How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 139 - 139 Alien

Chapter 139: Chapter 139 Alien

A big living person disappeared so mysteriously?

The general commander who received the information from the 998 soldiers Wang Fan team was anxious and puzzled. Previously, they clearly saw the beggar going to the library from the surveillance video.

"Report! There is something wrong with Room 0364 in the civilian area!"

The monitor pulled out the surveillance video not long ago and displayed it on the big screen.

Then, the picture in the surveillance video made everyone in the hall suffocate at the same time.

In a kitchen in the shelter, many tentacles stretched out from the hole of the ventilation duct isolation plate into the broth being cooked.

And the chefs who are still busy in the kitchen all turned their backs to the broth being cooked. They didn\'t know that there was an extra \'extraor\' in the kitchen, and they were even chatting.

This process did not last long. Soon, the broth in the big pot bottomed out, and the tentacles shrank back into the ventilation pipe. In the subsequent surveillance video, only those who turned around and then looked at the chefs in the big pot in a daze.

The commander-general immediately spoke.

"Which is the nearest team?"

"Team 054."

"Let them check the situation in the ventilation pipe of the kitchen as soon as possible. All teams should make preparations and protect the people as the first priority. Don\'t let that thing cause us any major losses."

"I understand."

The degree of busyness in the headquarters has suddenly increased by ten to fifteen times, and various instructions have been systematically transmitted to the patrol teams around the shelter. A battle layout for that kitchen and even the ventilation ducts inside the whole shelter is gradually taking shape efficiently and quickly.

The commander-general gave another order.

"Go on the order, let the free team investigate the ventilation pipes everywhere one by one, and catch that thing as soon as possible."


Then there was a new disturbance in the shelter, but these had little to do with Si, because it had left the ventilation duct.

He stepped into the library as a collector. As the door closed, Si suddenly fell into a dark environment.

Generally speaking, the power switch should be turned on, which is the normal operation, but I am not conscious of this, because the collector never use an electric light.

The environment in the library is very dim. Even if it relies on the night vision ability that is more powerful and keen than a night vision goggles, the scene is blurred. It is like suffering from a high myopia, and the object can only see the general outline, but I\'m afraid it is not good to see the text in the book clearly.

"I really want to read..."

"But I can\'t see it."

Si walked back and forth in great distress, and the sound of tapping on the floor when walking was clearly audible in the library.

"It\'s not easy to get here..."

"...I want to read... I really want to read..."

At the beginning, it was indeed Huo Gu who forced all the collectors to learn knowledge, but there will always be some individuals who are \'addicted\' in learning. Thinking is such a typical example.

For it, the suspension of alien schools is like a drug addict cutting off drugs, which is simply shocking news.

Therefore, with the promotion of this \'addiction\', all this has been done today.

Now, it can relieve my \'addiction\', but such a difficult problem has emerged.

"There must be a way... There must be a way... It\'s just that I didn\'t expect..."

"The method must exist..."

Thoughts began to drift away, just like it thought about how to continue to see books after the suspension of the alien school.

"There is light outside the door, but not inside..."

"If there is a hole in the door..."


That\'s it!"Si, who made up his mind, came to the door and put his limbs against the metal door.

The single molecular blade was charged, and a small hole was poked out. This opening was not obvious from the outside. At most, it was equivalent to one-tenth of a millimeter. It was thanks to this small hole that the light outside the door spilled in.

There is not much light through the small hole, and the visible light range is still out of reach, but the infrared perspective is OK.

He ran to the books with great interest and put them under the glimmer of light, and even the hunger after using the single molecular blade was completely forgotten.

It is the same as the situation in the last laboratory. Every time you read a page, Si will tear it off with tentacles and turn it into its own nutrients.

After reading one book, the speed of turning the pages is also very fast. It is not like reading a book at all, but more like turning a book just to turn a book.

This is mostly due to the collector\'s memory ability. It can be said that they are all unforgettable. When someone, something, something is recorded as \'knowledge\', it is basically impossible to forget, because that \'knowledge\' is recorded on the gene.

It was carried near the gate, and the books piled up like mountains were eaten one by one. They were eaten in various senses, from \'peaks\' to \'hills\', and then from \'hills\' to \'flat land\'. The creatures consumed by limbs can be supplemented.

From the sea of books, subconsciously shook his body, and the shell fell off like a layer of dandruff. These are the excrement after the body consumes energy.

In the past, collectors living in water did not excrete in this way. They relied on the drainage cavity, gathered the excreta into this cavity, and then excreted the excreta out of the body through running water.

But there is no water on the ground, and it is impossible to excrete in this way. The previous collectors died quickly, and no one would consider excreting on land, so this is a unique ability to think. It is more adapted to the environment on land than sustainability.

After experiencing stupid events, they regard modifying genes as an extremely dangerous \'taboo\'. If it is not necessary, they will never try to touch it, but Si does not think so, although it still guarantees \'loyalty\'.

Si is an alien, when he incarnates an alien, and it is the same among collectors.

When the mountains of books turned into delicious meals in its belly, I found a hidden corner in the library and lay down like a force.

It\'s not really a loss of strength, but this posture is the most comfortable for the current thought. It needs to be quiet and \'digest\' the knowledge that has been remembered.

Knowledge is not just a matter of writing it down. It also needs to be understood, integrated, and inferences. Only in this way can \'knowledge\' really become something to think about oneself.

"Introduction and Conjecture of the Micro World..."

"Orbit Calculation and Precautions of Star Trek..."

"100 Algorithms of Astronomical Coordinates..."

"It feels so difficult. I just learned atomic structure. Isn\'t there anything more basic?"

"There is! Simple Physics from scratch..."

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