The Great Demon System

Chapter 193 - Janitor (2)

Chapter 193: Janitor (2)

After 1 or 2 minutes of non-stop running, jumping from tree to tree to lessen his footprints, he finally reached his destination, the old battlefield where Abby\'s and Alex\'s fight took place.

Yet, before he even surveyed any of the surroundings, he instinctively jumped up all the way towards the highest tree in the area with no hesitation as he fully remembered it from Alex\'s memories.

The highest tree was not only where Renren theoretically should have been but also the best perspective and outlook to scout the entire, rather large battlefield below so he had no reason not to go there first.

Yet, when he reached his destination, the hint of excitement on his face faded away into mellow disappointment, unlike what he wished for, the short, blond-haired Renren was gone, disappeared without a trace.

It seemed like unlike what they thought, she did remember to take him, making both Moby and Avilia let out a long sigh.

Part of him really wanted HikariYami to forget about him by her, less than bright, light side taking control in anger after the dark side had failed to uphold her promise, making her run away before the dark side even got the chance to go back and get Renren since he could not imagine her forgetting about him.

But now that theory was debunked as not true.

Avilia, who was still watching from Moby\'s head also felt the same way yet she had no regrets and did not feel the urge to apologize for her false assumption, that was just the type of person she was and part of what Moby really admired. Thus, he had no desire to reprimand her.

Despite her assumptions being wrong, she still had a very valid point and any good hints or suggestions from her were always appreciated in his book, no theory was always 100% correct, that was why it was called a theory, not a fact.

Shaking his head, Moby turned around and looked below him, activating his eyes of sin once more to better make out the details of the battlefield.

The grass was less than pristine with various holes from all the high impact attacks that took place, some patches were gray and charcoal black, spreading to a certain point before disappearing which was unquestionably from Abby\'s fire. Various splashes of dried blood could be seen painted on several patches from the ground, Moby knowing all of them belonged to either Abby or Alex since he was well aware of the fact that the puppets and Abby\'s undead did not possess any blood.

The ground had absolutely no trace left of any puppets or undead what so ever, all that he noticed were 2 very different sets of black armour, one in much better shape than the other that had been completely destroyed and torn into many pieces, that being the armour that was used to house the puppets and the other one he immediately recognized as the armour that Abby used to house her undead.

However, after looking intently at the battlefield for a few seconds, he could not help but shake the feeling that there was something off before the answer suddenly hit him in the head.

He was not able to spot the large, intimidating armour of the Goblin king anywhere amongst the many sets that laid on the ground, and as an extension, he was also not able to find the specific set of unique crimson red armour that Grunk, either her first or second strongest summon wore.

Moby found this fact particularly odd, but he did not have time to do a full investigation so he just hopped down to a lower tree to maybe catch another look before he gave up and cleaned the evidence, moving onto the next few areas in order to save time.

Moby hopped down to a much lower branch that was only around 5 meters in height, and almost immediately, he was able to find 2 unknown objects shining red, blended deeply in one of the patches of bloody grass, making Moby\'s eyes grow wide as he dropped down to the ground and immediately ran to inspect them without a second thought. It could have well been a trap but do to the low time crunch, Moby was more than willing to take the risk since that item might have been was something of value.

When he reached the location of the first one, he dipped down and grabbed it in his palm, bringing it up to his eyes before opening it to quickly yet thoroughly take his time examining it.

It did not seem like a trap at all.

In his hand was a small yet fancy looking, golden ring, a blue sapphire looking gem dyed and splattered in blood on the top that had a magnificent radiance, reflecting the light falling down from the moon above.

It was a storage ring, a very unique looking storage ring at that, one that Moby could immediately recognize with but a glance.

\'Is this what I think it is?\' Moby thought to himself as he inspected the back of the ring where he would be able to confirm and find all the answers.

Just like he expected, when he did, he noticed the very distinct emblem of the Griffith family deeply emblazoned on it, the symbol of a dark, blue and black raven with an air of shadows and white glowing eyes. Despite the engraving itself being rather small, the detail, especially with Moby\'s eyes of sin, was impeccable, confirming to him its authenticity.

When he peeked inside its contents, he noticed a large, muscular, fully armoured goblin with a mixture of black metal and bone armour, his face completely covered by a helmet that had two small seeing holes that barely allowed him to make out his lifeless, undead eyes.

