Ranking System

Chapter 56 IUC Party (Part VI)

[Charles POV]

The final match was about to begin. I could feel the stares of the other competitors. If the last game is a fight between all of us, our team, without a doubt, would be targeted.

Nene was humming happily, seeing how well we were doing. She held my arms tightly, walking with me around the party. Jasmine was with Linsey, and she was playing with Amanda. I wonder what the prize will be.

And finally, the dragon man appeared on the stage once again. The smile he let on meant that something big was going to happen.

"Welcome back, everyone! For the main event that you all are looking for! It will be a battle royale!"



This was the loudest cheer I have ever heard from anyone. My ears could have burst if I weren\'t prepared for the loud noise.

A battle royale? It would be nice if I were spectating instead of participating in one. Not to mention that I would be targeted with all the looks I\'m given.

Jasmine was scared shitless. The competitors also looked at her, eying her every movement. Jasmine, without a doubt, is one of the weakest people in the party. She didn\'t want to get harmed because the team was carrying her.

This time, the dragon guy was going to explain it to us before we went in. It was refreshing to know the rules.

"Once you enter the field, everything is fair game. You could team up, fight each other, do whatever you want."

I feel like that was directed at us. This isn\'t looking so good. Before I enter the battlefield, I should increase their curse a lot.

"When you match beings! All off, you will be teleported to a random area on the map. There will be a zone that you must be inside."

"If you leave the zone, you\'ll be automatically eliminated. The zone will shrink the longer the match goes on."

"We don\'t want all of you to be searching for an opponent, do we?"

"Now then! Let\'s begin the final game!"

"May I have all the contestants back up front!"

Going up for our final game, the dragon man teleported us to a grassy plain. This time there wasn\'t any obstacle blocking us from whatever everyone else was doing.

I had already set the misfortune value of every other person in the battle royale to thirty percent. Looking at what everyone was up to, I could see some teams forming.

"Nene, Jasmine. We might have to fight multiple teams at once. Let\'s take out the one closest to us."

"Master~! Whoever they\'re~! We\'ll just beat them up~!"

Nene\'s optimism was something nice to have. Jasmine\'s hopes were up to hearing what Nene had said. I wished I could up my misfortune value, but I was afraid I would\'ve to bear the consequences.

"Then let\'s go fight the nearest people."


Following my lead, we ran to the nearest team in a few minutes. The other team had some crab-like creatures. They had pinchers in their arms, and it was weird seeing them walk straight up.

I looked at my team, and we decided to sneak in. Our enemy hadn\'t taken notice of us, and coming out from a tree, we ran towards them and made our first move.

Nene immediately did a high jump kick and landed it on one of the backs of the crab\'s head. To finish one of them off. Nene used the hammer she got from her monthly gift and slammed it on the down crab.


The one who screamed for its teammate was fighting Jasmine. She was fighting the other crab on equal terms. Even with a sneak attack, Jasmine herself wasn\'t at an advantage.

As for my opponent, it was the weakest one. After kicking the crab on the shins, it fell, and I beat it up. The foam of the crab came out, but he was teleported away once knocked out.


Now it was three-on-one. With Jasmine as the remaining crab man target, Nene and I joined. The three of us eventually defeated the team of crabs, and I searched for the other teams.

I frowned, looking at what was happening. Five teams were forming an appliance, and Blaine was part of it.

Two teams were eliminated, and the other two teams were fighting. The team of five was heading our way, and it was inevitable that we would have to face them.

"A team of five would attack us. We should prepare for an ambush."

"Five teams!!!"

Jasmine\'s eyes widened at the number of teams coming toward us. We couldn\'t afford to waste any time doing nothing.

"Let\'s hurry. They should be here any minute."

"Yesh~! Master~!"

"Do we have to do this..."

We went to the best hiding spot, climbing up on top of a sturdy tree branch without wasting any more time. The three of us stood there and waited for the team of five.

A few minutes later, the team of five appeared. They were wandering around, searching for anyone to fight. The team of five didn\'t know we were here, and this was the best chance for us to strike.

I looked at Nene and told her to take out one immediately. She understood my look, and we prepared to launch an attack.

Jasmine\'s skill allows her to stun someone for two seconds. But she could only use it three times a day. Now it was time for her to do so.

With the team of five being at the perfect spot for us to attack, the three of us jumped on them. Our surprise attack had worked, and the three of us had eliminated three people.

There were twelve of them left, and they immediately fought back. Even if we defeated three of them, there were still many.

That\'s why I cranked the power of my curse to forty percent. With their luck this bad, there\'s no way for them to win.

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