Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 74 Down Into Dreams (1)

There was a danger in the air that nobody could tell was apparent at first. In the desert wasteland where the cool winds blew and caused shivers to those who might have been outside, the moon itself seemed to shimmer and glitter.

An unknown melody played itself to its unsuspecting victims.

One by one, they left the van on their own two feet, and were carried off into the distant lands–each one different from the last.

It was a dream that Lukas once had in the past.

A day where airships flew across the city and its entire people flooded the streets. It was a vibrant memory where the normally taciturn and isolated people of the city gathered together to celebrate.

What exactly they were celebrating–Lukas forgot.

There was a weird symbol in the air that he couldn\'t quite put or piece together. But then all of a sudden, a younger version of Lukas was pushed into the ground and nobody paid attention to him.

It would have made sense that he\'d even get stepped on or crushed if the people were in some sort of stampede, but luckily it was the fact that people were far too mesmerized by the sights in the air to even move another inch from where they were.

Another scenario flashed through his head.

One moment, Lukas was in the streets surrounded by several other people in the broad daylight and then the next thing he knew was that he was alone in an apartment all by himself and without anyone but himself to keep company.

However, there was no gloom across his face.

It was a happy day because he had received something that people across the entire cities of humanity had received–a VR Reality Capsule. It was the advent of a new age and along with it came new technology.

Lukas would step inside of the VR Capsule for the very first time, he had a game that he wanted to play–but then the next thing he knew was that he saw a reflection of a very frightened young man stuck inside.

There was a cloud of gas that suddenly seemed to come out of the VR Capsule and there was a strange whirring sound. It was something that alarmed him and yet it was stuck in his brain.

"There is no danger in–"

Another memory played in his head. This time it was just him finally purchasing Vampire Nightlife and walking out of the store with excitement and glee–he looked back for a moment, and then saw something strange within the store.

The young teen had vanished and was replaced by someone else. Someone that looked like a very handsome manager model of some sort, his white suit was adorned with a butterfly blue pin.

Lukas\' head started to throb.

When he looked back again, all he could see was his own reflection and he rubbed his eyes and left. "Some sort of weird trick of light or something." he had muttered to himself.

And then it was finally something recent.

A beautiful Vampire girl that welcomed him when he stepped right into the building. There was her gorgeous brown hair and cheerful red eyes and as Lukas gazed down to check at her cleavage–er, name tag.

The words flashed in his head.


Lukas\' eyes widened and he soon realized that he was in some sort of dream. He wanted to snap himself awake and yet he couldn\'t–time suddenly leapt forward again.

This time it was the sight of humans in chains, all of them being brought to the stage–a company of Vampires all around him. This was a thanksgiving event of some sort, Lukas recalled.

Saw the pink-haired Vampire\'s look–Chelsea, she had given him a look and mouthed something that he couldn\'t quite hear himself. The memory however played back almost the same.

All of the humans attacked at the same time–one of them died and suffered as a punishment. A woman, killed by the hands of Lily\'s father and then it was all over. It was supposed to be over.

But Lukas\' saw one of the human\'s faces, a young man, his hair shielding his eyes and yet there was an expression of rage that shook him to the bones.

Something flickered again.

To something previously.

The woman\'s body in the crate that was hidden in the bar\'s freezer. A freezer where no one else but the manager itself seemed capable of opening. Another voice whispered into his ears.

"Remember who you are."

"... Ahh!" Lukas was starting to get confused. It almost felt like he was getting pulled from one memory into the next without any reason this time, several other scenarios flickered into his head.

Until suddenly a dark hole opened in the middle of his dance with Serena Weisse–something that never actually happened–and he found himself free falling and dropping.

Down into a rabbit hole?

No, not quite.

Lukas soon found himself in a vortex of blood that sucked him until there was an entire world made out of blood. The place seemed awfully familiar and different all the same–until a form began to take shape out of the blood.

It was the Lady from Sanguise House.

Until now he didn\'t know her name, but she appeared in his dream. Was this real or fiction? He couldn\'t tell–the things from earlier told him that this had to be a dream, and if it was?

There were a couple of things that he wanted to complain about and this was his chance without any real repercussions.

"Hey, you never told me your identity–" Lukas began, but she merely walked forward and slapped him.

Or would have slapped him, if Lukas hadn\'t grabbed her hand boldly.

"What gives?" he asked, confused. He coughed lightly and shook his head. "I don\'t think I\'m into this kind of stuff, lady–even if it\'s my own dream. Plus, aren\'t you a bit too old for me? Well, Vampires don\'t exactly age but–"

"Who exactly are you?" Drusilla asked. "What exactly–and this isn\'t a dream."

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