I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 128 127. Terrified Dhritarashtra

"I date not the Queen, I know how innocent our little princess is. There is no need to be too formal."

Gandhari and Radha we\'re talking and laughing with each other, While Madu also joins them from time to time.

They are all waiting for the said princess who had not appeared yet, But no one minds as a princess. She gets some obvious benefits, Easily being forgiven is one of them.


When the atmosphere of the room was harmonious, Dhritarashtra suddenly stopped talking with Adiratha and Vaibhva stood up from his seat quickly.

Everyone did not understand why the king showed such a drastic action. The thought of them somehow offended the king of one of the biggest kingdoms also comes to their mind.

But before anyone can ask, They are all blinded by the extreme light that come out of nowhere forcing all of them to close their eyes, 

All but except one little girl who refused to yield, Try to outshine the light with the flame of jealousy in her eyes but she was of course lossing, At last moment when she was about to lose the battle, light vanished in the instance the same way it came.

"Wh-What was that? Everyone saw that right?"

Adiratha was the first to speak. He is a simple man not knowing anything more than anything related to his job, As he doesn\'t bother to do things not meant for him but even he felt that the light or say power he felt just not was not normal.

That power did not cover them but passed through them without any restriction at all. He felt it passing through his whole being, Though there was no pain or injury but he clearly felt power in it.

He is damn sure if that power was wanted, He would have turned into ashes in an instance, He would not even get a chance to react to it before it would have already happened..

This kinda feeling was new and unreal to him. He for a moment even felt he was imagining it but his sweat-soaked cloth and the expression of horror on everyone\'s face told him, It happened and not that he daydreamed.

"Yeah, We all felt it, Adiratha Mahodaya, Araya. Do you know anything about this?"

Gandhari was the only one stable enough to answer his question, Though she also felt the immense power in the light for some reason she felt it would not harm her.

Even the power of her penance not consider that power as a threat, So she was quite stable than others but there was also curiosity about it.

"....Huh!? Oh…Ohhh!!! I might be wrong but *Gulp* In my knowledge this is a sign and declaration of a legendary weapon which was just born, but I don\'t feel any turbulence in the world to acknowledge its presence. 

So I might be wrong, I hope I am wrong."

Dhritarashtra was standing there in shock, His whole body was tumbling for an unknown reason, May it be fear or excitement.

He sensed that terrible power heading towards them but before he could do anything it was already happening, The might of 1 lakh Gaja (Elephants) in his arms felt futile in front of that force.

But to his horror, he learned about events like this from his uncle Bhishma when he was learning the art of weaponry from him.

The legend is that sometimes normal weapons for various reasons evolve either on their own or when they have a capable wielder. That time there is a very nearly impossible chance that said weapon will turn into legendary armament.

These natural-born weapons are superior to those of the same rank, Because they go through various trials to be what they are other than just being forged into it, The karma attached to them also plays a major role.

And if someone has a naturally evolved legendary weapon then they directly stand out from others, As no other can stand near them as these weapons most of the time not only have offensive power but also quite defensive powers too.

Knowing this Dhritarashtra should have been proud and happy about this as this weapon clearly looks like being born in Hastinapur means the wielder of such a weapon is also a citizen of Hastinapur.

This means indirectly that said weapon also belongs to the Hastinapur, This is the main problem and fear of Dhritarashtra.

Because even if every kingdom wants to become strong but no one wants to stand out too much for the simple reason of when they have similar power, They are competitors.

But when someone gains too much power they stop being competitors and now become a threat to others meaning turned into a common enemy of the rest of them.

Hastinapur is already edging towards the upper hand thanks to the existence of Mahamahim Bhishma but now if there is another strong force born in this kingdom, Others will definitely not sit back and watch it.

There is a high chance they will come together and attack Hastinapur as they fear Hastinapur gaining this new strength might attacks them, So for them offence is the best defence.

Hastinapur is very well capable of going toe to toe with the similar force kingdom, Heck they can even go against three or four at once but they will also suffer a lot.

But it will be nearly impossible to take all the big kingdoms head on, Which others also know and surely will go for that route.

So even if Hastinapur will not cease to exist thanks to its heritage but will definitely lose its position as the one of the strongest kingdoms and might even drop further than that in the level of a small kingdom.

The only thing that gives solace to him is that there are no visions appearing in the world which usually happen or he got told is supposed to happen when such a powerful weapon is born.

Just like for rebirth the power of the world has to acknowledge it for full potential, Same for the weapons the world has to acknowledge their existence and grant them permission to exist with its might.

It\'s just that Dhritarashtra was not sure about this anymore, The power and it\'s intensity was clearly spoken enough, All he was hanging on the false hope which even he was aware of.

"Let\'s go, This come from Royal treasury of Hastinapur."

Dhritarashtra didn\'t waste any time and was quick in his feet to walk towards the door but then to his horror he is worry not limited to the birth of the weapon at all.

As he was about to dash out of the house without hearing anyone\'s reply, Another strange thing happened, That is his bow, The divine bow which he never used, appeared in front of him without his permission.

Before he could understand why his bow was out, He felt through the connection of his bow that the same or even stronger power was flowing through them without them knowing at all.

The bow directly turned towards the direction of the royal treasury and unexpectedly bowed down, A mighty bow which made to kill and flow blood of enemies now bowing down.

Even if Dhritarashtra is blind, He can sense things around him, So he also felt this strangeness of his bow. Not only that, He also felt that his bow had both respect and fear towards the unknown power.

"Impossible…No this is impossible."

Dhritarashtra stumbles back in shock and fear. There is now way the bow, especially the divine bow, will bow down in front of anyone. After all, even a weapon they also have their own spirit, pride and arrogance.

Now Dhritarashtra was praying that there be a legendary weapon for which his bow acted this way because he was even afraid to think of the second possibility.

He does not want to admit it at all. If there was a legendary weapon, there is a way he can calm everyone down through diplomacy. He will bleed a lot but the kingdom will not be in danger of destruction.

But this is what he thinks is, Then it will be fortune if they even survive even if they have a small kingdom. No one will let the possessor of such a strong bow talent to live at all.

They even destroy the whole kingdom the said possessor appeared just to make sure and sadly it looks like the kingdom is his.

Dhritarashtra broke out in cold sweat thinking of such a possibility. Everyone who is born with any big talent of bow will be destroyed by other kingdoms for one simple reason.

The wielders of bows are unstoppable. With their arsenal they might even conquer the whole world if not for others also having the same such talented bow wielders.

But if someone get advantage like this big talents, Then that perpen once again becomes a threat to all, A serious threat to their power, And the thing royalty love most is power.

They can go any height and low to keep their power and supremacy, Greed of man knows no bounds after all.

"Gandhari pray to lord that we survive this, Let\'s go to meet Rishi Durvasa, Only he can save us now."

Dhritarashtra controlled his emotions, He saw the saving grace, There is still Rishi Durvasa here, If he helps them, No one is stupid enough to go against his words.

So he stood up and without explaining to anyone anything, grabbed Gandhari\'s wrist and dashed towards his chariot, Hoping that Rishi Durvasa will help them seeing they are in-laws of his student now.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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