I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 539 - The Realm of Dead Souls

An Lin had used the Origin Energy of the Netherworld in conjunction with the Scorching Sun Pill, so he thought he would require at least a few days to recover from the after-effects.

However, what surprised him was that he was fully recovered after only half a day.

All of this could be attributed to the enhancements in durability and regenerative ability that the body of the War God had made to his body.

An Lin felt like he would even be able to avoid the after-effects altogether if he only used the Origin Energy of the Netherworld for a short, sharp burst at a time.

“Are you fully recovered now, Master?” Cassidy soon came to terms with the fact that An Lin required a recovery period after unleashing his true strength.

After all, the Ancient Tai Chu Realm barred cultivators of Return to Void Final Stage and above from entry. If one were to enter forcefully, they would immediately suffer from the backlash of the laws of heaven and earth. In her eyes, An Lin had to have suffered this backlash when he was forced to unleash his full power.

She saw no problems whatsoever with that explanation!

“I’m fine now. Let’s continue in our quest for more golden Realm Essence Crystals!”

An Lin took a deep breath and swallowed another Blood Spirit Pill before flying into the air atop his brick.

“Master, if you feel like Brick Kinesis Flight is too inconvenient, you can fly in my arms; it’s very soft and warm here,” Cassidy offered with a seductive smile as she showed off her impressive rack.

“Master, I can carry you in my arms too!” Merlin immediately chimed in.

An Lin’s face convulsed as he shook his head. “No thanks, I’m fine with hugging Little Tian.”

He enveloped Xue Zhantian in a tight hug as he spoke. He was quite warm and soft, and he made an ideal body pillow.

Xue Zhantian: “…”

Everyone continued to look for other peculiar locations around the nearby jade mountains, like the cylindrical mountain they had just encountered.

Since they were trying to do a thorough search, they flew through the air during their travels instead of traversing through the use of spatial manipulation. They encountered a whole host of Jade Beasts along the way, including tiger, snake, and falcon Jade Beast, but all of them either had no Realm Essence Crystals within their bodies, or the Realm Essence Crystal were white or green.

They searched through the area for an entire day but were still unable to find what they were looking for.

“We’ve pretty much traveled over the entirety of these mountain ranges; perhaps we should go somewhere else,” Merlin suggested with resignation on his face.

An Lin heaved a long sigh before making an inquiry, “Do you know of any other places where Realm Essence Crystals are likely to appear?”

“There is a place that comes to mind, and Cassidy probably knows of this place as well. However, that place is extremely dangerous to humans as it’s a place that the members of Void Spirit Tribe are really fond of…” Merlin replied a little hesitantly.

“What’s there to be scared of when our master is so powerful?” Cassidy was completely unfazed.

An Lin was a little alarmed upon hearing this. These two were greatly overestimating his true strength!

The Void Spirit Tribe was the most peculiar tribe on Tai Chu Continent, and they specialized in using all types of curses and soul techniques. They often had countless unimaginable ways to kill a person without their target even realizing what they were up to.

“How is the relationship between the Void Spirit Tribe and the Blood Tribe?” An Lin asked.

“We’re neither friend nor foe. We won’t battle each other on sight, and we won’t help out one another in battles, but we can’t rule out the prospect of them landing the killing blow on us should the opportunity arise,” Cassidy replied.

An Lin nodded. “Then let’s go. I can just act as your moving blood bank so that there’s no reason for them to attack me.”

Merlin’s chest constricted slightly upon hearing this as an indescribable sense of sorrow welled up in his heart…

After a short discussion, Merlin and Cassidy tore open a spatial gate to travel to their next destination.

That destination was the Realm of Dead Souls, which was located on the central tectonic plate of the Void Star Section, which was comprised of nine tectonic plates.

This was an extremely important place in the Ancient Tai Chu Realm as all the information gathered by past explorers suggested that this was very likely to be the capital of the Ancient Tai Chu Realm.

All the grandeur and luxury had long since been reduced to ashes and dust.

Countless trapped souls wandered the area, all of which were unable to pass on to the afterlife.

Some of them were malicious and cruel, some of them had no desires, and some of them were filled with melancholy and resentment…

This was the most lively place in the entire Ancient Tai Chu Realm as it was filled with the chatter of dead souls, some of which one could even communicate with, just like they would with a normal living being.

