I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 126 125. Fantasy And Reality

"Look, that is the bow, No one used it since it\'s gifted to us."

Sushala was excited and ran all the way to here. She only stopped when she reached her destination and pointed her slender index finger towards the central stage where laying a very ordinary bow made of cheap wood.

Both Karna and Duryodhan were right behind her, So when she pointed they also followed her finger with their gaze and were stunned seeing an unremarkable cheap-looking bow in the centre of the platform on which it was put on.

"Sushala this one? Aren\'t no one using it because this is just a joke gift given to us? The real gift was the quiver, In which we can put as many arrows as we can without running out of space, This bow is nothing but a useless."

Duryodhan was confused about why his sister dragged them here? Everyone knows this is just a joke artifact, The real treasure given to them was a quiver.

Maybe that kingdom felt that just giving a quiver looked weird, So they might have decided to pull this joke on them or just didn\'t want to give up a strong bow while giving that legendary quiver.

But in either case, one thing was sure was that this bow had nothing special. Yeah, the speech given by that kingdom did say this bow is quite strong and capable of shooting divine Astra.

Yet when tested by Mahamahim Bhsiham, This bow can\'t even launch normal arrows properly, It did not even have the right weight distribution, This is all in all not a good bow at all.

No, Even calling it a bow will be too much. This is just a wooden stick with thread pretending to be a bow.

"Joke? Useless? Mata said nothing is useless, People just don\'t use the things yet, Also Bhrata even if it\'s a joke, It\'s come from them, They surely will not send something ordinary, I bet this is a secret legendary weapon only fated one can unreveal it\'s true form."

Sushala spoke up hurriedly to them not wanting them to misunderstand her as wasting their time, Her mother always says that everything has its use.

Be it the single fallen leaf from the big tree or the rock near the river shoar, Everything has its own father\'s destiny, So by that logic this show might also have the same destiny.

Also she heard a lot of fairy tales, In which such a secret weapon is revealed in the ordinary things when a prince touches those weapons or at least it will turn out no one other than destined one can use the legendary weapon.

She hoped this would be the case here, Hence why she brought them here in the first place. She wanted that fantasy of hers to come true. How exciting would that be? 

A prince holding a weapon in his hands which others consider as trash and turning it into the legendary one. How will others react? She wanted to experience that fairytale feeling.

Both her brother and Karna are suitable for to be a prince in her fairytales, So she brought both of them here hoping for some to bring her fantasy into reality.

"Are you mad Sushala? We live in real life not in fantasy la la land of yours, In real life if something is legendary it will show you it\'s legendary, There will be cosmic phenomena, Even all Nakshatras (constellations) will welcome such a thing.

It will not remain like this normal thing until the fated one arrives like in your fantasy, Aren\'t I am right Mitra Karna?"

Duryodhna\'s face palmed himself hearing the answer of his sister. What she describes is a clear fantasy. When a legendary weapon like she is saying was born in this world, the Whole world celebrates it.

There are signs, visions, an auspicious atmosphere and everything regarding the nature of the thing starts to appear. This is an involuntary thing. Whenever the world detects such a thing, it makes a grand announcement to all.

The only way to stop this is by not being detected by the world will but that is impossible, how come a thing will exist in the world without knowledge of it to the world?

In his eyes this is impossible and so the theory his dear sister is talking about is also wrong. He as big brother felt that it\'s his duty to correct her thinking as living in a such a delusion will distort her worldview.

So it\'s best to nip it bud. What if her expectations will become so high like her prince in her fairy tale for his friend Karna? How can he fulfil those unrealistic requests?

So it\'s necessary for her happy life even though he not want her to go away from hi- *Ahem* them at all but he also knows she has to someday.

The only solace of his was that his friend will be taken care of her in future, So he turn towards Karna to validate his point but Karna didn\'t answer him for a while, He was blankly staring at the bow on the levitated platform.

\'Is a bow like this in the epic? If so, why can\'t I remember it?\'

Karna was lost in his own thoughts, He knows very well that Sushala just set up a flag, Means this bow is not ordinary as it\'s looks, There has to be something special.

The scenario she talked about is also very valid for him who used to read many of the CN novels. This is definitely the plot point of the protagonist where he will get power buff.

