Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 87 Money

"But before we start getting ahead of ourselves, we all need to be organised and invested. And we also have an issue of funds currently," Xavier stated, highlighting the issue of money.

Money is needed for everything and with all the things he had in mind, without the funding for them, achieving them would be almost impossible.

However, he had also come up with a few ideas and methods to handle money and as soon as money was mentioned, the ears of all those listening pricked up.

"To solve that, I have come up with a temporary solution until we start setting up our money-making sources. The first is one that I will handle personally and I think I can probably make a couple hundred thousand in a matter of days..."

"What?!" they all exclaimed out of shock in unison.

"..." Xavier didn\'t know why they looked so shocked.

That much money wasn\'t much considering how much they still needed to spend and if they thought that money was a lot to them, then they weren\'t looking at the big picture.

Money was only one of the things he wanted to build through the Outlaw Gang.

Money alone couldn\'t solve all problems, but matched with power and influence, there would be nothing that could faze him, those within the gang and everyone that they cared about.

However, as of that moment, without money, progressing, expanding and developing would be extremely difficult, and without it, not much could be achieved.

But getting such money and maintaining an inflow of funds was easier said than done, which was why Xavier had to make one thing clear.


"All that money will be spent as soon as I get it and I doubt I\'ll be able to do what I have in mind for long without stirring any trouble, so like I said, it\'s only a temporary solution," he clarified, leaving them all curious as to what he was planning.

None of them could think of a way to make so much money so suddenly, and from what he had said and knowing how reckless he could be, it was unlikely to be something legal.

But for some reason, looking at the strong and confident look in his eyes, they couldn\'t help but trust and believe in him, so they didn\'t bother questioning him on anything he was saying as he continued on to reveal to them what else he had in mind.

"Another short-term solution, just to have some cash flowing in, is for all of us to contribute a quarter of our fight club earnings from the Wild Dog Fight Club to the Outlaw Gang fund..." he announced before pausing, unsure of what kind of reaction he would receive.

He was expecting at least a few of them to voice complaints or show signs of displeasure, but unlike he had foreseen, most of them, despite appearing surprised, didn\'t have an entirely negative reaction.

However, so that none of them got the wrong idea, he explained his reasoning and gave them some reassurance.

"This is not a fee for joining, or something that you\'ll need to do for long, but just think of it as an initial investment and a way of funding your training. The unit leaders and I will also be doing the same and more prove our dedication. And the money will all be reinvested into the gang that you\'ll all eventually benefit from once it establishes itself."

"And we also won\'t be fighting in the Wild Dog Fight Club for much longer, as there would be no need to do so. That\'s because the money, combat experience, thrill and whatever else you gain from it will be gained from the Outlaw Gang," he added, not wanting to get too close to the Wolf Gang, who would soon become their rivals and even enemies.

Xavier gave them a moment to digest all he had thrown at them and despite it seeming as though he had dumped too much onto them at once, there was still so much more he had in mind.

So far, he had only spoken about the temporary financial plans, but Xavier wanted their gang to have continuous income from multiple areas.

Businesses, protection services, drugs and real estate were all the big ones that he had in mind so far, but he knew it was too early to venture into those when there was yet to be any actual stability in the Outlaw Gang.

And when it came to it, he obviously had his own morals to abide by and wanted to fulfil the outlandish promise that he had made to the ambitious Karim.

But for the time being, it was time to end their gathering with a few final words.


"One week. That\'s how long we have to prepare. In this week all I want from you guys is to train in the dojo, practise shooting in firing ranges and fight in the fight club. The unit leaders will oversee your training and do the same themselves. Meanwhile, the others who are still in high school will keep on doing what they\'re doing," Xavier affirmed.

"And one last thing, I would like all of you to buy black face masks, black hoodies, and black jogging bottoms. That\'ll be our gang uniform and what lets everyone know who we are,\' he added before urging them all to get some rest and prepare to work hard the next day.


Looking around at each of them as they all packed their things and started to leave the dojo, Xavier could see a fire in their eyes that reassured him about his choice to recruit them.

And as they were leaving, he asked for Karim and Zack to stay behind, along with Connor, Sam and Achara, who weren\'t planning on leaving yet anyway.

"You guys just go on ahead without me. I\'ll see you guys tomorrow morning," Karim said to his friends before joining Xavier and the others with Zack, curious as to why Xavier had asked them to stay behind.

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