The Great Demon System

Chapter 115: Good News / Bad News

115 Good News / Bad News

"Jayden, is it true that the butler cooks most of your meals and is your head chef? Every time I come here I always have the best food in the world!" Moby asked, using his mind link, taking a bite from a large chicken drumstick.

"Well yeah! Of course! He\'s been cooking for me for as long as I can remember! Turning him into a demon would be great but I am not sure how he would react so I would not risk it." Jayden replied.

"By the way, is Alex still visiting his family home?" Moby asked while still stuffing his face with food.

"Yeah, I think he should be coming back sometime today or tomorrow. And, speaking of family visits, do you want to join me on my visit to my main family mansion tomorrow! I want to introduce you to my family! I am sure that you would get along well!" Jayden replied with a smile.

"Well… If you say so… I guess I\'ll go… I would rather have your family\'s blessing and approval for being with you rather than have them against me…" Moby said with an awkward chuckle, leading to Jayden getting really excited.

"Abby, do you have any plans for the next two days? Moby asked Abby who had been acting more quietly than usual.

"Well… My family invited me to a dinner party to celebrate my new record-breaking performance. However, I declined their offer of course. I know that they must have some sort of plan to fuck with me. Or it might just be a trap by my sister who got angry that I broke her record. Or, it might be that now that they know that I am very strong and can achieve great things, they want to make up with me and pretend like nothing happened which I would no way in hell agree to! I would say that they could all die in a hole for all I care but such a death would be far too lenient and merciful." Abby said with clear disgust in her voice before becoming all wide-eyed.

"Oh! I am sorry for my tone my lord! I meant no disrespect! I just got carried away when I talk about my…" Abby apologized before being interrupted by Moby.

"SHUT UP!" He roared using his mind-link, smashing his hand on the table, startling both Jayden and Abby as they had never seen him talk to them in such a tone.

"You don\'t need to apologize! I will not eat you alive or scold you for acting natural and revealing your true emotions to me! You don\'t need to hide it bottle it all up inside! However, I will scold you for constantly trying to put up an act in front of me! I care about you and I want to share in your burdens! Even if I am your superior, I want you to act natural around me and not hold anything back! We are friends and family now after all!" Moby said in a serious voice.

"Please consider and take my advice to heart, don\'t misconstrue my words. I by no means hate you! Quite the opposite actually! I said what I said for your own good. This environment is different from your family house so treat it as such! Those fuckers who traumatized you will still pay!" Moby said with a comically evil laugh, trying to bring up Abby\'s mood.

"Don\'t worry my lord… I am not sad or mad at you… I understand what your intentions were full well… I know that you care about me and had my best interests in mind… I am just sad that I did not come to such a realization sooner as old your truths and kind words hit me like a truck as I started to feel a mixture of happiness and sadness about how much you guys really see me as a part of your family… Don\'t worry! I am okay now! And I will try my best to take your advice to heart! You don\'t have to worry about me!" Abby said, wiping away her tears before giving a big, bright smile and a thumbs up to the rest of the group.

"Good! Anyw…" Moby said, before being interrupted by a barrage of notifications.

\\u003c System alert \\u003e

\\u003c Your servant has killed a high E rank enemy! \\u003e

\\u003c +5000 XP \\u003e

\\u003c New Quest Complete!\\u003e

An Angel\'s Wish



Complete the dying wish of the former human and new angel, Neia Spud.

Part 1:

Conditions to complete:

Kill Natalia Xane in the cruellest, most brutal, most humiliating way imaginable. Make her suffer a very slow, brutal, humiliating death and make her pay for all the pain and suffering she has inflicted on others.

Time limit: 2 week

Reward: Angel\'s Blessing skill level 2



[ Angel\'s Blessing [ Passive ] (Level 2) ]

A blessing bestowed upon a person by an angel with a completely pure heart of gold.


Holy energy resistance +20%

Health +20%

Energy regeneration +20%


\'Hahaha! Exactly as planned! She blew herself up! Now the police and school can\'t salvage any remains of her body! I am not sure how a demon body differs from a human body but I am positive that there are many differences if they look in-depth so I can\'t risk it! They must not know about the existence of us demons! Plus, they have no major leads to us as no one saw Natalia when she entered and left the mansion other us, we made 100% sure of it! Even if they find a small lead somehow, we can always just get past the lie detector test easily!\' Moby thought with a smile.

"Hahaha! Well fam we did it! Natalia is no more! She got what she deserved for all the shit she\'s done! Now let us commence the celebrations! No tears or depression allowed here! Now let\'s have some fun!" Moby said, addressing his family with a smile and cup in hand as they cheered in celebration as well.


