Ranking System

Chapter 88 Before The Invasion And Top Ten (Part I)

A few days later, after my stroll to the casino. Nene, Constance, and I were now at the IUC headquarters. Linsey, Nene, Constance, and I would meet the other participants to discuss the plan for the invasion.

Constance isn\'t part of the IUC but followed along with me because she would attend the same meeting.

If nothing goes wrong in the meeting, we should be doing an invasion in two days. Doing an invasion was much more dangerous than being invaded.

Not only would we have to go against the whole world, but we would know nothing about the place we would invade. There were many disadvantages, but the rewards were tremendous.

There was also someone that might show up that I wanted to see. Ricardo Mullen, my target to kill. I don\'t know if he\'ll show up, but the chances are high. Killing him in the invasion should be easy, with no one expecting me to do anything to him.

"Master~! You\'re making that money face again~!"

"I can\'t help it. Just think of what we could get when we succeed."

There was only one instance where our world had only successfully invaded a world. While it may be good news, there was only one survivor. And that man is Cyrus.

It was no secret what he got. Cyrus leaked it to the world since he thought it would be annoying if everyone asked. After that raid, Cyrus went into isolation.

While we can\'t confirm what Cyrus said, the rewards that Cyrus had shown would make anyone kill for it.

A hundred years ago, the raid they did on an invasion of the world was similar to ours in age. They were a few years ahead, but our progress had much more impact.

Compared to the one a hundred years ago, the world we\'re going to invade will be stronger than the last. I wonder if our reward will be greater than the last.

Since only Cyrus got the reward, does he get all hundred participants\' reward or only for himself? I\'m confident we\'ll win. I had a wicked idea once I got into the other world.

"Master~! You\'re making the same face but eviler~!"

"Nene. If you\'re going to follow me in this invasion, you\'ll see something fun."

"Fun. Eh? Charles, if you don\'t mind, could I join in as well?"

Linsey, who heard our conversation, joined in. Linsey would definitely love what I was going to do.

"It\'s not like I could stop you."

She\'s my piggy bank. I can\'t kill her for no reason. Constance, who said nothing, stared at me. Knowing her for these few days, I knew she would follow me regardless.

While we talked, Linsey took us to an underground entrance of an underground desert. Here we would be meeting the other ninety-six people coming into this battle.

New people with new personalities. Would I be able to get along with some of them? I know there will be people here that won\'t get along with me due to jealousy of my talent.

Coming into the place, from the looks of it, we were the last ones to arrive. We weren\'t late. We had arrived in the nick of time.

Only seven of the top ten were going to this raid. Cyrus and Juan were out. Juan was still part of the top ten with his mind fucked.

1: Charles Anderson

2: Cyrus

3: Constance

4: Felicia Levine

5: Sydney Gates

6: Juan Clayton

7: Nora Everett

8: Ricardo Mullen

9: Lance Curry

10: Jamil Obrien

Along with Cyrus and Juan. The woman named Sydney decided to drop out. Like Cyrus, she was also a reclusive person.

Ricardo Mullen, I quickly glanced at him and had his features memorized instantly. With me added to the equation, everyone took glances at me.

"Everyone here is now here. Let\'s start the meeting."

Felicia, the fourth-ranked, initiated the conversation. She is an old lady known as the witch of the plague. For someone in her sixties, she looks barely twenty. From her title alone, anyone could guess that poison is her specialty.

"We\'ve agreed upon us that the invasion will start in two days. Before we enter, does anyone here want to drop out? You should know the dangers of entering this invasion. The chances of you living won\'t be high."

Before we continued what we planned, Felicia gave everyone here a warning.

"No one here would judge you if you want to leave."

It\'s natural for people to leave. No one here wanted to die, but the reward was too excellent for anyone to give up. Even with the witch of the plague warning, no one left.

Everyone here was a top fighter, and running wouldn\'t be an option for most of them. They have their pride as a fighter.

"Since no one is leaving, let\'s begin."

"In the invasion, we\'ll be separated by only a few miles apart. We should regroup as soon as possible and make our move."

That was a short and easy plan. We lack a lot of information regarding where we\'ll be. However, from the looks of it, some people are opposed to it.

In my opinion, I also disagree with the plan created by the witch of the plague. I know it was selfish of me not to stick with the group, but I honestly don\'t care if anyone here dies except for Nene and Linsey.

I\'m not a group person. I prefer the freedom of this invasion.

"Sorry, but I will have to disagree. I\'m here to test my strength to the fullest."

Lance, the ninth person on the board, denied the plan Felicia made. Felicia glared at him, but Lance himself didn\'t care.

Lance is the definition of a fighting maniac. He\'s the type of person who will live for fighting and die for fighting.

There were many moments of him being in a near-death state. What made him so special was his ability to power up the more he got beaten. Not even Constance would be able to handle him without taking extra measures.

With Lance disagreeing, more will join.

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