How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 490 - 491 Black Hole Hairless

Chapter 490: Chapter 491 Black Hole Hairless

"I don\'t understand."

At first, he expressed doubts, and the sub-light speed creatures immediately asked the first question later.

"Can antimatter shrink into a black hole?"

"... Antimatter itself has mass, and of course it can shrink into a black hole."

At the beginning of meditation, he gave an answer he thought, and the sublight speed creature was not in a hurry to give the answer, and continued to ask another question that extended from the initial answer.

"Is there any difference between such a black hole and a black hole formed by positive matter? What happens when two black holes meet? Do they annihilate each other, or merge into a black hole of greater mass?


After the temptation of sub-light speed creatures, Chu Sui was stunned. The question in his heart was solved and suddenly opened up, but he was also speechless. It can\'t be said to be very smart, but it is not stupid. According to such a derivation logic, the black hole itself can be immune to antimatter.

Sublight speed creatures also revealed the answer later.

"The answer is the latter. A black hole is a black hole, just a black hole. It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s positive or negative."

"You should know the hairless law of black holes, right? After antimatter falls into a black hole, a large amount of information will be lost. In addition to changing the charge of the black hole, these antimatter cannot reduce the mass you expect.

"In the final analysis, antimatter is not \'anti-mass\'. Those things are just substances that are opposite to the electrical properties of positive matter."

Speaking of \'anti-mass\', the sub-light speed creature paused for a moment and continued.

"Even if the population has \'anti-mass\', it is still not a wise choice to use them to deal with black holes."

"Objection, the black hole seriously threatens the safety of the population, especially in the case of the gravitational interference of many stars. Once the black hole enters the star system, it will inevitably trigger a supernova explosion. If it is not a wise choice to eliminate such a threat, what kind of choice is wise?"

At the beginning, there were collectors who questioned, but the questioners were soon speechless by the next question of the sublight creatures.

"Have you forgotten the principle of black hole bombs?"


Sub-light speed creatures are slow to explain the consequences of black holes being reduced in mass.

"The loss of a large amount of mass in a black hole will lead to the weakening of the gravity of the black hole. When the gravity of the black hole is not enough to constrain the stable existence of the black hole itself, the internal singularity will instantly release all the energy. No, to be more accurately, it is tens of millions of times shorter than \'instant\'."

"The power of this singularity explosion of a natural black hole is not lower than that of a star\'s supernova explosion, and it can even be said to be more than that, so black holes must not be destroyed by reducing mass, especially the relative position of black holes that are not far from the star system of the population. The singularity explosion will only make the family The group suffered greater losses.

After all, whether it is a singularity outbreak or a supernova explosion, it is essentially the same situation for collectors. To sum up, it is just three words - very terrible.

Either way, it is not what collectors want to see what happens.

"So, let the black hole break through like this? This is also very dangerous. Even if it is not the star system of the group, the black hole enters other star systems, and the supernova explosion caused will still affect the group, because a supernova explosion will make a dead Jedi for tens of light years.

"Do you have a better way?" Sub-light creatures asked.


"It\'s not that we want to let go, but that we don\'t have the ability to destroy black holes at all. It\'s the most extreme celestial body in the universe, and the ability of the group is far from enough." The sublight speed creatures replied helplessly.

After a while of silence, I tried to put forward another plan.

"Is it feasible if you don\'t want to eliminate black holes and induce black holes instead?"

The sub-light speed creature replied, "This depends on the situation. It depends on the charge of the black hole. Before we left, the survey of the black hole by the group has just been carried out, and there is no result. It should be clear after waiting for a while."

"If the charge of the black hole is very high, we can rely on external strong magnetism to induce it to achieve the purpose of deflection of the black hole trajectory, but..."

"But what?" First question.

"However, this is only theoretical success. In fact, the difficulty is too high. The huge density of black holes is a difficult difficulty to overcome. The volume is too small but the mass is extremely large, which leads to a limited number of units of magnetic field deflection that can be deployed. If the kinetic energy of the deflection is not strong enough, this kind of deflection is equivalent to non-existent. " Sub-light speed biologic path.

As sublight-speed creatures say, because the density of the black hole itself is too dense, it is difficult to implement, which is like letting a few ants try to push away a skyscraper.

At first, they had different views on this.

"There is no resistance in the universe. If it is accumulated for a long time, the deflection of the black hole trajectory can also be achieved. Is that black hole also at the speed of sublight?"

Speed is just a state, and acceleration is the amount of change. Many people tend to confuse these two concepts. In the absence of resistance, only the amount of change will need energy, and the state itself does not need it. So when an object is thrown out in space, if there is nothing to give resistance to stop its operation. Move, then it will move in a straight line at a constant speed forever.

Therefore, even a celestial body with such a high density as a black hole can deflect its trajectory as long as it is given enough distance and time, and with the current technical level of Amoeba.

After all, it\'s still a matter of inertia.

"Not at all. The speed is initially estimated at 300 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to one thousandth of the speed of light. Compared with the starting star system, the relative speed of other star systems is different and needs to be calculated separately."

At the beginning, they explained the information of the black hole, and the sublight speed creatures paused for a while to explain their thoughts.

"In fact, we prefer that the speed of this black hole can be higher, and the speed of motion at sublight speed is not a good thing."

"The mass and density of black holes are very large, and the greater the speed, the greater the inertia. Inertia will ensure that the black hole will not be too gravitationally offset by other stars. With the current trajectory of the black hole, the population will not be in danger."

"By the way, does the will know about the black hole?"

Some collectors asked sublight speed creatures, At the beginning, this star system was too far away from the starting star, and it was immersed in the development and construction. The news was a little blocked.

"It should be known now that we have star broadcasting. Even the Selin people on the surface can only rely on the naked eye to get the information we send from the visible spectrum if they look up at the sky at night."

"Since the will knows, we don\'t need to worry too much about the ethnic group."

Sub-light creatures thought about it and agreed with their thoughts at the beginning.

"You\'re right."

On the other hand, the situation on the starting star is different from what they thought at the beginning.

"What? Black hole?!"

"Why did everyone come to ask me, what can I do to make a black hole for archaeological research? A pick pick?"

"I have a headache..."

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