I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 50 50. Nearly Impossible

Suyodhan looked at Karna with a wronged look on his face not understanding why he hit him, Wondering if he did something bad that angered him as that might be the only reason he would do something like this but even racking his brain he could not understand what he did wrong.

"Mitra, What did I do wrong? Please tell me."

He then stopped trying to guess and asked Karna, Karna did not hit with much force but it was still enough to make him feel it through his Vajra body, so really wanted to know what made him do that?

"Yes, Gurudev* (Teacher God), can you tell me what the prince did wrong to get punishment for it?"

Even Eklavay seeing this could not resist his curiosity and asked the question, Before he might not be able to bring himself to question his Guru (Teacher) but after being reminded and told by Karna, He decided to ask about it.

He came in front of Karna, Then he folded his hand and bowed before he asked him a question. He now has a new level of respect for Karna, which was already quite high and now it has even reached new heights.

He did not know who Vidur was and how formidable his intelligence actually is but he did not need to know about that thing at all to appreciate and feel shocked and proud about his Guru seeing the scene unfolding in front of him.

He used to think he could predict what another person was going to do as he needed this skill to survive in the wild left speechless and until the end, he did not know where Karna was heading with his argument.

He, like everyone, was shocked by how quickly events happened. How a 7-year-old was leading others by their nose into the traps he laid for them from the start willingly.

"Yes, I want to know why you hit my son. You do know that hitting a prince is a capital offence."

Gandhari standing by the side also and also Karna in as stern a voice as she can but she still sounded too soft, Though she was trying to seem serious and angry about it.

But she was not able to fool anyone with her empty threats. All she was able to was to make the children look at her weirdly as even they can tell their mother was not serious nor angry.

Because when she is angry, The whole kingdom trembles, Making anyone\'s leg soft standing in front of her at that time.

Gandhari also saw that she failed to fool anyone, So she just looked in a different direction, hinting at Karna to speak as to distract others from her embarrassment.

"Why I hit you has a very simple reason."

Karna did what Gandhari wanted and decided to start speaking, successfully diverting attention from her to him.

Other Kuvravas did not say anything but their attention to Karna, Especially Vikram as he was very curious and wanted to learn more about how Karna was able to do what he just did.

Of course the middle aged man in a group of Kurvas was the same, It\'s just he was not revealing anything about his current state of emotions, His eyes were fixed on Karna waiting for him to start speaking with expectations.

"Yes, Please tell me about it mitra."

Suyodhan said pushing his wide chest front like a warrior though it still looked a lot like childish than a move of the brave but still he was ready to hear what his mistake was from Karna and try to improve himself.

He usually likes to prove everyone wrong thinking him of as a bad omen, A reason for the downfall of their lineage, He alway wonder how can he destroy his own home and family.

He loves his family, His brothers are his life, His sister is a gem that he will alway protect, His mother and father\'s love for him knows no boundaries, Even though Bhishma Pitamaha (Grandsire) now being partial but even he too was quite good to him before.

He remembers playing in his arms, playing and jumping on his mountain-like strong body and then sleeping in his lap after getting tired of playing just to find himself waking up in the same place as Bhishma did not disturb him and sat there while he was sleeping on his lap.

Those were his precious memories he knew and love, His parents though love him they did not have much time to spend with them, So their grandsire was the one who gave the love he was craving for it.

This is also the reason why he hates those Pandavas. It\'s okay if they are coming after his throne. He could have dealt with it later when they got old but he could not forgive them for taking away his Pitamaha from him.

That\'s why he always tried not to do bad things, To prove that he is not a bad omen but also to get that love back that once showered on him by his Pitamaha, He wanted all that back which was once his.

"You called tricking Vidur, Easy. This kind of thinking will cause a downfall of strong as the wise will never make this mistake.I think you should take a look at

Tricking Vidur was everything but easy. If today lady luck was not with me and he was able to see through my trick, It was nearly impossible to pull this off."

Karna looked at Suyodhana with firm face a s he seriously told her what was his mistake, He knew what he did was nothing less then a miracle as those Pandavas were sons of fortune, Luck is alway in their side.

If not for his good planning for these past 3 years then there is no way a wise man like Vidur would have fallen into this trap, Rather he had to worry about turning the tables and shifting the blame.

What he did was nothing but a calculating gamble, Thankfully and by luck he won, But Karna knew he can\'t always depend on his black-graded luck, He even doubt he might use all his luck for a year for this to be successful

"But Mitra, Weren\'t you easily able to trick Kaka (uncle) Vidur? I mean he fell in just a few questions and answers of yours, Then tell me how it was impossible without luck?"

Suyodhan now understood why Karna had hit him but he was still confused about other contexts of things. After all he saw it with his own eyes the thing from beginning to end.

When Karna was targeting Nakul, Vidur was not there. They appeared later when Karna was laying the trap for Nakul, So how can Karna say it is impossible without luck.

He knew Karna would not lie to him but he could not understand how it could be, So he asked him as he believes that in friendship trust comes first, If he was curious about it he should ask and not pretend that he understood what Karna was saying.

Vikram and Eklavya also wanted to hear the reason, Though they understand why calling tricking Vidur easily will not be good but they wanted to hear the reason of Karna to understand more further.

A middle aged man was standing with 99 Kauravas having a wide smile at this time on his face looking at Karna with an unknown spark in his wisdom-filled eyes.

Gandhari too was curious about it as she also needed to know and learn from it not only because of trying to use it but also to know when someone was using it on her. She now thinks she needs to know much more about politics and treachery.

It\'s okay not to use the teacher on others but it will be quite good to understand when she was being manipulated by others.

"I said it was impossible because if Mahamantri Vidur had not come at the right time, I would not be able to trick him. He only lowered his guard when he thought he was protecting Pandavas.

You know, for 3 years I was subconsciously training him, It was not that I did not have anything fun to do. I will alway on constantly debate with him and oppose him with every word, 

I did it so it will become a habit for him to argue with me, So whenever I say something he always tries to counter me and vice versa, We do it so frequently that it becomes a subconscious action for us to do that without thinking much.

This is what I took advantage of, The reason why he jumps into arguing with me without assisting the situation, Which becomes her downfall. His protective instinct towards Pandavas is the reason why he did not think of protecting himself and exposed his weakness.

If they were not here, smart men like him would surely be able to find a way to escape from the net I had woven for him.

Now do you understand Suyodhan?"

Karna, seeing Suyodhan really needed to know to give him the answer he wanted, He really wanted Suyodhana to be aware of the fact that a smart man will outsmart you in the heat of the moment for petty gains.

But wise men will wait, They will wait till they have the power to take all at once. They are more dangerous than a fine warrior bathed in the river of blood.

"Mitra but- "

"Bhanje (Nephew)~ "

Suyodhan now has little understanding of it but he still has doubts about a few things but as he wanted to ask, A voice came and halted his action.

Karna in shock and thrill turned around towards the direction of sound with excitement in his eyes.

(A/N : Any idea who this new speaker is?

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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