It was none other than the goblin king…

Moby only needed a split second to put 2 and 2 together. Abby must have at one point asked Jayden to give her a few extra rings just to be able to house her 2 most powerful summons if she for some reason lost because she did not want them to fade away since according to Avilia, it was a well-known fact that the easiest way to defeat a necromancer was to ignore the summons and take out the summoner themselves, in turn dispelling all of their summoned creatures.

This meant that the other ring he saw most definitely housed Grunk, she must have given the ring to them after she summoned them out since you could not store a spatial storage item in a spatial storage.

Yet, what did Moby not understand was how Abby even knew that if she was taken out, she could order her undead to hide in the storage rings to escape death, true death like what had happened to every other goblin, maybe because time was stopped inside the ring, in turn saving them.

Moby knew that Abby liked experimenting and discovering new things, always training and trying to push past her limits.

The only explanation that Moby could come up with was that she must have had to order her summons to suck themselves into their respective storage ring before knocking herself out to test her hypothesis since sleeping pills would not work, the user had to be physically knocked out for the undead to dispel. This once again showed to Moby that Abby was more than willing to cause herself any kind of harm to both serve him and accomplish her own goals of revenge.

The image of Abby\'s hard-working, smiling figure, shining with the intensity of 1000 suns emerged in his head, making a small tear run down his face. She was like a daughter to him, just the thought of anyone or anything even laying a finger on her with ill intent made his blood boil and his heart lurch profoundly in his chest, causing him to feel another great rush of emotions as he tightly held the ring in his right hand, putting it in his pockets before shaking his head to once again refocus himself.

Grieving would do him no good in his current situation, it would only distract and slow him down. But for some reason, when it came to his family members, it sometimes happened out of nowhere without him even realizing it.

As soon as Moby came back to his senses, a sudden realization popped up in his head. They were all still on school grounds, which meant that the use of the storage rings should have been disabled. Yet, here it was in front of him, a storage ring that had just recently been used even under such restrictions.

\'Did Abby figure out a way to bypass the school restrictions? Or was this another one of the gang\'s doings, removing the restrictions rings just like the restrictions on the watches?\' He pondered.

To him, those were the only 2 possible explanations and he was definitely leaning more towards the latter option.

It was indeed a smart move from the gang, no one would even notice that the storage rings were reactivated because there was no indicator to show if they were working or not, thus everyone would not bother to check if the rings were active since they would assume that it was just like any other day.

That must have been the reason why Jason was confused when Moby switched his armour in the middle of the fight, it made him think that he had figured them out, that he somehow knew that the rings were reactivated when it was just a misunderstanding as he used his inventory instead.

That also meant that Abby had also somehow noticed that the rings were once again active. She was a very perspective and cunning person so maybe she had assumed that HikariYami summoned her armoured puppets from a storage ring, just as she would have done had she no access to the inventory skill, and decided to test it out herself only to find out that her assumptions were correct, but at this point, Moby was not sure.

Moby nodded and shook his head, looking at the time on his watch to gauge how much time he had left.

\'30 minutes left…\' He thought to himself, clearing his mind and steeling his resolve.

He was running low on time and needed to pick up the pace. At this rate, going as fast as he could he would barely make it in time to his dorms before the school was notified, so he needed to somehow speed himself up even further.

In the blink of an eye, he dashed over towards the other ring that he had noticed prior on the ground, taking a quick glance at its contents, noting that it was in fact Grunk, who dawned his signature blood-red armour like he had assumed, before he quickly put the ring in his pockets along with the other one.

Then, he lifted his arms in front of him, opening his sucking vortex of an inventory to clean up the entire battlefield with meticulous, lightning-fast movements, making sure to leave nothing behind, all the blood, broken armour, gray, charcoal grass were sucked in, yet keeping the holes visible since he did not have time to patch them up.

Hopping back up to the highest tree, Moby took another eagle-eye view of the battlefield, comparing its state from before and after, making sure to take his time, despite being low on it as he would rather be sure than sorry in the end.

After making certain that everything seemed in place, he immediately shifted his purple, focused gaze back towards his original destination, the waterfall where he had defeated Jason, cleaning that up before finally heading back to Ray to grab and drag him back to the dorms and out of the dangerous forest.

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