Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 252 Back to the University?

Chapter 252 Back to the University?

(POV: Lumiere)

School life was a total snooze fest.

Seriously, it was like Groundhog Day every damn day.

First, I\'d drag my ass out of bed and force myself to go for a jog with Anastasia. There, she\'d tell me more about the students in the class.

At first, I was like— "Bruh, she never shuts up".

But at some point it became obvious she was helping me understand the students better.

That way, I\'d be able to interact better with them.

Apparently, Elise, yunno... the scarf girl. She was a total social outcast and barely said a word. She couldn\'t socialize to save a life.

Lance, on the other hand, manages to piss off everyone in the class.

Aidan and Lumila? They were like human wrecking balls, always hurting people\'s feelings with their blunt honesty.

Ruri, though, she\'s just your typical nice girl, all polite and stuff.

Once I finally made it back to my room, I\'d have to play teacher to my Elise doll.

Poor girl was too scared to ask questions, so I had to figure out how to teach her without her even needing to ask.

Honestly, it wasn\'t going so hot. But hey, at least I was trying, right?

After that whole circus, I\'d change into my fancy lecture clothes and trudge my way to the dining hall.

There, I\'d join Anastasia, Ruri, Stellaria, and Lucilia for the most exciting meal of the day: breakfast.

Can you feel the sarcasm dripping from my words? Yeah, didn\'t think so.

Another day of this monotonous school life. Yippee.




I heard Anastasia?s voice finally.

"Hm, what\'s wrong?" I asked, catching Anastasia\'s worried expression.

She hesitated for a moment before responding, "I\'ve been calling your name for about two minutes now."

My face flushed with embarrassment as I realized my absentmindedness.

I was telling "someone" a story.

Why do I even narrate my life?

"Oops, sorry about that," I apologized, spooning a hearty portion of beef stew into my mouth.

Stellaria stifled a yawn and playfully remarked, "You must be tired."

Lucilia chimed in with confidence, "Nah, I highly doubt it. Lumiere never seems to get tired. He\'s like an unstoppable force, especially during work."

Lies... You always work me to the bone.

I just don\'t complain. I was Elise in my own way.

Ruri nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with admiration. "Indeed, he\'s a powerhouse."

Grinning, I humbly agreed with their assessment.

"I guess so, but even powerhouses need their rest sometimes," I chuckled.

Since Senesica and Dendrossa left back for Tenebrous Slade three days ago, things were less draining.

Anastasia folded her hands, smugly smiling.

"Perhaps Professor Stellaria?s right, maybe you\'re just getting too lazy."

"Hmm," I chewed the food in my mouth.

"What is it? Can\'t handle school life?" she teased.

Unable to resist teasing her, I stole a spoonful of her beans.

"HEY! THAT\'S MY FOOD!" she barked.

"Is it? Maybe. You snooze, you lose."

The color rose in Anastasia\'s cheeks as she pouted, watching me with faux annoyance. I continued to eat, relishing each spoonful of Anastasia\'s delicious beans.

Then, I exclaimed "Wow, these beans are amazing!"

Ruri, always curious, interjected, "Are they truly that tasty? I\'ve never tried beans before."

Intrigued, I questioned, "Really? What do you usually eat?"

Lucilia chimed in "Oh, Ruri here?s from the Goldfield family. Her father\'s a Viscount who owns several acres of wheat ball plantations."

Ruri confirmed Lucilia\'s words with a nod.

"Yes, we mostly eat wheat balls. They\'re versatile and can be turned into a variety of delicious cuisines."

I couldn\'t help but wonder aloud, "Wheat balls? What exactly are those?"

A hard swallow of food from Lucilia, she answered, "Well... They\'re seeds created with magic that combines ground wheat grains with herbs and spices. It\'s a high sell in the market too."

Jeez, I really need to get into that line of business too.

Changing the world... Food can do that, no?

The best way to get to a man was through his belly?

"Is it me, or does that sound like work?" Stellaria said, playing with her food.

