The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 515 - The Old Hag

Chapter 515 – The Old Hag

"Don\'t tell me… this really is another dimension?" I frowned, inspecting the infinite and vast seas all around us. "If so, how are we going to break out?"

"… There is a spell that can get us out of this situation. However, I am not sure if you are strong enough to use it yet, Master."

"If it\'s the only way, then it\'s not like we have much of a choice," I said. "What is it?"

"… Time," Mei Gui replied. "Rewinding time."

"R-Rewinding time…?" Lan Xiao Su\'s eyes widened. "Is that even possible…? I\'ve heard legends of that being the most powerful Time Element spell of all, but its usage was lost to the ages…"

"It is possible," Mei Gui said confidently. "But only with the power of Chaos—for it is a Forbidden Rank Spell."

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought the Forbidden Rank was only for Chaos Element spells—y\'know, the special ones like Thief\'s Hand or Zero."

"That is partly true," Mei Gui replied. "However, due to the limitations of singular elements themselves, they cannot create such powerful spells on their own. With the help of Chaos energy, however, insanely powerful spells can be crafted. Each element has a spell like this, and while there is no collective, formal term for them, I believe \'Lost Arts\' is a suitable name—considering most have been lost to time."

"And the one… for the Time Element is…" Yu An Xue trailed off.

"… Yes," Mei Gui finished. "Rewinding time."

"Well then," I cracked my knuckles. "… How do I cast this spell?"


– Meanwhile, Outside the Pocket Dimension – 

"Heheheheheh… it\'s over… I\'ve trapped them in my perfect trap!" The old woman cackled evilly, shrieking like some sort of psychopath. "Are you seeing this, my son?! I\'m using your invention to kill the only obstacles left in my path to securing your revenge! AHAHAHA!"

Of course, no one responded to her. It was just an old woman, rambling and screaming to herself mindlessly.

"Soon, you will all perish… from hunger, from thirst, from desperation… you will all DIE, at the hands of ME! AHAHAHA!"

With those crazy words paired with laughter that marked her insanity, the old hag walked away triumphantly while holding the pocket dimension Magic Artifact within her hand.


– Inside the Pocket Dimension –

"Close your eyes, Master," Mei Gui said. "Casting these high-rank Forbidden Rank spells require a lot more skill and understanding than normal ones."

I did as told, closing my eyes and easing my mind. We sat on the lone island at the center of the pocket dimension, infinite seas all around us.

"To cast these spells, you must clear your mind, Master. Think of nothing else but the condensation of Chaos within your body, and feel your mana running through your veins."

I followed to her instructions obediently, keeping my breathing steady and my pacing even. Despite the situation we were in, I remained as calm as a feather on water, creating gentle ripples around it.

"Now… focus, and repeat in your mind after me," Mei Gui said. "Time Forbidden Magic — Chronobreak."

Time Forbidden Magic — Chronobreak.

Instantly, I felt a surge of energy erupt through my veins, and all around me, a bright white flash ensued.

I was taken to a different world, a world with nothing except a large analog clock, and I witnessed as the clock\'s hand went backwards. Then, another flash ensued, and before I knew it, I was… back on the boat.

All around me, the girls chattered happily, talking about everything from food to their favorite clothing brands.

I blinked.

"… Holy shit. It actually worked."

"Hm?" Lan Xiao Su blinked at me in confusion. "What actually worked?"

"O-Oh, uh… nothing," I muttered in reply, sinking into thought at the same time.

So… it seems they are unaware of what happened… I also can\'t detect Amenoch in my soul anymore. Terrarim and Aerim aren\'t saying anything about it either… it would seem no one except me realizes what happened.

"Master, do not say anything unnecessary," Mei Gui suddenly said in my head, and I was taken by surprise.

… Mei Gui, you remember?

"Yes. As it is a Forbidden Spell, only those with direct affinities of Chaos will be able to remember what happened and sense the change. However, keep in mind that as we are in the past, take caution not to alter it too much, or the timeline will lead to unforeseen circumstances."