And by that logic it, The protagonist of this epic, Pandavas will be one for who this bow is here, It\'s just that there is no such plot in his mind where a bow like this is mentioned.

All the fanfiction he read in the epic only talked about a few bows, In which this normal bow was not mentioned at all, making him very curious.

\'Is the Niyati doing to give those Pandava brothers an edge over me? Highly possible. No, I can\'t allow that to happen, I should just catch it here as soon as I can, I can\'t take such a risk.\'

Karna comes to one conclusion, Maybe that Niyati has detected him and created another subplot for the protection of Pandavas, Maybe like Sushala said this can be a legendary weapon.

This is the strongest possibility here, And the intended possessor of its course will be Arjuna, the side/main protagonist of the epic, Karna will never want that to happen.I think you should take a look at

Karna knows that Arjun was arrogant but he had the skills to back up his arrogance. If he gets a legendary weapon this early then it will be game over for him as he has yet to learn the basics of weapon-wielding.

"No, You are wrong Mitra, Sometimes reality is more unbelievable than fantasy, Here let me show you."

Karna finally answered to Duryodhna who also felt the sudden change in Karna\'s aura from his normal easygoing to full-on alert predator waiting to attack.

Because of that Duryodhan did not disturb him and waited patiently for him to finish his thought but words uttered by Karna left him speechless, And yet he did not question it.

Sushala is an ignorant girl who does not know anything about the world. Because of that he was so quick to counter her but Karna is a wise person, if he said something there has to have something in it, He will not waste words for useless things.

"Hey princess, see if I look like the fated one in your fantasy or not when I lift that bow."

Karna started walking towards the bow but before going he did not forget to remind Sushala, He understood why Duryodhana was so quick to throw away her idea thinking that it was just a fantasy of a girl.

But wanted her to daydream like that, She is the inky one who he met till now has that childful innocence. It\'s refreshing to see it, So he wanted to protect it as much as he could.

That is his selfish wish to do it.


To Karna\'s question Sushala just shyly hummed as Karna didn\'t realise how much his little action is lethal for some like her.

Well he didn\'t see it as before she turned as red as a tomato, Karna was already walking towards the bow.

But he didn\'t rush to pick it up because he is not stupid. His first hypothesis is indeed that this is an opportunity for Pandavas but his 2nd one was that this is a trap for him.

He will be a fool not to even consider the possibility of this being a trap, So he just stood beside it and ran his bloodline to the extreme, Starchild bloodline is very sensitive to the danger.

So much so that it\'s like future sights of a few seconds for dangers much like a certain Arachnida man\'s danger perception senses.

\'No trap, So it\'s safe to pick it up.\'

Thankfully Karna didn\'t felt any danger from the bow, It is completely safe to pick it up but he still did not let his guard down, Be carefully grabbed the centre of the bow and picked up in one swift motion.


Silence, Dead silence spread in the treasury, Duryodhna and Sushala were afraid to look at Karna as they could not able hold their laugh, The fox on the jos shoulder was also being careful not to be noticed by Karna as even she felt it was funny.

Karna too felt embarrassed by this, He surely thought this is a legendary weapon given by Niyati to use against him and even made such comments before coming here.

\'Wait!? How big of a fool am I? I forgot the obvious thing.\'

Karna was about to put the bow down when he realised he forgot to do the most obvious thing first, He quickly flicked his other hand and summoned the knife he previously used for fox.

As the knife is summoned, It\'s the cut tip of his finger and a scarlet drop of blood appeared as a wound just instantly healed.

"By the way, Which kingdom gifted this bow to Hastinapur?"

Karna held his finger which has a drop of blood on it saying for it to drop on the bow, Which was such a simple thing he forgot about.

While he was doing that he asked two of them casually to ease the tense atmosphere here.

"Ohh!! It is secret but we can tell you, We get this bow and quiver from the hidden kingdom Kosala also known from its capital, Ayodhya."

Sushala was first to react and answered Karna hurriedly fearing to lose to her elder brother in it, She was proud of herself for answering this quickly.

But when Karna heard it his eyes became wide open in shock, Which was also the moment his drop of blood fell on the bow.


(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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