Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 103 103- I Will Eat You Up

Chapter 103- I Will Eat You Up

"Are you really that unhappy to see the one who stole your first kiss, darling?~" She asked.

"That\'s the point! I don\'t need my first kiss to be stolen like that!" Rin said as he tapped his forehead.

"Aww! So cute!" She said as she licked her lips seductively while eyeing Rin up and down like a delicious prey.

If Elise was the epitome of pure, untouched, almost ethereal beauty, Evelyn was her complete contrast. She was the epitome of seduction and that comes even in contrast with Emilia who, even though could be considered very alluring, wasn\'t as barebone seductive as Evelyn.

She had beautiful black hair with a purple hue to it that Rin couldn\'t understand the origin of. She was quite tall, reaching Rin\'s chin, and had an unbelievably seductive body. Especially her breasts which were the most noticeable feature she had. With every small move she did, her breasts swayed left and right like two soft puddings. But, even other parts of her body didn\'t fall short of amazing by every standard possible.

The more troublesome part of all of this is that Evelyn was aware of all of that and she used it as her lethal weapon that could drive any man crazy with a mere look. However, Rin for some reason didn\'t feel that attracted to her even though he had every reason possible to feel that way. His mind was just not focused on her body at all as it was occupied by something else he still didn\'t know.

\'She\'s really too troublesome.\' He sighed and turned around.

"Hmm, where are you going, darling?~"

"Since you won\'t tell me why you\'ve been following me, I will just leave. It\'s pointless to keep this conversation."

"What?" Evelyn seemed quite shocked at first but then quickly returned to her usual demeanor.

"Are you deaf? I said I don\'t like wasting time in pointless conversations." Rin said as he tapped his temple.

\'This kid…\' Evelyn was genuinely speechless by his nonchalant attitude. It was not an exaggeration to say that every man she had ever met before fell for her charm in the blink of an eye. For her, men were easy, instinct-driven, lustful animals that she can manipulate with just a click of her finger without even trying.

She had the beauty and the extremely charming aura to believe that fact as it never occurred to her that she could be ignored by a person, a man nonetheless.

\'Who does he think he is?\' Her face flashed with a cold gaze but quickly calmed herself down.

\'I can\'t fall for this. He must be acting all cold just to trick me. Not bad, boy.\'

"Aww! Are you really that shy? Don\'t worry, come here so I can spoil you." Opening her arm, she called for him softly.

Looking back, Rin shook his head.

"It won\'t work. You are trying too hard."

Another blow to her ego was shot easily, Rin wasn\'t even trying to be ruthless but he still hit her where it hurts. Rin had no idea how or why he wasn\'t already running to her embrace like a mad dog but he was happy it wasn\'t the case. The last thing he wanted was to get turned into a toy by this dangerous woman.

"You…" She murmured quietly.

\'Is he gay?\' She asked herself seriously.

\'No, even that type of person gets attracted to my charm easily.\'

The fact is, men and women alike can get attracted to Evelyn so it wasn\'t a matter of gender or sexual orientation. It was a matter of whether this person was sane or not!

*Tap* *Tap*

Walking to the door, he opened it and stepped out to leave. But, before his leg could even touch the area outside, the door was closed shut out of nowhere.

"Where do you think your area going?~" She said playfully.

"Outside… is what I would normally answer but from what I can see, you won\'t be letting me leave any time soon," Rin said calmly.

"Oh my! My cute Rin is too smart for his own good!~"

Walking toward Rin slowly, she closed the distance between them while keeping eye contact with him. When she was close enough, barely a few inches away from his face where even their breaths collided slightly from time to time, she touched his chin with the tip of her fingers and pulled it down a little bit.

"Are you playing hard to get, Rin?" She asked.

"Since when we started playing?" He asked without averting his eyes.

"Since the moment I put my eyes on you."

"Oh! I\'m flattered to hear that a beautiful woman like you is after me."

"Your expression isn\'t following what you\'re saying quite that much."

"My bad, I\'m not good with expressions."

The two went back and forth fluently as if they were rehearsing this before doing it.

"You don\'t seem to understand the situation you are in, darling."

"Oh, enlighten me on it if you can."

"Fufufu! So funny, sweetie. But, the moment you came inside this room, you are basically completely under my control. You don\'t know that you entered the den of a hungry beast?" She asked near his ear before blowing softly on it.

"A monster\'s den, you say? Well, I know one thing for sure…"

Then, he touched her chin and lifted it up daringly under her surprised gaze.

"You won\'t be able to do anything to me."

"Oh my? How are you so certain that I won\'t end up killing you right here, right now? Look, all I have to do is extend my hand, and then…"

Doing exactly what she said, she put her finger on Rin\'s neck before continuing.

"Pah! The end. It\'s not that hard for me to do that before your brain even comprehends what happened. You will be able to see your decapitated body as it falls down to the ground. You will also be able to see all of your life flashing before your eye, second by second, day by day. SO intriguing, isn\'t it?" She asked with a weirdly flushed face.

Her eyes looked extremely dangerous as they looked at Rin hungrily. Her moist lips kept on moving seductively.

"All of that is good and dandy if you actually ever thought of doing it in the first place. The truth is you don\'t want to actually kill me even if I disrespected you just like I did right now. You have something you want from me."

"Where did that certainty come from?" She asked as she returned to her usual teasing smile.

"Simple, there are two reasons: The first one is the easy one, since the moment I saw you a little while ago, you had countless opportunities to kill me yet you didn\'t. Even now, you said it yourself, you could easily end my life but you didn\'t. The second reason is: You have something you want from me. I still don\'t know what it is but I will certainly know about it soon."

"Oh my! You are quite the person, Rin. Putting all of this trust in this big sister of yours.~ I\'m super happy~"

"Yeah, yeah. Can I leave now as a reward for my detective skills?"

"Hehehehe! I still don\'t want to let you go… For a different reason, this time."


"Woah!" Rin was pulled strong and pushed against a wall. A weird voice leaked out of his mouth when he felt his body getting yanked like that.

Then, Evelyn put her hand next to his face and inserted her tight between his legs before closing her nose from his neck.

"Maybe I will have some fun with you."

"I am a very serious guy," Rin said as he tried to push her away.

"Then, that\'s more of a reason to make you let some steam off~~"

Extending her soft tongue, she licked his neck, making him flinch a little bit.

\'Wow, she\'s serious!\' Rin wasn\'t frozen in shock, but genuinely incapable of releasing himself because of her overwhelming strength that easily rendered him useless.

"Come on, Miss. Beauty…"

"Call me Evelyn, darling~~"

"Ok, Evelyn. Why don\'t we calm down a little bit? It\'s not the best place for such acts, is it? You can get us in trouble."

"No one will come here.~ We are completely. alone. in this quiet room." She kept breathing at his neck and gently brushing her lips on his skin for quick yet hot pecks. A few red spots were left wherever she kissed him, turning his neck into a festival of red color.

\'Am I really gonna do it with her here? This is really stupid.\'

Rin had thought many times about how his first time would be and he imagined all kinds of scenarios, from passionate lovemaking with his soul mate to steamy hot sex with a harem of wives in a huge bed. But, this sudden turn of events was just out of his expectations.

\'You know what! Fuck it! As I said before \'Go big or Go home!\'\' Resolving his mind, he looked at Evelyn sharply.

\'I will eat you up!\'


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