The Great Demon System

Chapter 401 - The Final Event

Chapter 401: The Final Event

The auditorium was loud and bustling, rightfully so. All of a sudden, every student was called down at once. Yet, to them, it was not something sudden at all, but rather expected considering it was the time of year that brought upon the most anxiety of all. They knew what was to come, yet that still could not stop them from sweating profusely and jittering like sugar addicts.

After all, it had now been many months since the initial exam, and now was the end of the year… The end of Elite School for all of them…

"SILENCE!! The principal is here! Behave yourself!" A sound emerged from the darkness of the auditorium, echoing around all the walls and into the shaking hearts of every student. And as though it were out of instinct, quiet overcame them all as they waited and watched with bated breaths, looking over as the red curtains slowly unveiled themselves, uncovering a single figure stood in the shadows that was then immediately lit by bright, golden light beaming towards them like a spotlight.

Of course, it was none other than principal Rayna Davis herself, her hair tied in a ponytail elegantly behind her back. She was just as usual, yet this time, she was not dressed in her casual attire. Her soldier\'s uniform of black displayed golden stars that shined on her heart, perfectly matching the seriousness on her blood-red eyes and her rigid demeanour that slowly subsided into a smile.

"Greetings all students! It is I! Your principal! Rayna Davis! By now you should be more than used to my face and voice! The same could not be said about many others… Out of 1089 students who initially set foot upon the grounds of this esteemed school, only you remain! Chosen Elite above the elite! 256! That should be a great achievement you never let down! No matter what happens next! You all are champions in my eyes!" Her smile grew wider, putting her hands behind her back as she casually strolled around the stage.

"As you know! Every year, the final event set up is a tournament of every single student! A great tournament that will be broadcasted throughout all human civilizations around the universe! A place to prove your metal and strength over everyone! THE ARENA OF CHAMPIONS!!" She waved her arms out wide, and her words echoed encompassing the still silent room, nothing but the sound of the racing hearts of the masses heard thumping like a shockwave.

"Like every year, the tournament will be managed by the military itself and it will have five special guests judging and overseeing it all! The five greatest guilds in the world!"

"The Hunter\'s guild! Famed for their control over the right sector and many of the most powerful names in the world! The Hawk Guild! The newest one to enter the top 5! Their reach is far and wide throughout the galaxy, and their members have been rumoured to make the most on average! The Sellsword Guild! A guild of power and freedom! Unlike the others guilds, they focus solely on the top echelon of power! Despite having far fewer members, each one has distinguished themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt! The Flameseeker Guild! A guild owned by the most powerful and distinguished of all fire ability households! The house of Catarina! And last but most certainly not least! The guild of light! Aimed to reach and explore the far reaches and darkness of the universe to discover what was once unknown!"

"Their leaders will all be here! Them along with me, and the supreme general himself! Cade Walker! We will oversee the top 32 matches, and after each one, each will have an opportunity to give you a position in their guilds, or the general will bestow upon you a rank in the military if you choose to stay with us!"

"Certainly, beyond the offerings, there will be many rewards! Especially that of the coveted first place rank! However, like every year, the rewards will be based on the judging, and will not be public until the award ceremony!"

She took a long pause as she continued walking up on stage with a bright smile, her footsteps becoming ever louder, like a crescendo of anticipation welling up with each step until her mouth opened once again.

"Now… You might be asking yourself \'What\'s so special about this? They do it every year…\' Ahhh! But not this year!" She laughed.

"As you know, the virtual reality tech has recently been expanding at a rapid pace! And the researchers and students in this very school have been taking charge as many of you might have noticed, especially in the prototype machines found in your dorm rooms! Well! This year! The entire tournament will take place in virtual reality! To show it off to the world and how such technology can prove very essential for the future of humanity!"

"So! If you haven\'t tried it yet! I very much implore you to try out the VR machines in your dorms! You have been taught and prepared for this very moment by all of your amazing teachers, so don\'t panic! Simply try your best and see what destiny has in store for you!"

She spoke, before she paused once again, but this time she halted her movements as well and narrowed her blood-red eyes towards the crowd with a mixture of an innocent smirk and a sinister frown that sent shivers down the spines of all.

"Oh, and for those who plan on cheating or rigging the event, I suggest you reconsider… That is all I\'m going to say on that matter… And this is the end of the assembly… 2 weeks! You have 2 weeks to prepare! I wish all of you luck, although strength and strategy will be the determining factors of this tournament.? Luck is certainly not needed when you\'re good enough... I hope you have enjoyed your stay in elite school thus far! For this will be the finale! May the greatest fighter win!"

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