The Great Demon System

Chapter 358 - Elite Among The Elite

Chapter 358: Elite Among The Elite

"Professor, it would be indeed an honour and a privilege to be chosen to represent this class. As such, I shall uphold the status given to me and partake in your proposal," Artorias lowered his head graciously as though he were a knight, leading to the teacher\'s earlier dull face to nod in approval.

"Wonderful! Now, choose five other people to join you on your mission, be sure to pick wisely."

"I shall indeed," Artorias lifted his lowered head and panned a look at the eager class that stared at him like drooling dogs.

It was safe to assume that they all wanted to be on his team. Indeed, who wouldn\'t want to be recognized and distinguished amongst their peers?

Many of them were certainly strong contenders, but sadly, Artorias had long made his decisions.

"My first pick shall be Moby Kane. His quick wit, versatile moveset and incredible skill will make an excellent first member to my roster," He smiled and pointed in the direction of the confident, quiet black and red-haired man sitting in the back.

As soon as Moby heard his name, he bore no reaction. He simply strolled out of his seat ignoring the envious daggers from his fellow students and stood beside his new team leader, after all, this was to be expected.

"Thank you for your kind words, I\'ll be sure to not let you down." As he spoke, Moby took a glance up at the previously smiling man only to be faced with a cold, deadly glare that made him quiver down to his very core, like a primal instinct telling him to flee. However, when he blinked, that gaze and aura were no more. He was more than certain it was no figment of his imagination. it was almost like that time when they fought on the roof, only this time his stare was far softer. Moby had yet to forget about the man that sat in front of him every day in class, but this was an even further reminder to be wary.

"My next choice is Elizabeth Elianora, a mage that excels in both healing and buffing spells is an essential part of any team, and I believe she does it best out of everyone in the class," He motioned towards a pink-haired girl sitting in the front, and with stars in her eyes, she shot up straight as an arrow and walked up to her new teammates.

Her long pink hair was tied in pigtails and her bright green eyes were poised. Her bone structure was particularly defined, and the stand-out feature on her face was her large luscious lips that seemed to bear little to no makeup. Her movements felt rather exaggerated, like she was asserting her presence over the class or maybe to show off her rather average-looking figure that paled compared to her far more attractive face.

"I-I am so thankful for this opportunity, but in the end, it was only the most natural that I would be chosen," She lowered her head and spoke, something that Moby did not expect from someone he always saw as a pretentious high and mighty noble.

She was the first daughter of the esteemed Elianora household who were innovators in the field of potion-making with the use of mana, although most were still in a testing phase. They were extremely important projects and as such, her family was well respected and revered even amongst the highest of nobles.

"Mhm, you\'re indeed correct. I chose you based on your skill, nevertheless, I\'ll trust you will work well with the rest of the team,"

"Yes! Of course!" She lifted herself up and stood beside the unreacting Moby, taking subtle glances at him that led to no reaction.

"The following person I select is Regrit Oswald. However, I assume that will make it so his brother comes along with him, making it not one but two selections, correct?"

"That\'s right, Kai Fatebringer is to be accompanied with you if you are to pick him," Professor Zave nodded, leading to a slight sigh from Artorias.

"Very well, I shall take both," He seemed inconvenience by his decision, and Moby could not help but inwardly chuckle as he witnessed the class\'s reaction, and especially that of Kai who was seen as nothing but an inferior bonus nobody wanted or asked for.

Seeing the strongest person in the class view him so lowly after the rumours of his secret training sprung much chatter, but they were all silenced by Kai who abruptly marched up to the front, not shying away from voicing his disapproval and authority.

"I\'m thankful to be part of this team, but it seems like you don\'t know what you\'re talking about, which is understandable considering we have not seen each other fight before. But, you\'ll soon—"

"You, please silence yourself and stop thinking so highly of your abilities, I know what I am talking about. Now, go line up and focus on not being a hindrance to this team. Change your mindset. Thank you,"

Kai was left baffled, it was as though in all his life he had never been talked to in such a manner, as if he was some insect not worth anyone\'s time.

It was clear that he had much to say and let loose from his mind but he seemed to have found the energy in himself to remain calm.

"Hindrance to the team? We\'ll see about that…" Moby heard him softly mumble under his breath, and a slight smile was seen on his face. He did not expect to be enjoying things as much as now.

As Regrit watched from afar, he could not help but crack a chuckled himself. He had not spoken much to Artorias in the past but his first impression was rather positive, and even more so now.

"Hey, thanks for choosing me, I\'ll be sure to carry Kai\'s load," He chuckled looking directly at Artorias before walking beside Kai.

"You as well, do not get too overconfident, you\'re not that much better. you are simply better than everyone else in this class for this mission. Although, something about you is rather odd…"

Regrit\'s mood fell from the highest ecstasy to the deepest abyss. He rarely acted this nicely to anyone and he was now reminded why that was the case.

"Odd, what do you mean by that?"

"I don\'t know… Just… Odd… It is good to have you on the team nevertheless, please join the rest as I decide on the final member…"

"Sure thing leader…" Regrit looked down at the ground before looking back up with a serious, almost annoyed gaze that completely contrasted the upbeat attitude he approached with.

"Now, as for the concluding, sixth member of the team, I feel it to be an obvious choice. Miss HikariYami, would you please join us? Your light and dark abilities are truly unique. I have yet to see a living soul hold two abilities such as thee. You keep yourself reserved, but your power is more than evident in my eyes." Artorias\'s refined speech made the reserved Hikari to tense up and for her cheeks to turn slightly rosy, she did not expect such complements or even to be picked for that matter.

Her eyes were locked onto Artorias\'s tender smile and remained there for what felt like an eternity until she noticed all the stares in her direction, making her look down in embarrassment to hide her face and waddle over to the front of the class.

"Thank you so much for all of this mister, I hope we can get along well and get our mission done!"

"Why certainly, I hope so too,"

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