I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 160 158. Heaven Binding Nether Blood Chains

Chapter 160 158. Heaven Binding Nether Blood Chains


Those various patterns became so bright that it was blinding to the naked eyes but Durvasa was not in care at all, he was wanting to escape as he was standing right in the middle of the core of the array.

But it was already too late, the whole space around him sealed off, There is no way he could. Real free from it unless he outright broke the space itself.

Which he was thinking of doing so but there was not enough time to do is, as the next instance immeasurable amounts of Dark gold blood-stained chains burst out of the patterns and directly headed towards Durvasa.

He tried to avoid it as much as he could but because of the small space and the number of chains overwhelmed him making him finally get caught in one of the chains

The moment one chain attached to him, others also rushed towards him and in no time he became immobile under the restriction of the chains, He struggled but the chains felt like they were unbreakable.

No matter how much force he used those chains were not huge at all, Not even a simple tension appeared on the chains, It was just solid not allowing him to move.

Or at least it looked like it to a bystander, But it was much more deep, If it was only not allowing Druvasa to move physically, then Durvass still not the force to reckon with as he has his spiritual power he cultivated throughout years of penance.

If Durvasa used that power then he, even if not able to move or break free from the chains, would be able to fight being immobile, Not be this desperate to break free but unfortunately, these are not the normal chains.

"Give up, O\'Great Rishi Durvasa, These are Nether (Patal) realms, heaven-bounding Nether blood chains, They are not only made from the strongest metal of neither world but reinforced by the blood of those beasts who dwell there.

These chains are capable of bounding the whole Swarga (Heaven) if one wants to, So there is no possibility for you to break these chains."

Shukracharya spoke to Durvasa as if taunting him but underneath that disguise there was horror and respect for the Durvasa in his eyes.

These chains were feared by even Deva\'s for a reason, Because not only these chains bound people and are unbreakable but they are also deadly.

The reason being these chains are carnivores by nature, Yeah they are not alive but they have instincts to drain all the nutrients and spiritual power from the being they are bound to.

One single chain is capable of killing the healthy adult in instance when bound to them, And if that person is the one who has spiritual power inside them then it is even worse.

Because these chains have special liking to the pure blood, The pure the blood the more fierce they become, And it\'s a known fact that the one who cultivates gets their blood purified through washing of spiritual powers.

So one these chains are a death sentence for anyone who has spiritual power but here Durvasa not one but trapped by the thousands of such chains and other then making him angry these chains seems like not doing much at all.

Though it\'s not the truth, Sukracharya can see how fast these chains were draining Durvasa but all the power that was being drained from him was just being refilled by him.

There was an equilibrium created, Which keeping Durvasa alright but also prevented him from using his power as there is no power in his to spare.

This fact surprised Sukracharya. He knew that Durvasa would not be harmed by these chains but he never thought that he would be these relax under these chains, These chains just pissing him off.

"So you can only use these chains Sukracharya? I thought the great Asura Guru was going to have more tricks under his sleeves."

Durvasa while struggling to break free responded to Sukracharya, His voice tainted with the insults as he trying to provoke him but deep inside just like Sukracharya he too was both horrified and respected him.

After all these chains were not prepared in advance rather when the array lit up, These chains were dragged directly from the Netherworld to the mortal realm, That in itself a feat to be proud of.

And another horrifying thing is that no matter how much he tried he was not able to save enough spiritual power to attack Sukracharya and try to break the array around him.

That fact alone made Sukracharay one of the few people who actually made him the Durvada helpless against to fight back.

He could not see any other way to escape from here, These chains are firm in their grasp no matter how much force he uses they are not budge at all, If not for he big the part of divine, He might not be able to handle the power of it at all.

"O\'great Durvasa I had many tricks but I know and respect you enough you to not use those 3rd-grade tricks against you, Only my best shot can actually work against you."

Shukracharya admitted and even praised Durvasa, After all there is no bad blood between them, It\'s just currently both want the same thing, and they have an argument over it.

If not for the fact that Shukracharya can\'t afford to give up this opportunity, He really didn\'t want to fight with someone like Durvasa, As not only he is a respected sage but also a great devotee of his lord.

But it can\'t help it now. They are too deep, and it looks like it\'s a matter of minutes before he will win the fight.

"*Chuckle* I have to admit Sukracharya, You are forced not to reckon with, Even I can\'t break through these chains, You put quite thoughts into this, I am honoured by your attention in my capabilities."

Durvasa suddenly chuckled hearing the words of Sukracharya, Yeah he understood where Sukracharya was coming from, If it was a normal thing he might also back away as Sukracharya is also a great devotee of his lord also but he can\'t.

He can\'t give up Karna. He doesn\'t why but he just doesn\'t want to do so. His heart does not allow him to do it, And he already accepted Karna as a student, So it\'s also not possible to change it now, so this battle is the only way they can decide.

"Yeah forgive me for that but it\'s time to give up, You can\'t break those chains and it would be a matter of time before you are exhausted to keep up with their draining of your power.

You know the more power these chains drain the more stronger they become, So stop wasting both of our time and give up. No one will say anything about this defect as it\'s impossible to break those chains."

Sukracharya, seeing that Durvasa might be ready to give up, doubled down on and tried to convince him to give up. There is no point in continuing this fight, Durvasa can\'t able to fight back anymore.

Yeah he too spending lot of spiritual power to keep those chains at bay and keep them in mortal realm, After all he just pulled these chains directly through Nether, These chains only exist here as long as he keeps them here.

The moment he stop supplying the spiritual power, These chains will also vanish and go back down but Sukracharya is not worried about it because the power consumption of it is way less than what Durvasa has to do it for to keep himself stable.

"Hehe, Why so rush? We still have time for Sukracharya."

Durvasa just chucked to the words of Sukracharya and answered with laugh without caring about the world.

"But you can\'t break the chains, which means I already won."

Those words made Sukracharya uneasy. There was a bad feeling in his heart, he did not like one bit of this, but he did not show it to him, rather he just kept facade and thought he already won.

"Are you sure I can\'t break these chains?"

Durvasa with a mysterious smile on his face and asked back to Sukracharya, He looked at Sukracharya with pity giving a hint of what he was just about to as he was already prepared to do so.

"What do you mean? Those chains are unbreakab-No!! You shouldn\'t, You can\'t do that here."

Sukracharya was not able for a moment not to understand where it was all going, After all, he did not consider that possibility as it\'s just too absurd, one can not imagine what would happen if Durvasa actually did it.

But then Sukracharya looked at the look in the eyes of Durvasa and came to the horrifying realisation that Durvasa is not bluffing, And to concrete that fact he felt the change in body of Durvasa.

"No no, Durvasa stop it, Don\'t do that!!"

Sukracharya jumped back creating enough distance between two of them being fully alert and enforcing the chains as much as he can, But he knows it would not be enough he fear written all over his face.


"*Gulp* We are done."

That\'s all he could say as he saw one of the chain broken by Durvasa.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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