Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 107 - Truth Of The Orc Vampire

The group continued to sneak out of the cave.

"The two vampires that guarded the outside of the mine had been killed. Lord Kyros used his attack to kill one, and the other was killed by me with a poison arrow." Martha explained to Myas. The other prisoners were crowding over to hear Martha\'s whispers.

"The rest of the Coven is on the other end, guarding against making sure no one passes here. Lady Diana Steele is waiting outside. Lord Kyros was afraid that the orcs heightened senses would alert them if Lady Diana moved inside."

Myas listened, but she couldn\'t believe what was happening. She was about to give up hope when things suddenly changed for the good.

"So you\'re really a vampire?" Myas finally asked.

"Yes. People were coming to kill me. I needed allies. Lord Kyros is rather eccentric, but he is strong and kind. At the very least, he\'s kind to the people close to him. And as I declared earlier, I am his aunt. Although he\'s my lord, he won\'t make things difficult for me. Now hurry."

"What about those other vampires?"

"Something is strange. Kyros ran ahead and tossed the key to you, but the other vampires down the mines haven\'t come up yet."

"Should they?" Myas asked.

"They should. We killed the vampire. We don\'t know who is the Prime Bonder of these vampires or who\'s Coven they belong to. Lord Kyros said that the moment we killed them, the Coven should have learned of their deaths."

"It could be that they are busy. I can smell great blood down the caves. It looks like this is the feeding grounds. The stench would overpower the smell of the humans leaving. Avary did say that they carried the dead orcs to feat for them here..." Grugnyr recalled.

"That\'s true. They simply killed and even kept a few orcs alive. They said that we would be reserved for their queen."

"Queen, huh?" Kyros frowned as he moved on the front of the group.

"It seems that this Blood Calamity would be a more ancient being. She could be a Succubus!" Kyros frowned. Recalling the lessons of Calaminus, Succubus was a dangerous and powerful being that surpassed the Eldrich itself! The reason being, these beings were at the level of Saints.

"A succubus?" Martha asked.

"I\'m just thinking worst-case scenario. But, since the thick stench is masking what\'s going on down there, send everyone out. I have new instructions for everyone." Kyros ordered.

The group left the mine and soon met with the other Coven guarding the other part.

A total of twenty-two humans were brought out of the cave.

Diana also revealed herself as they went out.

"That\'s...!" Some of the prisoners recognized the familiar form of Baron Diana Redblade with Scarlet.

"It\'s really her!" One of the slaves was amazed.

"Have you killed all of them?" Diana frowned. She was waiting for the signal to charge in.

"Not yet. The fact that the vampires didn\'t move after we killed the first two gives us several probabilities. The first is that these vampires are not directly bonded to the Blood Calamity and that the large orc inside is the only one bonded to the Blood Calamity and made familiars of his own. There are other scenarios, but basically, the point is that the vampire orc inside and the Blood Calamity could not sense their deaths. Which is strange."

"Right. When our ghouls would die, we would sense their deaths." Gregory spoke fast and somehow did it in a way that took the attention of the entire crowd.

Kyros noticed this and gave Gregory a glance, who was secretly peeking at the reaction of Myas.

"The other possibility is that it did sense their deaths and is waiting for us to come to him. After all, he might think that a group of orcs is raiding this place since our ambush on those two orcs was perfect that the Prime Bonder wouldn\'t be able to guess what\'s coming."

"How many levels did you guys increase?"

"One level," Gregory answered as fast as he could.

"Just one?" Kyros frowned.

"A level for drinking the blood of one monster is quite amazing already, Lord Kyros. Especially since it was divided between us." Scarlet answered.

"Nope. This shows that those two aren\'t directly bonded to the Blood Calamity. These vampires are probably the familiars of the large orc vampire. If they were linked to the Blood Calamity, not only could our Coven level increase, but you should have gained at least five levels or so." Kyros explained.

"Then this also means that those vampires were true, Vampire Lords? After all, we did level up!" Martha exclaimed.

"Ex-Exactly!\' Gregory shouted as well.

Kyros was now giving Gregory a strange look. 


"Anyway, this confirms that the Blood Calamity is just like me. His first bonded vampire can already breach commonly turned vampires and not be a Dhampir. Even if Vampire Royals were to turn a human, it would just be a regular Vampire. But this Blood Calamity is stronger in the sense that he immediately created a Vampire Lord or a Vampire Master. This could only mean that large orc should be a Vampire Emperor."

"Can we handle a vampire-like that?" Avary asked.

"Not sure. I guess?"

"You guess?" The Coven chorused.

"We can\'t always be a hundred percent sure, can we? That orc will look powerful, but it is a newly born Vampire Emperor. In terms of combat, it wouldn\'t be capable of defeating experienced Vampire Masters of Lords. Anyway, this new revelation means we cannot leave this region vulnerable to the Blood Calamity. She is THAT strong. If the Blood Calamity kills and absorbs more, it would be problematic not only for us but for the entire land."

