The Human Giant

Chapter 92 92: Entering The Grand Swamp

"You lost contact with a town," Yoze felt a shiver run down his back as he was reminded of Emerald Town. 

Yoze knew that even if a demon didn\'t destroy the town, some other kind of abnormality could have done it. Either way, Yoze wasn\'t going to back down from this opportunity.

If it was a demon then that is good he could get more spiritual energy talents and meat. If it was another bizarre event that was also good as he might be able to acquire some unique talents.

His Life Attraction talent was still paying dividends to this day and Yoze would like to increase this talent if he could. Or if possible get other talents similar to it.

"I\'m very interested in this case, but do I get compensation for accepting it?" Even though Yoze was interested in taking this case right away, he still wanted to get paid for his service.

"Of course, how does 1000 silver sound to take the case regardless of what you find there?" River smiled.

"That\'s fine, tell me where I need to go?" Satisfied with the amount of money, Yoze agreed to take the case.

"We need to head over to a Town named Deepshed, it\'s near the Grand Swamp region."

"If you don\'t mind Timothy and I would like to join you and your journey to the grand swamp." 

"I don\'t mind, but first I need to go get a companion before we leave." Yoze thought about his promise to take Jewel on his adventures and planned on keeping his promise this time.

"That\'s fine, we will wait for you here if you don\'t mind." 

Yoze nodded his head and stood up and walked over to Jewel\'s room and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Jewel came out wearing leather armor, and her stuff packed up.

"I\'m ready to leave," Jewel said with determination ready to make an argument if Yoze tried to leave her behind.

"That\'s good, follow me we are leaving tonight." Feeling a bit embarrassed, Yoze said and walked with Jewel back to his room to inform Timothy and River that they were ready to leave.

By the time they reached the gate that leads north, Yoze felt that it was a pity that he had to leave his cart behind since they needed to travel fast and it would just drag them down. Still, he made sure to carry an extra large and strong bag to help him carry more meat.

"We need to get to the Grand Swamp which is more than 2000 miles away. If we travel at our fastest speed we should get there quite quickly. " 

"The quicker we get there the higher the chances we can find the thing that is blocking our connection with Deepshed Town," Timothy explained.

"I heard of Deepshed town and know that it is one of the most connected towns to New Swampscott city. Every few hours travelers from the town would come to the city so it\'s not too surprising that the city felt that something was off if the travelers from the town suddenly stopped coming." Jewel explained, easily figuring out how the city knew something was wrong.  

With how easily and quickly she was able to draw out the method they used made Timothy and River give her a nod of approval.

"As you guessed it we lost contact with the town a few hours ago so it is very likely that whatever is causing trouble is still somewhere near the Grand Swamp." After making a brief explanation of the directions and explaining the urgency of the matter Timothy and River set off.

Seeing Timothy and River gone, Yoze signaled Jewel to get on his back and began hopping to catch up. Within a few minutes, Yoze caught and passed Timothy and River and kept going. Previously he wasn\'t able to rush past them since he lacked a guide but with Jewel as his guide, he knew where to go.

After an hour Yoze began to see a giant swamp that was extremely large. So large Yoze couldn\'t see where it started or ended and couldn\'t see the sides as they crossed the horizon.

Deciding it was better to stop and get an understanding of his surroundings, Yoze helped Jewel off his back and saw that her hair was a mess and her face was pale. His eyes twitched as knew that her experience wasn\'t very pleasant. 

When traveling at his speed it was a miracle that Jewel didn\'t get sent flying off and die. He also couldn\'t get rid of the wind so he had to slow down and try to focus on protecting Jewel.

Still, they were able to make it just fine and Yoze just made it a note to himself to ask Timothy and River how they were able to travel with that kind of speed with the scholar he used to travel with. He was only an ordinary person whose body wasn\'t in the slightest bit trained but he was in a much better state compared to a second-rate martial artist like Jewel.

"Are we here?" Yoze asked.

"This looks like the Grand Swamp. Deepshed town should be around here." After recovering a little from the journey and reorienting herself Jewel came to the shocking conclusion that.

"Wait we are inside Deepshed Town right now."

"This place is Deepshed Town? But where are all the buildings and people?" Yoze frowned as he scanned the area.

Eventually, he found a piece of wood sticking out of the swamp and picked it up. It was dirty but was cleanly cut, something only a human and tools would be able to do. 

After wiping away the dirt he saw that four words confirmed their location, "Welcome to Deepshed Town!"

"Let\'s wait for Timothy and River to arrive and then we can discuss what we should do next." Feeling that another strange event was happening Yoze decided to make sure his companions were safe before he decided to explore.

"Yoze, Jewel, why did you stop?" It took Timothy and River a few minutes to catch up with them and they wondered why they suddenly stopped.

"We are in Deepshed Town. The town has been destroyed and is most likely buried underneath the swamp." Jewel said.

Timothy and River paused from hearing Jewel\'s revelation and looked around before seeing that the surroundings were familiar. So familiar that they recognized they stopped here every couple of years for vacation but there usually was a small town here as well.

"Could a demon make an entire town disappear without a trace?" 

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