Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 184 - About To Escape

With the collapse of the rocks, the group continued to run.

"How did those rocks collapse like? And those dracanae shouldn\'t be affected by such small rocks!"

Hems had seen how the dracanae ghouls managed to carry a large boulder, and they had to take advantage of them by attacking and weakening the dracanae ghouls to bring them down.

But how could such small rocks bring them down?

"My arrow increased the gravity. I can\'t explain it now, but I met one of the Fallen that is part of Lord Kyros\'s Bloodline." Martha answered as they reached the intersection where Myas and the group were.

"Sister!" Myas shouted.

"Myas! Thanks for all your help!" Martha shouted as they met up.

When the team met together, Mardock suddenly corroded as his soul went back to the True Entropy Core as they planned.

"Lady Martha. Are they strong?"

"We can\'t hurt them the way we are. We would need to exert a lot of effort just to hurt one, and the wounds we inflict would just be healed in seconds later." Martha explained.

"So we\'re escaping?"

"Yes. We already have the ghouls and have practically wiped out their ghoul force and weakened them. The gains I have are also great. I have the dragon heart."

"The dragon heart?!"

"A Fallen called Kyriachos gave it to me as a gift. I also have the Soul of the dragon. That\'s the voice you heard earlier."

"Pleased to meet you all. I am Dorothy. But please call me Orgen Pendragon."

"... Dorothy?" Hemsey was confused.

"I\'ll explain later. Is there another area that can be collapsed?" Martha asked.

"There is only one. But it\'s not that strong. I saw it on my way here since I was looking for more places if we needed to collapse those on our escape. But the one I saw is weak."

"It\'s alright. It should work now." Martha smiled.

"Myas. Do the slaves have more of these vials?"

"About ten more."

"Then it\'s enough. Let\'s hurry." Martha then began to send magic energy to her core. Although her core had 50 magic points, Martha could store or absorb magic from it for her use. She also had enough magic to cast the next series of attacks for her plan.

As they moved, Martha began to send more of her magic towards her Core and began to absorb the bodies of the dead dracanae ghouls that were dead on the floor and sent it to her Separated Realm.

"Lady Martha! That\'s...!"

"It\'s not Lord Kyros\'s ability. Just something similar. But this is all that we can do. We can\'t kill those five, so instead, we take all these ghouls and increase our strength. With the Temple you keep talking about, we can either absorb the ability or turn these dracanae ghouls into ours, and we can have a formidable fighting force. There are more where the slaves are at, right?"


"Myas. Give me your vials." 

"Here." Myas gave all four of her vials."

"Good! Send all the dracanae ghouls ahead. Make them run at maximum speed and carry Myas and get her to the slaves. As for us, we decrease our speed. I have a plan."

The twelve immediately moved and picked up Myas before she could say anything. 

"Let me fight!" Myas complained.

"Start sending the ghouls up, Myas. Don\'t you understand? We are about to escape! You go ahead and make preparations to quickly bring us up! By the time we get there, we keep rushing up, and we have to escape." Martha ordered.

Myas wanted to complain but decided to follow her sister\'s orders.

"They\'re here!" Hunter sensed it.


The dracanae appeared and began to catch up quickly. Each of their steps was faster, and it was only a matter of time that they would catch up.

"Just in time." Martha smiled.

"On my command, toss two vials to the area up ahead. That should be the place you said you could collapse. Right, Hunter?"


"Throw the rest of the vials on the floor on my command. And give me one magic restoring potion. I will cast a spell to make everyone faster. We wait for them to make a wild attack, and then we blow up that area, and I\'ll use more of my magic to increase the stability of the ceiling with my new power dramatically. We\'re going to bury them! It won\'t kill them, but it should buy us more time!" Martha explained.

The second of the last three magic restoring potion was given to Martha immediately.

The dracanae was approaching fast and began to make huge leaping attacks.

"[Haste]!" Martha cast the spell.

Hunter, Hems, and Hemsey felt the burst of speed.

"Throw it now!" Martha ordered.

Hunter tossed the two vials.


Martha shot an arrow, and with [Haste], the arrow carried the vials and was lodged on the ceiling. Because of the speed of the arrow, the vial didn\'t explode yet.

The four of them dashed with great speed, missing the large swipes of the dracanae.

"Hm?! It\'s a spell! It\'s a time spell! It must be that dragon soul!" One of the dracanae lesser dragons cursed.

"See you later, great-grandsons!" Martha laughed.

[Taunt activated.]

The dracanae got mad and chased faster.

"Now!" Martha ordered.

The three Hs dropped the vials they\'ve been shaking as they ran as fast as they could.


The vial that was shot to the ceiling exploded, but only a few rocks fell and barely made it a rockslide.

Martha and the three managed to slip through the falling rocks just in time to avoid the rocks.

The dracanae saw that only a few rocks fell and charged faster.

Martha shot another arrow imbued with [Gravity Field].

And as she did, she stopped running and focused on shooting several Explosive arrows at the top of the rock.


The dracanae was already at the bottom. The timing of the falling rocks occurred that the dracanae didn\'t notice the sudden increase of weight but only thought that the rocks fell on them.

The dracanae had forced their evolution into a Lesser Dragon. And so, it was difficult for them to sense the increase in weight.

This time, the ceiling was too high, and the collapsing rocks were too few. Despite the warnings of Destiny, the group still pursued forward due to Taunt.

They were directly under the ceiling which Martha was attacking, and her attacks increased in speed and power.

"Gotcha!" Martha laughed.

Her rapid-fire blew more holes, and finally, the large stone finally gave out.

The fall should not have reached the dracanae, and they were supposed to go through it easily. But the increase of gravity made the fall faster and the dracanae\'s rush slower.


Once more, the dracanae was buried under larger rocks.

Martha didn\'t stop and kept shooting and fired another Gravity Field to widen the effect.

More rocks continued to fall, but Martha didn\'t stop and chugged down the last magic potion she had.

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