"Right. One freaky vampire is enough." Martha answered.

"We\'ll kill the large Vampire orc, and Grugnyr will have to bring its head or, if the Vampire Emperor is too strong, you bring the head of another vampire orc to the nearby towns as proof of the existence of the Blood Calamity. We need to get the orcs in this region to be on full alert. That will limit the actions of the Blood Calamity, and she wouldn\'t be able to attack and drink more blood."

"I see. It\'s going to delay her growth."

"Exactly. This is the perfect time to strike. That Vampire\'s Coven level is still too weak to make the connection. But, since there will be chaos if we defeat or kill that Vampire Emperor, I decided to have some of you retreat back. Mother, you have to go with them. We can\'t bring all of these slaves along and have to hasten to bring them to the fort in Airom Logat."

"No. I will join you in this battle. Send someone else who will accompany the group. They can hide in the secret passage until I go there."

"Hmm... I guess that will work. But we need to send these slaves now. Gregory, Hunter Hems, Hemsey. Are you up for it?"

"Yes! I will protect them with my life!" Gregory shouted before anyone else could.

"Myas, if he starts flirting with you, tell your sister." Kyros warned.


"LORD KYROS!" Gregory shouted.

"And lastly... be careful. Somethings off. While Fate isn\'t active... finding Myas was just way too easy." Kyros frowned.

Every one of the Coven suddenly had their expressions changed.

"What could it mean, Lord Kyros?"

"I hope nothing. But just in case, everyone is to flee back to the Temple. Mother, I understand your concern. But as I said, I have a way to send my body into the Temple. So if I ask you again to run with them, please do it. Protect my Coven." Kyros asked seriously.

"I understand." Diana nodded.

"Good. Gregory and the team bring them to that secret passage. Be sure to avoid any orcs. Use your scent to avoid any. Use the caravan they brought here and disguise yourself as orcs. Don\'t talk to anyone on the road and rush. If someone shouts at you, you say that phrase I taught you. If anything comes up, contact me to the link." 

"Yes!" The group immediately made preparations and sent group to the caravan.

The rest journeyed back to the mine.

"I\'ll lead the way," Kyros ordered as the group began to run down the mine.

As they move deeper into the mines, the dead bodies of orcs and humans filled the path. The entrails and organs of these dead orcs and humans were scattered on the floor.

"How gruesome." Grugnyr felt sick at the sight.

"This is a sign of their vampiric power being unstable. The Blood Calamity has so much death energy on her that her blood gave her Coven great madness. It\'s as if these orcs suddenly had a new desire, a new emotion, and a new feeling that they never had before. This desire and great thirst lead them to do this." Kyros explained.

As they moved, Diana suddenly nearly tripped.

"Are you alright, lady Diana?" 

Diana\'s expression turned grim.

"So that\'s it..." A deep, hoarse, and loud voice echoed.

"A Coven of Vampires are here! This is perfect! Human vampire coven! The perfect dessert for me!" A large orc more than nine feet tall and with a massive body emerged from the darkness.

"How?!" Martha was shocked. She had not detected them.

"No wonder my powers did not affect you. That woman is level thirty. And the rest are vampires!"

Five figures emerged in the darkness. The orcs were larger than normal. Although they were smaller than the nine feet monster, they were still larger than normal orcs. Behind Kyros, the bodies of the men and orcs that were killed slowly began to rise.

Each of them was covered in a thick amount of blood.

Kyros\'s expression became angry.

"So this is the truth about you. The truth was that you sensed us a while back but decided to trap us. The two orcs were allowed to die to lower our guard." Kyros deduced.

"You don\'t seem like someone who lost himself to this power. You mastered it, haven\'t you?" Kyros gazed directly to the eyes of the hulking orc.

"Hahaha! You\'re so smart for a boy! But this is good! Your blood is very strange. Its the blood of a powerful vampire! This will do well for my Queen\'s awakening! This is your Destiny. You will all be food for my master!" The orc laughed.

"I don\'t quite like the arrangement of Destiny. So I\'m going to have to pass on your offer." Kyros answered coldly as the Bloodied Sword of Ten Thousand Grudges appeared.

The moment the orc first spoke, a notification had appeared in Kyros\'s vision. 

The first part of the notification was written normally. It followed the same text and font format that Calaminus created ages ago. But the second part was written in a strange manner. It was distorted and even flickered in Kyros\'s console. Kyros could feel something trying to force something in his soul with such power that it manifested itself in Kyros\'s screen.

Written in what appeared to be a messy text of bloodied ink was a spine-chilling notification.


Curse of Destiny activated.

Yo U\'re A1l g0 iNg 2 DIE t0dAy.

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