I see… that means my father, who also shares a connection with Chaos—although not nearly as strong as mine—will have noticed it too.

"That should be the case, yes."

Alright… then we\'ll repeat the exact same actions as we did earlier, up until when Aquira sends us to the surface, yeah?

"Yes, Master. We can figure out what to do from there."

With that, Mei Gui, Lan Xiao Su, Yu An Xue, and I dived into the water below the same way as earlier, and thus began our journey for the second time.


We made our way through the temple like usual. Although Mei Gui and I had both already done this once before, we still acted like it was our first time, and repeated the same actions and dialogue we did before to the best of our abilities. 

Even though we already knew how to solve the puzzle and what was coming next, we still had to pretend we didn\'t out of fear of altering the timeline, even by a tiny bit. Walking across that water bridge again certainly wasn\'t any easier, though, and despite knowing I won\'t fall—having gone through it once already—my stomach still felt empty as I walked across it. I didn\'t have to pretend to be scared for that one.

In any case, we soon solved the waterfall and chalices puzzle and arrived at the round room, where I was met with the same question and answered the same way. Aquira invited us into her private chambers, and we met her, she kissed me again, shot a bullet into my heart, and so on.

At last, it was time for the journey back up to the surface. Instead of having Aquira send us, however, I decided to employ a different strategy: Space Magic.

And so, when Aquira was about to cast her power and send us all to the surface, I stopped her.

"Wait. There\'s a much simpler method. Everyone, gather around me."

The girls were perplexed, but did as told and huddled around. Then, I activated the Gate spell, teleporting us directly to the boat.

In a flash, we disappeared, and reappeared on the deck. The other girls who had not gone with us blinked in surprise at our sudden entrance, but Mei Gui and I had more important matters to focus on right now.

"You guys go on back," I said to the others. "Mei Gui and I still have some business to take care of, so we\'ll meet up with you all at the beach."

"Eh? What is it?" Lan Xiao Su asked curiously, to which I awkwardly scratched my cheek.

"Uh… that\'s… well…"

"… Buying clothes," Mei Gui replied in my stead, and I turned to her in surprise.

"B-Buying clothes?"

"Yes. I require your opinion, Master."

"Oh… that kind of clothes, huh?" Qing Yue gave a smug snicker. "Okay, okay, we\'ll let you two figure it out on your own! See ya!"

With that, the boat took off, and Mei Gui and I hovered in the air while they left.

"… Alright. Now that that\'s taken care of… let\'s locate this old hag, shall we?" I smirked.

"Yes. By my calculations, she should not be far away. She must be in a place where she can observe us from, yet not out wide in the open so that we can see her. If that is the case, then…"

Both Mei Gui and I glanced at the small island in the distance—the only one in sight. Without a doubt, the person we were searching for was most likely there.

After exchanging nods, Mei Gui and I called upon invisibility and flew towards the island at full speed, like hawks searching for prey.

Soon, we arrived, and just as expected, spotted an old woman lying behind a telescope down below. She had leaves on her and everything, like a soldier in camouflage, but alas… nothing could escape Mei Gui\'s sharp senses.

As we flew down and closer, we could hear her mumbling.

"Goddamn it… why did the ship leave… why did the ship leave… I don\'t sense them in my pocket dimension… why… WHY… did my son\'s invention malfunction? No… no way… my son is a GENIUS! His inventions would NEVER malfunction! No… no way… this must be a trick… this must be-"

"A trick, huh?" I cut in, suddenly picking her up by the hair.

"W-W-W-WHA-?!" She cried in shock, struggling to turn around to face me but unable to do so. She was so short that I was double her height, and could pick her up with one hand.

"Hmph… you caused me a lot of trouble, you know," I said, narrowing my eyes with hatred. "I had to walk across that stupid water bridge twice.. And for that… you\'re going straight to hell."

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