The Void Spirit Tribe was extremely fond of this place as there were always many delicious dead souls they could feast on. Although not all the souls were edible, the Void Spirit Tribe cultivators were always ecstatic when they found one that was suitable for consumption.

There was an ancient city here, where all the construction was a dull, beige color.

Many of the houses were dilapidated from age, and some had already been reduced to dust by the unforgiving flow of time.

Amid all the wreckage and dilapidation, a tall black tower stood in the center of this ancient city. It was unclear what material this tower was constructed from, but it remained seemingly completely untouched by the passage of time as it glowed lightly under the starry sky.

A black rift split open in the air.

From which a sexy woman in a black robe appeared with a man gripped in one hand and white ball held in the other.

There was also a slightly frail-looking man with golden hair following along behind her.

“This is the Realm of Dead Souls. We appear to be currently located in the southwestern region of the Realm of Dead Souls,” the woman announced.

An Lin looked down upon the dilapidated ancient city and was greeted by the sight of a dense expanse of courtyards and buildings, which stretched in all directions as far as his eyes could see. Just from that alone, it was easy to fathom just how grand the city was back in its heyday.

“Not only do we have to beware of Void Spirit Tribe cultivators, but we must also be cautious of the illusionary realms here. The illusionary realms here are extremely fearsome; there was a Blood Tribe cultivator that was driven insane after stumbling into an illusionary realm here two thousand years ago,” Merlin cautioned.

An Lin was shocked to hear this. Most of the Return to Void Stage mighty figures had extremely resolute dao hearts. How terrifying would the illusionary realms have to be to drive one of them insane?!

“Apparently fragments of the realm core may appear here as well. Master, how much blood can we exchange for one fragment of the realm core?” Cassidy asked with an expectant expression.

An Lin had no clue what this fragment of the realm core thing was.

He didn’t even have a chance to reply before Merlin began chuckling to himself. “You think you can find a fragment of the realm core? You sure do dare to dream! Those things are extremely rare and can only be discovered but not sought after. Out of everyone who had entered the Ancient Tai Chu Realm, there might not even be one who can actually find the fragment of the realm core.”

An Lin still didn’t know what these fragments of the realm core were, but they sounded extremely bad*ss, so he immediately established a new clause to his reward system. “One fragment of the realm core can be exchanged for ten milliliters of blood!”

Cassidy and Merlin both turned to look at An Lin with peculiar expressions on their faces.

“Master… are you aware of how valuable fragments of the realm core are?” Cassidy hesitated momentarily before posing a question.

An Lin blinked with incomprehension. “Why… is the price not right?”

Merlin offered a patient explanation as he said, “When a world crumbles, the matter within returns to its most fundamental form, which are the Realm Essence Crystals that can be used as building blocks for a new world.

“In contrast, a realm core is a manifestation of the laws and the dao of that realm. As such, fragments of the realm core are objects within which are contained the laws and the dao of a particular realm. In other words, each and every fragment of the realm core is a priceless treasure that can be used to construct the core of a new world. It can also provide great assistance to a Return to Void Stage cultivator in their quest to progress to Dao Integration Stage…”

An Lin’s heart stirred slightly upon hearing this.

This stuff sounded like it was extremely valuable!

But why hadn’t Emperor Ziwei ever mentioned something like this to him?

Oh… right, this was most likely something exclusive to the Void Star Section, so there was no point in informing the Soul Formation Stage cultivators of their existence.

An Lin pondered for a moment before amending his reward clause. “One fragment of the realm core can be exchanged for 30 milliliters of blood!”

A joyful expression appeared on the faces of Cassidy and Merlin upon hearing this.

“Let’s go find fragments of the realm core, Master!” Cassidy was raring to go.

“No! Our top priority is still to find more golden Realm Essence Crystal!” An Lin spoke with a stern expression.

“That’s a good mindset. Fragments of the realm core are extremely rare, so it’s best to stay grounded. It’s good that you’re not getting carried away, Master.” Merlin smiled as he offered words of praise.

An Lin heaved a forlorn sigh in his heart. Preserving his d*ck was his top priority, so he had no choice but to stay grounded…

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