Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 2 - The Fox's Fate Is Sealed

The king wasn\'t impressed by Chu Yun\'s powers of deduction.

"That hasn\'t escaped our notice," he said, his tone thick with derision. "The Zui king is also aware. That won\'t be a problem for the upcoming marriage alliance. As you know, your feelings on the matter are irrelevant."

Chu Yun fell to his knees once again, prostrating himself in an even deeper kowtow. "This lowly subject is father\'s only alpha heir, begging uncle to please reconsider."

In a last bid to swerve off the cruel road that stretched out in front of him, Chu Yun ignored propriety and tried to appeal to his uncle\'s feelings by reminding him that it was his own nephew he was condemning to such a fate.

The king was unmoved. "Stop your nagging. If your alpha pride is hurt at the idea of marrying into another household, then why are you behaving like a squirming omega?"

Chu Yun bit his tongue. What did the king expect him to say?

Most alphas grew up knowing they would one day be the head of their household, and take one, or several, spouses across their thresholds.

The most romantically inclined dreamed of meeting an omega who would be their soulmate for life, the less so, at least dreamed of bedding several of them!

Chu Yun wasn\'t entirely sure on which side he fell, but it wasn\'t on the side that wanted another alpha!

All his life, he actively avoided other alphas, having always found their company grating and presence oppressive.

He had a thousand other grievances on the tip of his tongue, but the severe line of the king\'s knitted eyebrows silenced them all.

"Whatever complaints you have are best kept to yourself. The matter has been settled, a royal decree has already been issued to the Prince of Jing\'s household, we suggest you hurry back home and be there by the time it arrives."


The carriage ride back home to his father\'s, the Prince of Jing, estate passed by in a blur. Chu Yun\'s mother, prince Jing\'s official omega wife, was already waiting for him at the door.

As soon as Chu Yun stepped out of the carriage she scooped him him up into a hug, bypassing the servants and wrapping her thin arms around his neck. "Oh my son, my poor son! Who could have done this to us?"

Madam Jing was a beautiful woman, with a long crane\'s neck, and fine, jade-like skin. But there was iron under her softness. The same iron that gave Chu Yun his sharp fox eyes, that could be as seductive as they were cunning. To see his usually regal and composed mother reduced to sobs of humiliation twisted the dagger already lodged in his ribs.

Chu Yun returned his mother\'s embrace listlessly, his gaze empty.

He didn\'t have an answer for her, only an echo of her question.

Weddings between two alphas, or two omegas, weren\'t entirely unheard of. They happened among the common people, and among the nobility too. Except that among the nobles they served only one purpose -- to completely sever a family branch or line.

Chu Yun was his father\'s heir, as the only alpha child of his first wife. The Prince of Jing only had one alpha son, one omega son, and one beta daughter who was merely a baby. With Chu Yun married into another family, the Prince of Jing had no heir to pass on his title.

The king must have decided that Chu Yun represented a threat to his sons\' legitimate claim to the throne. Which wasn\'t surprising considering the sheer incompetence of his three alpha sons.

Maybe he feared that Chu Yun would grow too popular among the common people, or that his skills as a military strategist would earn him the support and respect of the army, even though he wasn\'t a soldier himself?

Chu Yun had no desire to seize the throne from the grasp of his incompetent cousins. His only ambition was to live a long, carefree life. Now, his uncle was sending him into a literal wolf den.

His mother took him into the inner courtyard, where his father was already pacing back and forth, looking white as a sheet.

Chu Yun only had the time to exchange a brief look of despair with his father before one of the servants rushed in to announce the arrival of a royal envoy.

Everyone in the courtyard fell to their knees in deep prostration as the envoy from the royal palace read the King\'s edict and sealed Chu Yun\'s fate.


After the envoy left, the Prince of Jing retreated to his rooms, complaining of a headache. Chu Yun\'s mother, Madam Yin, went after him, followed by his father\'s other concubines.

Chu Yun retreated to his own rooms to lick his wounds. He was going to be the Consort of the Second Prince of Zui -- whether he wanted to or not. He wouldn\'t humiliate his father and their entire family by going against the king\'s orders.

His personal servant, Hua Nanyi, a human beta from Su -- as all humans were --, gave him a look of commiseration as soon as he entered the room.

Chu Yun dismissed all other servants except for her and fell face-first into his bed. "Nanyi, I\'m fucked."

Behind him, Hua Nanyi sighed. "That seems to be the case, your Grace."

There was a beat of silence, and then Nanyi cleared her throat, extremely uncomfortable. "I understand that your Grace probably doesn\'t want to think about this, but, there is also the matter of your dowry."

From the bed, Chu Yun let out a muffled groan.

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