I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 187 185.Nine-Tail Beast

Chapter 187 185.Nine-Tail Beast

He really can\'t choose a side in-between two of them, like said before Sukracharya and he have the same bloodline, While he is the avatar of who Narada considers his lord.

So it was impossible to pick sides as both sides are his and he could never pick one over another, both are someone who was close to him.

The only reason he even spoke this time and put attention on himself is that he finally took a glimpse of the beast they were talking about moving out of the miasma.

Everyone did not speak but turned towards the dust filled central that is still not dispersed because of the turbulence of the spiritual powers, Waiting to see the beast that was releasing this immense pressure.

And behold there it was, Emerging from the lingering miasma of powers, the beast of Nine-Tail White Fox, Which moved with a grace that defied the chaos that surrounding her.

That luminous form was shrouded in a celestial aura, a testament to the battles of the special origin of the beast standing where Durvasa and Sukracharya had waged their terrible battle.

Yet, the miasma of such destructive powers clung to her fluffy whiter then snow fur like a ghostly veil, like an ethereal memory of ancient clashes and celestial upheaval.

As she stepped forth using her white furry paw, her nine more white then snow fluffy tails unfurled like banners of starlight at night, dispersing the remnants of the conflict with every sinuous movement.

Each stride of her was a declaration of transcendence, an affirmation that she had risen above the tumultuous powers that had swirled around her.

The miasma, that consider oppressive and malevolent, now swirled in tendrils of dissipating energy, absorbed by her very being. It left behind a sense of transformation, a rebirth of celestial purity within her.

In her presence, the very fabric of the cosmos seemed to gleeful, Loving to accommodate such a new being in itself.

"Sooo cute!!!!~"

Sandhya, Chhaya and Ganga, All three of them scream in the excitement as they see the beast walking out standing at the edge of the battlefield showing her domineering presence

All they wanted to rush over and hug such a beautiful and cute creature, Never in their life as goddess they encounter this degree cute being. After all, whether goddess or not, They are also women whose weaknesses are cute things.

Fox there as if all her existence is based on and revolve around being as beautiful as possible until it become the embodiment of beauty itself and to be fair this fox was not really far from accomplishing that transcend state.

Unfortunately as long as their son is there, They know this fox does not stand a chance but this fox is still super cute nonetheless urging them to take her in their arms to feel her warmth.

"What is happening?"

While women were trying harder to control themselves so as not to rush forward and snatch that fox away, men on the other side were very confused about what was happening.

Especially Surya, he could not understand if what he was seeing was even real or not, Because if what he was seeing was alright then how come he was so terrified of this beast?

Not only that even seeing this beast, He still have that feeling of terror and panic urging him to go away, run from this beast as far as possible without even looking back.

This was the thing he did not like even one bit. He might even agree and understand if the beast was a terrifying world devouring monster that spread terror in any being who dared to look at it.

But he would never agree that he is terrified of that tiny cute thing, Yeah tiny as that fox at beast is 2 ft in height, It\'s nothing more big than an actual fox just being extra cute.

"That small? Is that even a beast? Or are we misidentifying the creature?"

Parasurama could not help but speak once again as even he could not understand what they were seeing was really the beast that held that blood-chilling howl the moment ago.

After all the beast that came out was look nothing like the beast they imagine can relapse such a howl, Rather he can\'t even think such a cute thing had any capability to harm someone.

If not for the fact this fox was readily enjoying the turbulent spiritual power spread across the area eating away or say absorbing within herself, he was even ready to believe that the real beast might be still hiding in the mist.

But even then his heart just refuses to believe this fox is the fearsome beast even though the proof is right in front of him, If anything that can stand there and not even stand but readily enjoy that chaotic spiritual power, That being us not to be taken lightly.

It\'s just anything he tries to consider her a threat, He is just swayed away by her cute appearance, His brain knows the truth but his heart refuses to accept it overwhelming the brain\'s logic.

"I don\'t think so, She is a divine beast. Maybe she failed the breakthrough and fall back?"

Durvasa thought about the issue too and came to the logical reasoning, It\'s not child\'s play to try to go against the rules set over the being by the world itself and because if that it\'s not strange the vast majority of the beasts who try the breakthrough end up in failure.

The failure sometimes may result in going in a weak state, depletion if their spiritual powers in the normal case, In the extreme cases some beasts even broke their power core making them impossible to cultivate anymore and then more even lose their lives.

There are many such cases, That is why beasts always try to be as prepared as possible before they try to perform the breakthrough. The higher the beast\'s bloodline the higher beast faces the resistance from the world.

And seeing this fox the one he never seen before and can\'t even able to get angry at, It\'s safe to assume she has the some strong bloodline means unfortunately this poor thing must have failed to breakthrough and now fall in the wela period.

"Narada, Do you still wants to kill that beast?"

Shukracharya actually has the reason in his mind, The one that is opposite to Durvasa but he does not say it as not saying it works in his favour.

Rather than seeing he had the opportunity to attack Narada, he didn\'t bait an eye and fired his shot. Didn\'t he was talking so highly and saying about killing the beast and whatnot?

Now let him see how he could answer the question his? Would he back away and say they no need to kill it, which is the most logical thing he can do.

But that way he would admit defeat in front of him, Though it was not that big of a deal for others but someone like them who always been right thanks to their intellect, it\'s a super big deal.

Of course there is a second option of sticking to his point not allowing Sukracharya to win but way too he loses, As doing that he is just going to be a public enemy as everyone present here loves that little thing.

No matter what Narada chose he is done for it, Shukracharya won over him this time.

"Rather wasting time on that source on where that fox came from, Who is the master of that beast?"

Of course, as smart as Narada is, he knows what Sukracharya did and he hates him for it.

It was his fault he let his guard down, giving his opponent a chance and leverage to strike back at him. He is ashamed of how can he made this stupid mistake.

Why he talked so much there, He was just giving the ammunition to his opponent who did not forget to use it against him.

This hurt him more than the actual loss because he didn\'t lost because of his incompetence or not able to outsmart his opponent rather he lose because of his carelessness.

Shukracharya just gave Narada a smug look after hearing his question as they both know he won this round. Not only did he win but he won without much struggle, This is more of a matter to be ashamed of for Narada.

At this moment Sukracharya wanted to look up high and laugh like a maniac in joy as after a long time he won against this fraction of that trickster.

"I know who that fox belongs to."

Suddenly Ashwatthama who was just standing aside waiting for the thing that he thinks his friend leave him here for to happen when he sees that same fox they saved yesterday.

Yeah it changed a lot now even making it close to impossible to identify, But as he who has deep imprint of that fox knows it is that same fox, And so he spoke out lund his though gaining the attention of everyone present there.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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