A few minutes later… Xane family mansion.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"My lord! My lord! I have an urgent matter to discuss! It\'s from your daughter!" A servant banged on the door in panic.

"Come in…" Arthur Xane, Natalia\'s dad responded.

"My lord! It\'s a letter from your daughter! I think it\'s extremely important! Why else would she send a letter instead of a message on her phone!" The servant said, holding a dirty white letter in his hand.

"Well… It\'s about time! Did she get bored staying at her friend\'s poor shabby house and now wants to beg me for her forgiveness to let her back? Or is she actually owning up to her actions? Time to find out!" He said with a smile, swiping the letter from the hands of his servant before opening it up with no hesitation at first, which dissolved into extreme nervousness when the letter was finally in his hand.

"Dear father, you had been nothing more than a great guy to me. Although it was true that you did pamper me a little too much, it was all because you really cared about me. Or at least that was what I thought at first. You threw me out of the house with no hesitation at all just because I broke a pile of metal. It made me realize that that pile of metal was indeed more precious to you than me, your very own daughter. For the past 5 days, I have been living on the streets, with no money, no shelter, all cold and alone. I tried to contact my best friend, but when she found out that I had been kicked out and abandoned she just left and treated me like trash, not even batting an eye. It\'s funny, isn\'t it? All of my friends only liked and respected me due to my family\'s power and influence, not because they liked me for who I was. While I was on the street, I got involved with a lot of gangs that randomly found me and took me in due to my nice-looking body… They tortured and raped me every day, taking away my phone as well so I couldn\'t contact you even if I hated your guts as my school watch was only able to call fellow students. After many days of non-stop rape and abuse, I somehow managed to escape. I am writing this letter now to tell you that I am going to kill myself… I can\'t take it anymore! Life is not worth living to me anymore! It\'s all filled with nothing more than pain and misery. I managed to steal some explosives from the gang that kidnapped me and I will be using them to blow myself up so so you won\'t even have to see me, or my body again, just like you wanted. I will also be taking that bitch of a best friend that betrayed me in my time of need with me. If you are reading this right now it means that I am most likely dead. Goodbye… Forever… You sad excuse for a fucking father…

Hate… Your abandoned daughter… Natalia Xane…" Arthur read, enthusiastic at all the praise at first before his face twisted and turned into something much sadder and uglier, a river of tears falling down his face and on the piece of paper under him as he began to severely hyperventilate.

"I-I didn\'t mean for any of this to happen… I never abandoned you… My poor little girl… My pretty little Natalia… All I said was that you were not allowed in the house for a little… I didn\'t disown you… Why did this all happen… My heart…" Arthur mumbled to himself, shaking like crazy, tears still running down his face.

"My lord… What happened… Do you need any…" One of the servants said before being interrupted.

"HEY! ALL YOU FUCKERS LISTEN UP! GO OUT AND LOOK FOR MY DAUGHTER! IF SHE IS NOT FOUND IN THE NEXT 15 MINUTES IT WILL BE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER!" He ordered, like a crazy person, looking at all the concerned looking servants behind him.

Then, suddenly as the first group of servants left, another servant came rushing in the room at extreme speed with a pale face.

"What is it now!! Why the fuck are you not out looking for my daughter with all those other useless, good for nothing idiots!" He bellowed in extreme anger, tears still running down his face, still clenching Natalia\'s letter in his shaky right arm.

"U-u-umm… M-my lord… I am sorry to say this but… She… She… She is already dead… She blew herself up in the middle of Roristo Parc leaving nothing behind, her and her classmate Becky…" The servant nervously answered.

As soon as he heard those words come out of his servant\'s mouth, he immediately felt weak in his knees, falling down abruptly on his ass with a beyond shocked expression on his ghost-like face.

"I lost everything… My wife… And now my daughter… I have nothing to live for… I am a failure… Why must I be so stupid? It was just a stupid hunk of metal… Why did I even care about it… To the point of kicking my daughter out..."

"Don\'t worry… Layla, Natalia… I will atone for my sins… with my life… I hope you forgive me… I will be meeting you in the afterlife… My family…" He said, pulling out a pocket knife, as he went to stab himself before being restrained by his servants begging him not to do it.

"No my lord! Don\'t do it! It wasn\'t your fault!" They all tried to comfort him and hold him back.

"LEAVE ME BE YOU FUCKERS! JUST LET ME DIE AND SEE MY FAMILY AGAIN!" He roared like a mad man, pushing and shoving everyone that tried to stop him.

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