously. They knew Qilin Hao wasn\'t right upstairs but not to this extent. Let\'s not even speak of the looks on Huishe Nan and Huishe Yue\'s faces.

Qilin Hao took back her blade with a gruesome smile on her face. Wiping the blood off her blade with a handkerchief she said, "Now are you ready to discuss business?"

Just as she asked this question she sensed something in the sky. Above her was a familiar figure. Qilin Kai was staring down at her with a smirk on his face like he had just discovered the biggest secret. Qilin Hao glanced over at Huishe Nan and said, "Would the clan leader mind bringing my cousin down from the sky otherwise if he leaves then it would make it hard for us to negotiate terms."

Huishe Nan clenched his fist as he looked up. Only the heavens know how he hated taking orders from Qilin Hao but it seemed this idiot was essential so he obliged to the entire clan\'s dismay.

Qilin Hao just tossed her sword on the side and chuckled menacingly as she said, "Don\'t be offended. It\'s just that if my cousin goes back to my father we won\'t have enough time to discuss. It\'s that simple." It seemed little Tong Tong would be coming in handy. As she sheathed her sword she suddenly glanced over to a familiar figure with chained wrists.

"Ah, even Wei Wei is here.. This is going to be very interesting," she said truly enjoying herself.

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