The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 540 - Night's Raid

Chapter 540 – Night’s Raid

After booking our hotel rooms, we entered them respectively, and waited for nightfall to come in. That wouldn\'t be long from now, judging from how the sun had already set and the cool evening air had filled the atmosphere.

For ease of communication and access in case anything happened (which it most likely will, given the situation of the city), we chose to book rooms next to one another. I had mixed feelings about this, since it wasn\'t out of my father\'s capabilities to suddenly burst through the wall and check on me, especially since I was going to be rooming with a succubus…

Speaking of, Eve was unusually quiet. Even after we both took showers and were sharing the same bed (it was a love hotel, there were only single-bed rooms), she didn\'t seem to be making any moves.

I noticed this, of course, and glanced at her in my arms. "… You\'re not going to try and charm me?"

"Fufu, why would I do that?" Eve asked, snuggling closer. "You\'re already my future husband. There\'s no need to charm you, is there?"

"Well, no, but…" I scratched my cheek. "I figured you were going to try something tonight, taking advantage of when we were alone. That\'s why you refused to room with the other two, right? Being a succubus and all, you have your urges. I\'m used to them, thanks to Feng Mian, but… you\'re not trying anything. That\'s interesting to me, that\'s all."

"Haven\'t I told you this once already?" Eve giggled, covering her mouth with a hand. "Semen is just a delicacy for succubi, nothing more. We can live perfectly fine without them, just as a poor person can live perfectly fine without luxurious food."

"But Feng Mian…" I trailed off.

"Hm… she is an exception, I would say," Eve replied after some thought. "My theory is that because her succubus nature has been sealed away for so long, what was previously a \'want\' has now become a \'need\' for her due to the passing of time and the sudden exposure of her true form."

"And will this ever go away?"

"Probably, yes. Though how long that will take is a different question."

"I see…"

I closed my eyes and shut off the lights, sinking into the bed. Drowsiness washed over me, and Eve smiled slightly.

"Going to sleep?"

"Mhm. We\'ll be waked sooner or later, so might as well get some sleep while we have the chance, right?"

"Fufu… true enough."

And just like that, I slept with a succubus queen—just slept, nothing else.


– Sometime Later in the Night –


… I struggled to open my eyes, confused at who was knocking at the door. But as the tapping become more and more urgent, I quickly sat up from the bed, and headed for the door.

It must be my father—the midnight attack we were waiting for has begun.

Hurriedly, I slipped on my cloak and everything, then opened the door to see my father.

"What\'s wrong? Are they here? Where are th-"

"Please, help me, Kai Kai…"

"W-What… what\'s happening?" I blinked in surprise.

"It\'s that damned Nael… he won\'t stop snoring… I can\'t sleep…"


Cue the silence.

Cue the deadpan look on my face, as my father planted his head in my chest.

"… Get off of me."

"Kai Kai, no, you can\'t be this cruel!"

"Yes, I can, and I will," I said, forcefully tearing my father off of me and dragging him out of my room. "You can stop with your lies—I\'m not stupid."

With those words, I slammed the door shut, leaving my father to his own devices.

And just as expected, the moment the door closed, my father\'s crying was nowhere to be seen, and he frowned a bit in frustration.

"Hm… damn, he saw through the trick. That must mean he\'s hiding something… I have to find another method…"

At this, I gave a snort, and headed back to bed. No matter what he tries, he won\'t find a thing.

"What happened?" Eve asked, rubbing her eyes cutely as she sat up from the bed.

"Oh, it\'s nothing," I replied. "Just an old man who thinks he can fool me."

With a chuckle, I took off my cloak and crawled back into bed as well, letting out a deep sigh before returning to sleep.

It was so simple to tell my father was lying. He had Chaos Magic, just like me—that meant he had access to all 21 elements. Casting a little Sound Magic to block the sound of snoring was as easy as blinking for him. All he wanted to do by pulling off that little act was to check on Eve and I, and see if we were doing anything… inappropriate.


Several hours later, the true torment began.

I was woke up not by the sound of knocking on my door, but of screams—screams, outside.

Immediately, I shot out of bed and pulled open the curtains in the room. What lay before my eyes was a scene of destruction and terror.

Buildings were set on fire, civilians were running around on the street screaming, as shadowy figures seemed to teleport out of nowhere and cut them down with curved knives. They were hooded and wore ominous masks, eyesockets burning orange, and they wielded two sharp obsidian cutlasses each. The Demon soldiers dispatched stood little to no chance at all faced with this unknown power, and fell one by one.

It would seem this was the reason the city guards we encountered earlier told us the city was closed to outside visitors.

"… Eve, you awake?" I asked without turning around, and from behind me, Eve walked up, standing by my side.

"How can I not be, with all this noise?" She sighed. "So? What\'s the plan?"

"… We capture one of those masked figures, and torture information out of them to get to the bottom of this," I stated coldly. "And in turn, help the city along the way."

"Very well—I am by your side."

First, though, we needed to wake my father and Nael. Heading to their room, I knocked on the door, and they opened it immediately, both ready for combat.

"… We were just about to go wake you two up," my father said. "To think you were already awake, even before us…"

"I have better ears than you do, old man," I said, rolling my eyes. "But…"

Right as I was about to speak, the roof of the love hotel suddenly caught on fire, and because the structure was made of wood, the rest of the building quickly followed suit in the burn.

"… It would seem this building is the next targeted one."

As I felt two shadowy presences approaching, I pulled out Ace from its holster and fired two shots behind me without even turning around.



The two shadows were shot straight in the forehead. Nothing would save them from the Chaos-infused bullets of mine—but they weren\'t the only ones who had come.

Immediately, the four of us got into battle. While Eve fired off blasts of purple plasma, infused with the power of a succubus, I shredded through the shadowy figures with ease using my Chaos katanas. No matter how stealthy you were, even if you were a ghost, there was nothing Chaos could not cut.

On the other side, my father and Nael worked together, pummeling anyone who dared tried getting close. They were a very efficient duo, synergizing and working together well, but then again, so were Eve and I. She took care of any faraway enemies trying to snipe me, while I took out anyone who dared to engage in melee combat. Surprisingly enough, despite the two of us having never fought side by side before, we shared a special synergy.

As I swung my katana and sliced apart three shadows in front of me, I suddenly felt a presence behind me and turned around to guard, but as I did, the presence disappeared—incinerated to ashes. Above me, hovering in the air, Eve sent me a wink, and continued blasting away. I chuckled.


"Thank me once this is over," she replied with a smile.

I wonder if it\'s because of her mind-reading abilities, to be honest… could she tell what I\'m thinking at all times, and thus could predict my next move in combat and follow-up it with her own? If that\'s the case, then it not only made her an extremely useful ally, but also a dangerous character at the same time. Getting on her bad side would be… not ideal.

Within minutes, all the shadowy attackers in the hotel had been killed. But things weren\'t done quite yet—outside, screams still filled the streets as the havoc continued, and the unknown, mysterious attackers carried on with their bloodthirsty slaughter.

"Kai Kai, we\'ll stay here and hold this place down," my father hollered. "You two have better mobility—get out there and take these bastards down!"

I nodded firmly in reply, and glanced at Eve.

"Let\'s go."

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