I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 7 7. Heavenly Visions

On the shore only two figures were standing, One was hesitating to ask something while the other patiently waiting for other party to finish.

"Th-That Devi (Goddess) Ganga can you let me take a look at Karna?"

Finally, After much deliberation, Surydev spoke.

As he was saying these words, He raised his hand and sealed off the space around to prevent anyone from spying on them.

"pfft- Hahaha Suryadev, You did this much deliberation, Just ask this? I thought you wanted to tell some grim news."

Ganga snickered hearing Surya\'s question, When she saw him hesitating and disclosing the space she thought something bad had happened but she never imagined that Surya did all this just to take a look at her son Karna.

"Suryadev I am not going to get angry at you just because you asked to take a look, I am more than happy to show him to the world, Only reason I am angry at Indra is that he insulted Karna."

Ganga said this as she thought he misunderstood her but she didn\'t directly show Karna to him but she like Surya, also raised her hand to strengthen the space seal around them.

She really didn\'t want Indra to find out Karna\'s secret.

"But you have to promise me, Suryadev, that you will not be going to tell anyone about what you are going to see next."

Ganga looked left and right, up and down to make sure no one was paying attention to them, and used divine power to communicate with him.

The secret of Karna is too important to know by other gods.

If not for the fact that she needed him to watch over him in her absence, She never revealed Karna\'s secret to him, Even when she knew he would never harm her child.

When Surya heard her first words, His fist was unconsciously clenched in anger. The suppressed rage arose again.

He was monitoring Karna from the moment Kunti abandon him in the river but all of a sudden his Divine sight was blocked.

He was able to see other things normally but No matter how he tried he wasn\'t able to see Karna with his Divine vision at all, Fearing something might happen to him he quickly came down to earth to check in person.

Just as he came he heard those words, If not for Indra being his brother, He has shown him why he is considered one of the strongest gods.

\'Did she find out about Kavach (Armour) and Kundal (Earring)?\'

He subsides his anger as to prevent Ganga from being suspicious of him. Then he saw her sneaky actions and heard her words.

He becomes anxious, No matter what happens he can\'t let Karna\'s birth secret out.

"Oh, that\'s it? I swear I will never reveal his secret."

He calmed the worry in his heart and promised her. He had to know if she knew about the secret or not.

"Here you go but I warn you, What you are going to see next is going to shock you."

She said as she removed the cover from Karna.

"This...This h-how it is possible, Th-That\'s a Supreme Charm\'s Vision."

Just as she uncovered Karna, World changed Heaven and Earth\'s vision provoked by him, Sky turned pink and a large enchanting illusory figure slowly started to appear between the world.

Surya becomes dumbfounded, He looks at the figure in the sky and then at Karna.

\'It\'s just a few hours passed since I last saw him. How come this big change happened to him? What happens in those hours?\'

He was racking his brain yet still couldn\'t figure out how it all happened but this didn\'t slow down his actions.

A brilliant golden-colored light ray burst out from his body directly suppressing the vision.

Ganga was also stunned. She did not expect that visions would appear as they not appeared before but she quickly recovered. Without saying anything she waved her hand and transparent blue-colored light like a wave hit the figure directly destroying it.



Both Ganga and Surya breathing fast, They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other\'s eyes. They didn\'t expect the vision to be this strong.

Although it looks like they destroyed this vision easily but it\'s not the case, They had to use a lot of power.

After all, destroying these visions is not a joke, Those visions represent the will of the higher heavens.

\'I am in the Mahabharata or Xianxia novel?\'

Karna in Ganga\'s arms looked at everything with a dumbfounded face. He doubted the world. This action was too much like those xianxia novels.

" Suryadev be prepared, We can\'t let this vision appear in the world or the whole world will find out about him, We can\'t let that happen."

Ganga had a very bad feeling in her heart, If Supreme Charm\'s vision occurs now then it\'s highly possible that Sovereign Constitution vision might also come.

She can\'t allow that vision to appear front of others because it\'s too much of a danger. If the world knew about it then Karna would become the target of the whole world, not just Indra.

"What do you mean? Didn\'t we just destroy- Huh?"

Surya recovered a little, He became elated seeing his son triggered the supreme vision, He wanted to see his son but then he heard Ganga\'s warning.

He just wanted to ask her about it but changes started happening again between heaven and earth.



Before even vision appear sealed space started to shatter, Terrifying murderous aura filled in the space.

