How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 80 - 80 Respect

Chapter 80: Chapter 80 Respect

The general content of the eternal story to Huo Gu, because the heat source range in the hive area is too small to accommodate all the collectors, it is necessary for some collectors to make sacrifices.

It is quite difficult for collectors to make such a decision. There is no aging, and there is no big knowledge gap. Whether they survive or other peers, they can continue the ethnic group.

In such a situation where everyone is almost the same, why do you have to die by yourself and become other people of the same family?

Life is selfish, and collectors are no exception. It\'s just that because the channel built by the life field reduces unnecessary misunderstandings, it is not highlighted. Now they realize a new concept for the first time - selfishness.

Even if they can perceive each other\'s feelings, they can still cause disputes. The so-called "more understanding can avoid disputes" in the mouths of the Notre Dame bitches on earth is just a joke, and the unity of the collectors collapsed at this moment.

The battle broke out, and I don\'t know who started to take the lead. When the permanent notice, the same clans were already killing each other and fighting for the position in the hot source area of the beehive.

The land-and-sea excavation project has taught the collectors how to use stones. They use stones with sharp blades to push the water, and cut open the skin of their opponents when they pass by.

Or block in front of the stormer and use the opponent\'s sprint to let the long shuttle-shaped stone pierce the enemy.

Mian was scared by the picture depicted by sustainability. Although it is unmatched for the collectors, Mian has never fought in groups. The most fierce time was to fight alone with Huo Gu, although the scope has spread to the global level.

"That is to say, you came here after being killed by your peers?"

Huo Gu was slightly surprised. He thought that the other party was the same as it. After being frozen, he entered a view of time with it.

However, the answer after perpetualization confirms that its idea is not wrong.

"No, no, no, will, I didn\'t die, and I didn\'t participate in the battle. I volunteered to sacrifice myself and wanted to give more hot spots for other races."

"So that\'s it..."

"What about your other relatives? Is there anything frozen?"

"Yes, I received the ice with those losers."

The perpetual answer makes Huo Gu feel that there is something wrong. If other collectors are also frozen, why is there only the eternal collector who talks to it?

So Huo Gu asked again.

"Is there anyone who, like you, intend to sacrifice yourself and become other collectors of the same clan?"

Huo Gu felt that he seemed to be able to grasp the key point of the collector\'s entry into this view of time.

"Uh... It seems that there is no."

Perpetuality feels a little embarrassed. After all, this kind of thing is not glorious. It can already imagine the disappointment of the supreme will to them. At the most critical times, the choice of the collectors is not to unite and unite, but to kill each other.

It seems that only those who truly contribute to their own race can enter here after freezing - this is the speculation that the collector entered this view of time after Huo Gu\'s summary of information.

"So, noble and great supreme will, can you tell me where this is? Have you been trapped in this place and can\'t leave after that decisive battle?

"I don\'t know exactly where this is. You can ask that guy. It should be clear, and can you not call me \'Supreme Will\'? It sounds embarrassing."

"That can\'t be done. Will is will. You are the supreme existence for us."

Huo Gu\'s proposal for perpetuence should be the supreme will to test its loyalty.

Loyalty, only this point of permanentness is absolute self-confidence. Among the whole collector,

If its loyalty to the supreme will ranks second, no collector is qualified to rank first.Seeing that the perpetual tone is so persistent, Huo Gu did not force it. It is to know what crazy believers are. Anyway, what the other party thinks about the other party\'s own affairs. As long as it doesn\'t interfere and affect you, it doesn\'t matter.

"Will, who are you talking about?"

[I\'ve been here for so long, and you\'ve been ignoring me, haven\'t you?]

"...Who are you?"

Perpetuality was shocked by the informant, mainly because it focused too much on Huo Gu just now, and it subconsciously ignored it selectively.

However, perpetuality does not show much apology. Its courtesy will only appear in the face of Huo Gu, because it is \'loyalty\'. The relationship with other collectors is basically like the early primitive tribes, asking for each other, and there is no politeness.

However, this kind of sustainable behavior deeply stimulates Mino, which has caused a psychological gap. The more straightforward feeling is - what kind of green onion are you?

[You... Huo Gu, this is provoking me by itself. You have nothing to say, right?]

"Well, this guy is not sensible enough compared with you, and he is the third visitor here for so long. Why don\'t you give him a chance?"

"Besides, didn\'t it know your existence before?"

Huo Gu didn\'t say the words clearly. but gently started to play the edge ball, which can also cleverly resolve the embarrassment. It is not a fool. This kind of misunderstanding and contradiction due to communication, of course, can turn big things into small things into small things, and it is best to turn a planet to make trouble. It\'s enough to make Huo Gu feel big.

"Everlasting, let me tell you, you must have the same respect as me, understand?"


"Because you and your people use it all. Strictly speaking, I can\'t make you without it, because without materials, it is also your creator."

Huo Gu\'s words are not aimless. Without the original whim, so many amino acids were made with lightning high temperature and water, so there was no microbial ecosystem in the Hadesian period, and Huo Gu may die, and it is impossible to become the cluster consciousness of any cell population.

In a sense, it is also said that Shi Yan saved Huo Gu.

"So, its true face is..."

Hearing the \'Creator\', the spirit suddenly came, and it also felt a little incredible. It didn\'t know that there was a supreme will, which seriously challenged its loyalty.

"Yes, it is the world you live in, the ocean, the atmosphere, the bottom of the sea, everything in this range, its collection is what I call \'the sea\'."

[That\'s right, you know, I\'m such an amazing existence.]


Although Huo Gu didn\'t have a throat, he still felt that he was choked by the sudden coming. He praised him to resolve the embarrassment, but he boasted like this, which turned into narcisssism.

However, fortunately, sustainability does not care about this. Whether it is continuous or sustainable, the thinking is still in a simple stage, and no one\'s heart is so complicated.

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