I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 147 145. Other Side Story

Chapter 147  145. Other Side Story

Ashwathama as a still child unknown to the darkness residing in the humans could not help but utter such words at which any grown man would laugh at.

No sane person wants the war as they are aware of the aftermath of the bloodbath that comes with it but it can\'t be helped as no one trusts each other anymore as too many people already suffered from the knife in the back.

That is why war happens, Some wars for the betterment of their kingdom subjects, Some for honour, Some for revenge, Some for justice and some for lust of power.

In which most of the wars can be prevented with the talk but for the talk, both parties mutually need to have trust in which any relationships stand and grow. Lacking trust and still trying to build bridges is nothing but a fool\'s dream.

But Ashwathama, having a heart of innocence, could not comprehend the nature of humans. All he knew was that the war could be prevented by simple talk.


While he was thinking about the things from the point of innocence, The vision around him changed, before it was just a pure chaotic war but as he thinks he understands that talk can prevent the war, a new vision starts appearing.

It was before the war, Each person he saw got cut down in the previous vision all were here standing tall and with courage ready to fight the opposing army.

Seeing that Ashwatthama was taken back, in his eyes the warrior would feel dread as they should understand that the in war of kings they become the cannon folders and yet he was warrior did not have a hint of fear or hesitation in their eyes, They all already to lay their lives here in this battlefield.

"Are they stupid? Why are they like this? They are ready to die in a war which has no reason to be."

He thought to himself but for a moment seeing how confident and fearless they were, His belief shook making him doubt whether or not he was right to believe this war could be prevented.

And so he started paying attention to it like before, Which followed the same suit the only difference being that this time the warrior\'s death was shown in detail and individually making it easy for Ashwattham to review the events.

To his surprise all he saw was that even at the gate of death those warriors still had the same spirit they had before the start of the war, They were indeed ready to die here, It was not a facade.

When Ashwatthama understood that, the Vision again changed but this time it was showing the reason for the war from the one side of the story, In which he found out that the war happened because another party tricked them into taking everything away from them.

Seeing that even Ashwatthama who before did not want war changed his thoughts and thought that evil people like them deserved to be punished, After all, who can do that to one another.

That made him angry, The part of Rudra in him sensed that and started to also get excited making his eyes cloudy and filling him with nearly infinite rage and power, The surroundings of his started to boil in the heat he was radiating.

The coldness around him for a moment was shaken but quickly it recovered and once again with greater intensity and put a hold on the sparse of head before dismissing it.

Cold also helped Ashwatthama to cool his mind and come back to his senses, but this time he was sure that the other party deserved to die.

But like before the moment he thinks that vision again changed, This time it was the story of the other side from which he got to know that the reason they trick the other side into everything by logic is that the things they stole belonged to them.

Because of the bias and the entitlement of the other side, they received what they had, So this side now in the eyes of Ashwatthwma was not as evil as he thought so before but he still thought what they did was wrong.

And so again the vision changed. This time it was the same war but the difference was that the decisions were made in the dark. The reason why those warriors died like that on the battlefield.

And to his horror, Ashwatthama learned the ugly truth, Turns out the evil side he thinks was following the most rules of the war than the good guys in his eyes.

They were breaking rulers all around and when asked for the reason for the justification of their Adhrama they said something along the lines of saying that if they were doing it for something good then it\'s Dharma.

This pissed Ashwtthama off, Dharma has a clear definition, it\'s not that the thing which can be changed or calculated based on what\'s good ourselves rather it was the completely opposite.

Dharma is something that to take care of others puts them before oneself as the belief that in every human gods reside, If one is in need, The one who is capable of helping should and would be helped by the Dharma.

If losing something will benefit others then doing so is Dharma, If one wants to do it or not it\'s on them, Dharma by no means forces someone as one has to do it with their free will.

So calling something selfish as getting back their own kingdom is a form of Dharma pissed Ashwattha off, making his anger rise to extreme as he felt the other party insulting the Dharma.

It\'s just unlike last time, He didn\'t need the help of extreme cold to cool his mind, he was able to calm himself down on his own terms though it took a lot of willpower.

In the process he also understood the broken reason behind the other party using this words for, It was nothing but trying to justify their action and ease the guilt they were feeling which he can relate to.

And so it started to repeat from the beginning. Each time there was a different story, each story had two sides, making Ashwatthama go through a rise of anger and calm once again multiple times.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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