"Not good"I think you should take a look at

Both saw the situation as not good. If this space broke and this aura escaped then it would undoubtedly alarm those powerful monsters and gods.

Golden and Blue coloured power shot again to strengthen the seal. This stopped the seal from breaking for now but real horror was yet to come.


The murderous aura suddenly increased by tenfold and a tide of blood like a tsunami appeared on earth.

"So-Sovereign constitution...How?"

Surya yet had not recovered from the shock of Supreme charm and now he saw a Sovereign constitution, The most powerful constitution appeared on his son.

"*Grunt* Please don\'t be distracted by Suryadev."

Ganga grunted, Power of this vision is too strong for current restricted state.

When God comes into the mortal world most of their power gets sealed so as not to disturb the natural order. If she had her full power then she didn\'t even have to lift her finger to destroy this vision.

Surya also used all the power he can use currently to stop the blood tide but he was just bearly able to slow down a little, not able to stop it.

"Do I have to use the sealed power?"

Both thought the same thing but the problem was that once they lifted their sealed power, the natural order would get disturbed, Lots of innocents\' lives would be in danger. Finally gods need to intervene and if that happened, Then they were never able to hide Karna\'s secret.

\'What is happening? Even they can\'t hold it?\'

Karna looked at all of this with a dumbstruck look, He saw how they are struggling to keep that blood tide in check, Though they are not injured but sweat on their forehead shows their efforts.

He felt their genuine care, His heart filled with gratefulness, Then he looked at the blood tide with resentment, It was the reason which makes them this helpless.

"What happened? How can it suddenly go like that?"

"I don\'t know Devi (Goddess) but this is a sign of total integration of the constitution."

Suddenly a strange thing happened, The tide which threatened to break free from them suddenly subdued and disappeared as if it never appeared.

It\'s just that as proof in the sky was a sign of completion of the constitution as a outline of an imperial crown.

"Born King."

Ganga and Surya both spoke at the same time,

and that Crown rotated in the air for a few moments before entering the tiny body of Karna.

[Ding! Host completely integrated with Supreme Charm and Sovereign constitution.]

Notification of the system sounded in his mind and the aura of King started to emit from his body.

"Really captivating beauty like no one."

Surya finally gets time to see his son without any interference from anyone.

He looks at his world\'s enchanting small face, the Aura of King enveloping his tiny body, the charming nature in his moments, Everything was mesmerizing.

"Do you want to hold him Suryadev?"

When Ganga saw his longing eyes, Then she offered, She knew without his help she wouldn\'t be able to stop the visions on her own.

"Yes, Why not-  "

Surya became thrilled and reached his hand forward to hold him but his actions halted midway.

"You refuse to accept and even felt disgusted to hold our newborn son, So I as a mother curse you Suryadev, You never able to hold your next son or even able to tell his identity as your son to the world, If you do then that child will suffer worst fate can be imaginable."

These words reverberated in his mind. He takes his stretched hand back at a lightning speed in the confused eyes of Ganga and Karna.

"Suryad- "

"My intense heat might hurt him devi (Goddess), Now I have to go back to my adobe as sunset is approaching soon."

Before Ganga could ask, Surya spoke and without waiting for her answer, He quickly go back to his adobe in the sky.

"What\'s got into him? ...Well anyway let\'s go Putra (Son), We will find the couple suryadev suggests at this time."

Ganga didn\'t bother to think much about it after all he had a point. No matter how much he lowered his heat it was still able to hurt Karna who has no strength to protect himself.

So she also turned around and disappeared with Karna in Hastinapur\'s direction.

"Why does he act like that?"

But Karna in arms was confused, Ganga didn\'t know but he knew that Surya\'s heat was not going to harm him at all, He also saw the longing in his eyes yet he held himself back.

Karna was lost in thought and started his journey toward Hastinapura to create and change destiny for himself and others.

(A/N: I am adding a new troop as both Xianxia cultivation and our cultivation has many similarities, Like they have cultivation levels we have warrior levels, They meditate to increase QI and we did it to gain yogic power. They have gained both spiritual power and physical power, We did too.

There are no novel that I know of put light on this similarity and use it, So I decided to be the first one to use it.

Also before you complain about Karna did not have many appearances here but remember he is just a child with no power, He has potential but not power, So in battle with gods, I focus on gods more.

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Like always thanks for reading and have a good day �.)

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