The Great Demon System

Chapter 347 - Mayhem

Chapter 347: Mayhem

The woman above was unquestionably the school\'s principal, Rayna Davis in the flesh.

Moby who stood firmly in the center of the arena hidden by crowds was just as bewildered as the rest as he was filled with a sense of panic and urgency unlike any other.

It didn\'t make any sense. According to the Mammon, there should have been no way for them to track them down in any way. The anonymous battle sending was not tracked by the school nor did their withdrawals. So… Why… Why was the principal there herself? She said she came here for some sort of small errand but found this instead. It must have been a complete coincidence.

The eerie silence continued, but, it did not take too long for panic to ensue as everyone tried their best to escape the room.



The fear of shame, humiliation and expulsion never loomed any closer above their head. The thought of the slight chance they would be able to escape while no one knew their identity seemed more than promising now considering the guaranteed alternative if they surrendered.

And now, like a sea of people, they climbed and shoved each other all to reach the exits of the room. Only a very select few decided to stand still and surrender. Whether it was because they pissed their pants and were too scared to even move or they had simply come to terms with their fate.

"I see… You have chosen your fate… So be it... Soldiers! Go in and ascertain everyone in this building! Prioritize scouting and finding that sly little mammon!"

Like flies, armed soldiers jumped through the roof in droves and came out all the entrances and exits like flashes as they roamed around fighting and arresting all of the retaliating students.


Absolute mayhem was happening on the above floors that camouflaged Moby from the principal. If he wanted to escape, there was no better time and no better distraction than those sheep above… They will serve as sacrifices for his purposes.

"Hey… All eyes on me punk…" That was when Moby heard a slight whisper from up ahead and noticed it came from his injured adversary.

"You idiot! Are you insane! The principal is now here! The fight is cancelled!" Moby tried to knock some sense into Regrit that seemed to have blocked out everything except for the fight.

"It\'s still not over! I\'ll—"

"YOU IDIOT!! It\'s not time for that! The fucking principle is here to bust us all!" Moby flexed his neck to break out of his power level restraints and punched Regrit in the stomach, making him take one knee as he stared up at the mayhem above, taking in what had just happened.

"W-wha… Is it really over… How could this happen…"

"Get a grip! It\'s not over yet! We\'re busting out of here!!" Moby spoke with passion, redirecting his gaze up towards the crowds.

Regrit\'s dim focus slowly shifted onto Moby\'s body. His hazy eyes were getting tired and the pain was setting in from Moby\'s last attack.

He almost lost his vigour to fight back, like it was sucked straight out of him. His eyelids felt heavy, so he blinked slowly to refocus his gaze. But, that was when he noticed that Moby had disappeared, and his eyes shot out wide.

And before he knew it, Moby once again reappeared in front of him seemingly out of thin air, holding a scared Hikari in his hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? H-how!?"

"I\'ve got no time to explain what I don\'t have time to explain! JUST TRUST ME!" Moby jumped onto Regrit\'s body and held him tightly in his other hand. It almost seemed like a body slam, but once Moby made contact, there was no pain, instead, he found himself in a free fall.

The atmosphere suddenly changed and an odd feeling overcame his body. The next thing he knew he was in some sort of yellow, dim, barely lit wooden warehouse with several crates all around.

"What ju—" Regrit uttered only to find Moby\'s hands firmly closing his mouth.

"Shut up!" He aggressively whispered. "You\'re gonna attract too much attention! I just phased us through the floor! We\'re now at the room under the arena!"

"W-wait! You can do that!?"

"Yes! I can! But, let\'s get out of here first! The exit is right there! We might be able to make it out of here unnoticed!" Moby pointed towards a door in the back.

"Okay then! What are you waiting for! Let\'s get the hell out!" Hikari\'s hair immediately shifted colours as she stood up and rushed toward\'s the exit. "If it comes down to it, I can blind them with my darkness, it should buy us some time! Let\'s get out of here!"

"This better be the right way!" Regrit followed behind her, nothing on his mind but his survival.

Moby then stood up and trailed behind. But, when they entered through the path of the open door, Moby suddenly halted and took a glance back.

"Hey! Idiot! What\'s with the hold up! Let\'s go!"

"Hold on a second… These crates might be full of points…"

"Huh!? Why should we care about any of that now! I\'m leaving! It\'s your fault if you get caught."

"It\'s okay, I planned to stay back alone… I have my own ways of escape…"

"Okay! Suit yourself!" Regrit ran ahead and left Moby and Yami behind.

"Hey, Joker, you sure about this?" Yami asked with a hint of concern.

"Yes," he slowly nodded, hearing a large number of footsteps and explosions from up above. "Leave me alone and escape with Regrit."

"Okay… Good luck then! I\'ll trust you with this!" She looked at him with a serious expression and left through the hallway at incredible speed, leaving Moby alone as he slowly manifested a less than innocent smile from ear to ear.

"Lord Mammon! The secret tunnel is this way!!"

"Darn it all! How could this have happened! I\'m ruined! Did someone expose me to the school!?"

"No! That\'s impossible my lord! We made sure of it!"


"Lord Mammon! Calm down! Your blood pressure!"

Those screams echoed loudly in Moby\'s demon ears while they were imperceivable by the ears of his allies. It seemed like this was indeed a secret exit and the mammon himself along with a few guards were headed in his direction.

Moby could not believe his luck. From before, he was more than frustrated that was not able to get out with his heavy bag of points, but now, it seemed like he no longer had to worry about leaving empty-handed...

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