"It\'s just you.." I sharply told her.

Stellaria rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Ruri giggled a bit.

Then, she paused for a moment, her gaze fixed on her plate of wheat balls noodle style and stew.

"Well, being so caught up in patronizing our family\'s wheat balls, I haven\'t had the chance to try many other foods," she explained.

I furrowed my brow in concern. "That can\'t be healthy," I commented.

She smiled and shrugged, tilting her head slightly. "It is what it is," she replied.

The thought of her missing out on a variety of flavors made me want to share my meal with her.

"Would you like to try some of mine?" I suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Really?" Ruri\'s eyes widened with surprise.

I nodded, reaching for a spoonful of my beef stew.

As I held it out to her, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes.

I was a little surprised as I asked, "You want me to feed you?"

Ruri nodded gently, her expression resembling that of a rabbit about to nibble on a carrot.

Anastasia watched us with a pout, her cheeks flushed with a tinge of jealousy.

I gave her grin as Ruri enjoyed the taste of the beans.

Her eyes widened in delight. "It\'s good!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled, feeling satisfied.

"See? I told you so," I said triumphantly.

Anastasia huffed, her irritation evident. "What is it with you and acting like Ruri?s your girlfriend?" she mumbled under her breath.

"Eh?" I blinked, caught off guard by her comment.

Ruri blushed furiously and waved her hands dismissively. "No, no! I didn\'t mean it that way," she stammered, feeling flustered.

Anastasia let out a huff of exasperation, shifting her gaze to the side. "Whatever, I don\'t even care."

"Someone sounds jealous," I teased, unable to resist provoking her a little more.

Anastasia crossed her arms defiantly. "I\'m not," she insisted, her voice slightly raised.

Stellaria chewing gently, casually chimed in, "No, you definitely are."

Anastasia\'s frustration reached its peak, causing her to slam her hand on the dining table. "I am not!" she shouted, attracting the attention of all the nearby students.

I smirked at her outburst. "You\'re a little noisy though."

Lucilia just giggled watching this exchange.

Anastasia\'s temper flared, and she clenched her fists, ready to shout again. However, before she had the chance, I swiftly scooped up a generous spoonful of the tantalizing beef stew. With a quick motion, I forcefully fed it to her, catching her off guard.

Anastasia?s eyes widening in surprise as the flavors exploded on her tongue.

I chuckled, finding amusement in her unexpected reaction.

As she chewed angrily, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You..." she stammered between bites, "you\'re just trying to embarrass me!"

I smirked, leaning back in my chair.

"Well, you\'re chewing quite fast. Maybe you should be careful, or you might add some weight," I teased, raising an eyebrow.

With a powerful gulp, Anastasia shot back.

"That\'s a lie! I watch my weight. I have the perfect shape, the kind of body any man would want!"

Her words were strong, and yet there was some vulnerability in her tone.

Tch, that\'s just typical of women.

I chuckled lightly, trying to ease the tension.

"Relax, Ana. I was just playing around," I reassured her, realizing I might have gone too far.

Lucilia frowned at me, her eyes narrowing. "Don\'t talk about a woman\'s weight like that. I\'m actually disappointed," she scolded.

Right after, she took a sip of water.

"But it was just a.."

"No buts, or I\'ll tell Serena," she interjected.

Stammering slightly, I nodded in agreement several times.

"Won\'t happen again...! Don\'t tell her!"

However, this slip of the tongue had piqued Ruri and Anastasia\'s curiosity.

"Serena? Who\'s she?" they asked simultaneously, exchanging confused glances.

The silence was broken by Stellaria, who casually answered their question, "Oh, Serena?s his sister."

"Really, Professor Stellaria?" Anastasia asked.

Stellaria nodded, adding, "Yep. He never mentioned her before, did he?"

Lucilia and I exchanged surprised glances before I turned to Stellaria, seeking confirmation.

She continued eating her meal.

I didn\'t understand why she picked that answer, I\'d have easily told them she was my fiancée.

Or was I missing something?

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