How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 343 - 344 The Heart’s Go (9)

Chapter 343: Chapter 344 The Heart\'s Go (9)

People are screaming, wailing, crying...

The building is falling, collapsing, disintegrating...

Civilization is separated, broken, and destroyed...

Huo Gu saw it all the way. He looked down on all this with an inexplicable God, but he could do nothing. He could only watch the demise of the human race.

On the first day, global shock waves washed the earth, tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes, destroying everything they could destroy, and human civilization was wiped out.

The next day, the number of organisms that fell on the earth\'s surface began to proliferate, adjusting their genes to differentiate into different organisms to work collectively, honeycombs, rhizomes, collectors, radar organisms...

On the fourth day, tens of millions of titanium snails rushed to the sky, and then fell back to the ground like rain, repeatedly establishing biological strongholds, and a large number of organisms were manufactured.

On the fifth day, titanium snails continued to be manufactured in large quantities in biological strongholds around the world.


On the eighth day, the last wave of titanium snails fell from the orbit to complete the surface coverage, and the blue color of the earth was completely extinct. Instead, it was black like ink. The towering mountains were flattened, the deep oceans were filled, and the flat hills and deserts were covered... Multicellular creatures other than humans completely disappeared from the earth. .

Huo Gu looked at the last human, huddled in the corner of a room of the underground nuclear defense facility, and looked with trembling and horror at the tentacles penetrating the one-meter-thick isolation metal door like paper paste, and killed himself in despair.

"It\'s all your fault..."

The sound suddenly sounded. Huo Gu looked at it and found that he had been in a desolate and completely blank space.

The person who said this was a little boy, who was staring at Huo Gu with tears in his eyes.

Huo Gu realized that he had recovered his body, but his body still could not leave the original place, but could simply turn the perspective.

After the figure of this little boy, more and more human figures appear in this pure white space, including old and young, and young, but what they have in common is that they are full of hatred for Huo Gu, gritting their teeth, and eager to drink his blood, eat his flesh, and raise his bones and ashes.

"It\'s all your fault!"

"Why did you create that kind of monster!"

"You are a sinner of human beings!"

"I hate you!"

"You don\'t deserve to be a human being!"

"Kill you! I\'m going to kill you!"


The voices of condemnation were endless. Huo Gu looked around, all of which were abuse, curse, hatred for him...

Suddenly, Huo Gu felt that the corners of his clothes had been pulled. He looked down and saw that it was a little blonde girl. The corners of her eyes were blood and tears, dripping on her white sleeves, leaving stains.

"...why...why...what on earth did I do wrong...why was I killed..."

"...because your parents are not there anymore...woo-woo..."

The little girl looked at Huo Gu\'s eyes crying, as if she wanted to find the answer from Huo Gu, and as if she was complaining about what had happened to her.

Huo Gu didn\'t say anything. He just gently rubbed the little girl\'s head and continued to silently bear the hostility from all human beings.

I don\'t know how long it took to scold, and the scold and curse gradually dissipate. In the pure white space, the number of human beings who hate is gradually scarce, and finally even the little girl closest to Huo Gu disappeared.

[Your racial civilization is gone. Why are you just sad but not resentful?]

"I can\'t hate it. Maybe it\'s because I\'m the creator of them."

[The civilization you created by yourself has betrayed you and wants to kill you. Aren\'t you angry?]

"I have never asked for their loyalty. Why should I be angry because of their betrayal?"

Follow the sound,

What Huo Gu saw was just a transparent human figure similar to his human appearance.Huo Gu sighed and responded to the other party\'s inquiry, but he was not surprised by the stranger he had never contacted.

[Do you know my existence?]

"I know, you are the maker of my dream, right?"

[How did you find it?]

"The limitation of dreams is that it is impossible to present what I and you don\'t know. It\'s easy to find out if you know this."

"You don\'t know what other aspects of human civilization are there besides what I have seen and heard. As long as I open a book that I have never read, the content will be a mess. Many genetic maps that I have never seen can\'t be understood."

"Also, the collectors, their technology is not enough to support them to cross the starry sky. I have a picture of this river system in my memory. Compared with the Milky Way, it is easy to find the difference between the two, which shows that I have long left the Milky Way far away and am in an unknown corner of the universe. If the collectors are just It is impossible for that kind of technology to meet human beings.

"Moreover, there is no reason for them to kill all human beings at all. Kills me can also be said to be for the supreme will, which can kill all human beings. What can they get? If it is just a simple pursuit of matter, it is not impossible to go to Mars, and human civilization is also a civilization in the final analysis. The value of a civilization cannot be measured simply by matter.

"Cultural integration is most likely to cause a technological explosion, just as I helped the collectors absorb the knowledge of the Nathelin people. However, even if the collectors dismember the whole earth, they can\'t create a new human civilization from nothing. This comparison shows which side is more valuable."

"Although they are all idiots, it doesn\'t mean that they are arrogant. On the contrary, they are easy to learn and all good students. I taught them what to maximize benefits."

Hearing Huo Gu give examples one by one, the transparent human figure is no longer relaxed. He rubbed his chin and thought in a very humane way.

[So much...]

[Completely immersed in the dream, you can still find so much...]

[But why are you not only not negative emotions, but also happy when you are killed?]

"Kill me means that my existence is dispensable and no longer important to them. It also means that they have learned to think independently and no longer put all the problems on me, an individual who doesn\'t know when they will make mistakes."

"So I\'m gratified that even if I know that this is just a dream, the technical seeds I buried have not made the group of idiots take root."

Speaking of this, Huo Gu sighed. He knew that it could not be blamed on the collector, because the creator of this dream could not push the performance at all. After the technical seeds took root and sprouted, the collectors\' civilization.

"Now I ask you, who are you? Or, what are you?"

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