Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 41: I discovered a dungeon?

Chapter 41: I discovered a dungeon?

Serena spoke up, "The denser the mana, the stronger the monsters that reside there. It\'s better to be cautious. We should proceed with care."

Fasit nodded in agreement, "She\'s right. We can\'t take this lightly. We need to be fully prepared before we move forward."

Mojito, however, was getting impatient. "Come on, guys, let\'s not be scared. We can handle anything that comes our way. I want to see what\'s there, and besides, the boss will protect us."

I interjected, "Mojito, this is not a game. We need to be careful and plan our moves. We don\'t know what kind of danger awaits us."

Serena added, "He\'s right, Mojito. We need to work together and make sure we\'re fully prepared for whatever we encounter."

"Alright, let\'s got to work.." (Lumiere)

I stood up sharply and immediately placed my hands outward before casting [Air Cannon], a Rank B [Wind Magic] spell that created a strong, violent wind that was almost like a storm.

The wind magic carved through more than ten meters of the forest on a rectilinear path and tore the rocks and trees away.

The attack was so powerful that even the ground shook as if it was an earthquake.

The minor wind explosion came as discomfort to the others as it scattered their hair and almost blew Mojito away.

"Whoa, that was intense... I can hardly breathe," Fasit gasped.

"Sorry about that," I chuckled nervously as I apologized.

But our attention was caught by the gargantuan door before us.

It was tall and wide, made of a mysterious metal that glimmered in the little light that shone through the dense forest canopy.

The intricate design on the door hinted at some kind of powerful magic work, and the most conspicuous thing about it was the several gems which decorated it.

The door looked ancient, and it was evident that nobody has opened it for years.

Serena moved closer and examined the door, "This door appears more significant than anything we\'ve ever encountered. I sense something lurking behind it."

"That\'s right," I answered. "I can sense a strong magical presence from behind this door. It could be anything, friend or foe. We must be ready for anything."

"But how do we open it?" Mojito asked.

I examined the door more closely, and it was definitely not going to be an easy task.

The door was very large, at least 50 feet tall and 30 feet wide, and it had no handle or keyhole.

"It looks like we have to use magic to open it," I said. "But, this door is too big for our magic to open. We need a more direct approach."

Serena\'s eyes gleamed with determination, "I\'ll try something. Watch me."

Serena walked closer to the door and placed her hand on it.

Suddenly, the wind picked up around us and whipped her hair around. Her eyes glowed with a bright, fierce light as she began to chant in a language none of us could understand.

The wind grew stronger around her until it turned into a violent windstorm.

The tornado-like wind twisted and danced around her body, and she raised her hand before slamming it down onto the door.

There was an earth-shattering boom, and the door shook before it started to slide open. As it opened, we could see that it led to what appeared to be a dark, cavernous tunnel.

"Wow, Serena, that was fantastic!" Mojito exclaimed, admiringly.

"We don\'t have time to waste. Let\'s go!" I said, leading the way into the dark, foreboding tunnel.

It was pitch black inside, and even with our magical abilities, we could barely see a few feet in front of us.

The air was cold and damp, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the tunnel.

"Wait, hold on a second," Fasit urged, causing the others to pause. "I think we should reconsider going forward."

We all turned to Fasit, curious.

"Why\'s that?" Serena asked.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Fasit spoke up. "Well, from the looks of this, it\'s probably a dungeon."

"A dungeon?" Serena exclaimed. "What do you mean?"

Fasit explained, "It\'s most likely something that belongs to our ancestors. The grygans that came before us probably stored something precious inside."

"Ah, I see," I nodded in understanding. "That would explain the thick mana emanating from the deeper reaches of the dungeon."

Mojito added excitedly, "And if it\'s a dungeon, then it\'s bound to have some valuable materials too!"

I smiled, "Exactly. Rare monsters and fruits should be in this dungeon. We can sell the monster hides and skins to an Adventurers\' Guild, and then the fruits to a restaurant or confectioner\'s store."

Fasit agreed, "Yes, it\'ll sell big time, Lord Lumiere."

Serena couldn\'t help but roll her eyes. "Must you always use every opportunity to make money, my lord?"

I chuckled nervously, "I can\'t help it, it\'s in my blood!"

As we continued to banter, a voice suddenly interrupted us with a disturbing chime of "Well, well..." I turned to face the source of the voice and was taken aback as a lady emerged from the cluster of trees.

"So the great lord of the north-eastern region can be so much of a sales addict," the lady said with a silky smooth voice that seemed to contain some underlying danger and mischief.

I couldn\'t help but be drawn to her appearance.

Her sparkling green eyes, long golden hair, and pointy ears were like something out of a fairytale. She wore a silvery white armor, a green cape, white leather boots, a green and white skirt, which all served to complement her elegant build.

From the way she carried herself, it was easy to tell that this lady was a proud one.

"Lady, may I know who you are?" I asked, still somewhat astonished.

Neither Serena nor I had sensed her presence despite her proximity, which made me worry instantly what sort of strange individual she was.

"I am Ophelia Fenberg," she replied, smiling smugly as if hoping we\'d know the name. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Lumiere."

I could hear Fasit and Mojito gasp in awe. It was obvious to them that Ophelia Fenberg was none other than a pure-blood high elf, possessing the characteristic pointed ears.

Serena voiced her own confusion, "It\'s strange that she could suppress her magic power to a level where even we couldn\'t sense it."

I suggested, "Perhaps that\'s because she\'s an elf."

Serena seemed to agree, "Yes, that\'s a likely possibility as to how she evaded our [Magic Detect]..."

If she was using magic, I would\'ve realized it instantly.

I could feel the tension in the air, a sense of unease creeping up my spine as the lady continued to speak.

"What do you want from me, Ophelia?" I asked, my voice firm and formal, masking my suspicion towards the mysterious elf.

Ophelia merely smirked and replied, "Just curious about the man who broke the [Fire Demon\'s Curse], killed the Minotaur Lord, and took control of the north-eastern domain. Quite the impressive resume, Lumiere."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly, but it maintained a cool exterior.

"It was merely my duty as a lord to protect my domain." (Lumiere)

Ophelia continued, "Well then, Lord Lumiere, it\'s a shame that despite your impressive accomplishments, you can\'t even recognize a dungeon when you see one."

I felt myself bristle at her words, but I kept my composure and asked, "What are you trying to say, Ophelia?"

"I heard word of a hidden dungeon within your territory, and I\'ve come to explore it," Ophelia replied, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

My expression hardened. "The dungeon was discovered on my domain, which means it belongs to me as the ruler of this land."

Ophelia\'s eyes narrowed slightly, a look of displeasure crossing her elegant features.

"That\'s where you\'re wrong, Lumiere. No one should own a dungeon simply because it\'s within their territory. After all this is the Great Forest isn\'t it? And you\'re not necessarily the Beast King.." (Ophelia)

Mojito stepped forward angrily. "What gives you the right to come here and try to take something that belongs to the boss?"

Ophelia simply chuckled.

"I\'m not trying to take anything. I simply wish to explore the dungeon. And as luck would have it, I know exactly where it is. Your powerful [Wind Magic] was quite the beacon, Lumiere." (Ophelia)

I noticed she\'d call me "Lumiere" when she was about to mock me.

How distasteful.

I felt a chill run down my spine.

This Ophelia Fenberg was clearly not someone to be underestimated.

I wondered what other secrets she might be hiding and what other dangers she might bring to my domain.

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