Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 183 183- Rage (Part 2)

Chapter 183- Rage (Part 2)

The moment Cid gave the order, Evelyn and Elise moved. Neither one of them had shown even a shred of hesitation.

The level of hypnotizing was so high that it closed any possible loopholes that could wake them up. A fight between Rin and his two companions was bound to happen or that is what Cid assumed as he got ready to evacuate the place the moment they clash. As much as his magic is extremely strong but when it comes to actual physical strength, Cid was completely useless.

The moment the two women go closer to Rin, he suddenly lifted his hand up. A huge amount of mana started circling around him, creating a black aura.

The light in the room had suddenly started dimming even more than before as Rin\'s aura got stronger and stronger at an extremely rapid rate.

At some point, he put his hand down before he crouched on one knee. His hollow eyes stared down at the ground, not caring for the fact that Elise and Evelyn were merely a few inches away from him. Their arms were already moving to grab him.


Pointing his index finger, Rin touched the ground lightly with it.

"Shadow Sea..." He murmured in a cold, emotionless tone as if he was a robot.


Instantly, an area the size of half of the prison area was suddenly turned into pure darkness. A huge shadow had appeared out of Rin\'s finger and engulfed everything. Even Evelyn and Elise were then swept down by it. Their bodies were quickly consumed by the shadows, disappearing inside of them before they could even do anything.

"Whaa-" Cid\'s eyes blinked in complete shock.

He couldn\'t comprehend what just happened. It was all too fast, too sudden.

\'How?! Didn\'t he fail at pulling them down with him when he tried a few hours ago?! When did he have the time to get stronger?!\'

Nothing made sense for Cid, who could only freeze in his place like a broken statue. A horrified, rigid expression filled his face.

This was just too overwhelming, soul-crushing. To see that when everything was thought to be going perfectly, a single person would change everything. All of his work and planning were thrown down the drain merely because of a young man.

How painful was it?! He had promised to save his kin and to erase the humans out of the face of the world! He had promised his mother that he will make her smile again and live a carefree life.

Yet, not even an hour passed, and that promise was torn to shreds.

\'I... failed.\'

Cid didn\'t think about running or trying to fight. He could\'ve prolonged the fight and tried to resist. But, in the end, he lost his guards, he lost the two strong pawns that were Evelyn and Elise. His powers didn\'t work on Rin for some reason. All he could do was use his fists which were pretty much as useless as his attempt to escape.

Meanwhile, Rin who had just gotten rid of the two women stood up and stared directly at Cid. For some reason, he didn\'t move immediately to kill Cid or restrain him. Instead, he also turned into a statue just like the demon.

"What are you waiting for?" Cid, who noticed that abnormal behavior, said.

"Come on, kill me... I won\'t resist." He said as he lifted his arms in the air in a sign of surrender.

"Hurry up and end it, you fucking piece of garbage!!!" Being met with continuous silence, Cid lost his temper and shouted.


"H-Huh..." Suddenly, the demon noticed that something had dripped from his chin.


From his eyes came down what seemed to be tears. At that instant, Cid\'s despair completely turned into confused disbelief.

\'Tears... How can I... How can I cry?!\'

Many would consider crying to be normal behavior for someone who was about to die brutally. But, this wasn\'t the case for Cid and demons in general.

In contrast to humans, demons aren\'t capable of tearing up. Their anatomy is different from their counterpart so they don\'t show the same reactions and emotions as humans.

But, now, something weird happened that could potentially be the first of its kind. A demon had shed a tear.

This was also the reason for Rin\'s weird behavior. He knew that this wasn\'t something normal for a demon.

"No! No! This is bullshit! Why am I crying like humans?!" Wiping his face, Cid tried to get rid of the tears that kept going down his face.

"Stop! I won\'t cry!" Wiping his face violently, scratches appeared on his skin from the friction of his hand.

Seeing that, Rin opened his mouth and said in a very slow, barely understandable tone.

"You... aren\'t... a human..."

Because of the berserker skill, talking was very hard for him yet he still forced himself to speak.


Cid\'s movements halted again as he squinted his eyes at Rin again.

"What do you mean?"

"Tears... aren\'t exclusive for... humans..." He said.

"What do you even know, you lowly human?!"

"I... Know... Demons... feel too..."

"We are far superior! We don\'t need tears! Looking as pathetic as you humans... how disgusting!"

"Yet... here you... are... doing it..."

"I said shut up!!!!"

Losing his temper, Cid dashed toward Rin with his fist swinging in the air. His outrage had made him lose all reason.


But, as he was about to hit him, Rin extended his arm and grabbed his fist easily. Then, with a swing of his arm, he punched Cid in the face violently.

The sound of teeth breaking echoed in the prison as the young demon fell to the ground.

"Humans... and demons... aren\'t bound to live in peace...."


"Blood is the only outcome of these two races connecting." The more Rin spoke, the less his berserker skill\'s effect took over his mind. The power had been deactivated.


"I have thought about it for long. I thought of trying to change the future. I even tried to distinguish right from wrong. Who was at fault and who was the victim? I truly believed in the possibility of peace. But..."

Stopping right in front of Cid and staring down at him with a dark expression. Shadows loomed over Rin\'s face.

"But, the more I see from both parties, the more I realize that the truth is far from that... Neither of these races is right... Both are bloodthirsty, twisted creatures that seek death more than death seeks them. From the moment these two races diverged into two paths, they were never meant to meet again on a common point..." A long sigh escaped Rin\'s mouth between the words.

"Maybe this was what destiny meant for them... Maybe it was all just a big, bad joke..."


Cid opened his mouth to say something but ended up looking like a small bird opening and closing its beck.

"I was never meant to stop a war... Hahah! For a moment, I thought I was the main character... The one that will change the fate of the world. How naive, right?"


"Well, this life is shitty anyways and it became even shittier the stronger I became. They say power gives happiness. But, look at me, the stronger I became, the more danger my loved ones are put through. Sigh..."

Shaking his head, Rin pointed his dagger at Cid.

"I already made my choice. Whether this is the right one or not is only for the future to tell me..."


Then, like a lightening, Rin\'s dagger moved and sliced through Cid\'s neck. This time, it was indeed a real death.

The head fell down on the ground, rolling for a moment before ending in front of Rin\'s feet. Staring down at it, Rin felt a cold sensation in his heart as if he had just lost something massive part of what he used to be.

\'Even at your last moment, you never begged for your life... Maybe the demons are way more prideful than I assumed.\' He thought.

Staring up, Rin closed his eyes as he let his mind think on its own. He didn\'t care what might\'ve changed in him at this moment. He had killed many and was the reason for the death of many. In mere hours, he saw changes in himself that months before he could never do. All because of the young demon in front of him.


Suddenly, Rin\'s eyes widened as he bent down and coughed violently. Blood fell down from his mouth on the ground as an intense pain assaulted his heart.

"U-Ugh!!" Then, he fell down to the ground, completely unconscious.

After using the berserker skill, Rin had basically consumed all of his mana. But, it didn\'t stop at that, after consuming all of his mana, the skill used a part of his core just to fuel the Shadow Sea.

Now after he returned to normal, the after effect of such a dangerous thing were huge.


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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