Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 665  Passing Too Perfectly

The second-year students had a tremendous gap in terms of knowledge and strength compared to the first-year students. They were tasked to be the checkers and in some exams, the examiners of the first year. This was also one part of the exam for them.

They were expected to surpass the first year by many miles, and it was an internal competition for the best class of the first years to try and gain a perfect score on the tests.

But now, a small rouge group of students were passing and completing the tests with incredible speed!

The Energy Conversion Circle exams now had eight students who had completed the tests at record speed!

The numerous tests and how students can take time to wander also allowed classmates to help and warn each other of the other tests. However, as most tests involve practical actions and applications, a student can only pass on a theoretical clue on how to pass. But they never imagined that a simple hint of \'moving backward,\' which by all logic would have been dumb advice, would have become so effective!


"Arrggghhhh...!" Another second-year examiner was struck in the groin and curled down to a ball.

"Is this my victory?" Mackerel asked as he drew his fist back.

He fought against one of the strongest second-year students. His opponent ranked among the top one hundred among the second-years. He was heralded as one of the students with the potential to reach the fastest speed in the academy. His current speed could even confuse third-year students! All because he was a technique genius and had perfected numerous movement techniques.

"... You cheated!" The second-year examiner exclaimed.

"How exactly? Didn\'t he challenge me to the fight, and I followed the rules?"

"You!" The second-year students could only point at him and curse.

They feared the emblem Mackerel held and the scene of Emeros breaking the bones of third-year students. They practically caused another class to drop because of the expected decrease in the points they would suffer.

In fact, since the news of the Vashura class now succeeding in many tests spread out, the student and the class from which Emeros made a decress to deduct points are expected to drop more than thirty places in their ranking!

No one could fight that.

"What do we do?" A second-year student asked the class president.

The student that was struck in the groin was crawling back. He was the class president.

"That... bastard!" The president began to stand up.

"What way or cheat did you do?!" The class president erupted and boldly accused.

"I will give you a chance to take back those words." Mackerel held out the emblem.

"My emblem can be used many times, you know?"

"So what?!" The second year held out a brighter emblem with a golden coat.

"A Master Teacher Emblem!"

"Try to call on your teacher! You underestimate the exam they have! Master Teachers, on the other hand, are free!" The student laughed as he pressed on the emblem and invoked the call.

"By ordered decree of Master Teacher Desyerto! I invoke a Master Teacher\'s Judgment! The Vashuras are conniving and using strange techniques to take advantage of the class! Now they have bested our class six times and gained high marks! An impossible feat for a class at the bottom! We request guidance and instruction to see through these lies and tricks! Fellow students! Follow me as we see through the lies!" The second year cried out, and his voice was carried by the power of the emblem and rang across the examination chambers.

Mackerel\'s expression turned ugly. He knew that the teachers\' exams would even be longer than this!

Numerous classrooms were also following at once as five more Master Teacher\'s Judgment had been invoked!

The other students who heard the requests also began to do the same thing. These students treasured the Master Teacher\'s judgment and wouldn\'t use it for trivial matters. It was often used to spare their lives when the clash between these important and more powerful students was used.

But now, they had been humiliated as the tests in which they acted as examiners were all easily completed by the Vashura class.

One after another, the calls rang out.

Emeros heard it from the floor as he was recovering.

"Master Teacher\'s call? What\'s going on?" Xilar frowned.

Emeros also sighed.

"This means that my students are doing well. Too well..."

"What? Your class is doing... too well?" Zwelus was amazed.

"No worries. This problem is easy to resolve. I just have to be more... intimidating." Emeros smiled.

Emeros stood up, held on to Vivindel, and used their link to communicate.

"Have you recovered enough to create a sound-amplifying formation?"

"Yes. I have managed to recover some of the blood I\'ve burned up with those pills." Vivindel answered.

"Good." Emeros leaped down the hall to the surprise of Xilar.

The teachers below were discussing in great detail what to do now that the Pedagog was dead. He was an important lifeline for the prince and, therefore, for them!

"Idiots! Get out of the way!" Emeros shouted as he fell towards them!


"Dodge!" The Senior teacher cried.

The teachers were nearly struck by Emeros and jumped off to the side.

"What are you still doing here?!" Emeros roared in irritation.


The teachers roared and were about to attack when Xilar and several others landed to defend Emeros.

The teachers were starting to hesitate to see the defenses.

But before Xilar could answer, the vines of Vivindel had already taken root.

"A mere teacher dares to attack me?!"

The voice of Emeros boomed all across the school.

A magical formation that allowed Emeros\'s voice to be heard up to two kilometers away was activated.

"I have killed Pedagog Barmivus! You think I can\'t kill you?!"

Everyone in the school heard it.

"...Teacher?" Quinn was surprised.

Chevik was also astounded as he heard it. He was the one who spurred a Cultivation examiner to use the Master Teacher\'s Judgment.

"Ever since I stepped foot in this school, you all have made it difficult for me! But now, a Heavenly Man, someone from the Heavenly Triangle, supported me twice, and I have killed your precious Pedagog! Where is your backing?! Where is the crown prince?! If he continues to hinder me, I will use all my connections to kill you all! Anyone who dares to treat me wrong and my students, I will kill as I did to Pedagog Barmivus! And let\'s see which support you have!"

The voices shocked the entire school as the news that was supposed to quietly spread had suddenly been made known.

Xilar couldn\'t help but smile as he realized Emeros\'s words. It was a cry of anger. A cry of exhaustion. A cry of someone far beyond the edges of their sanity.

"Who dares to hinder me?! I will kill all of you as I killed a Pedagog with my hands!"

The voice cried out.

"You! You want to feel it, too?! That spell? Which of you three?!" Emeros demanded.

"Ahhh! I will go! I will go!" A teacher pleaded.

"Principal! Stop this madman!" A Senior Teacher cried and pleaded.

Those words echoed across the rooms.

The students holding the Master Teacher\'s Judgment emblem noticed its light snuffed out. This meant that the Master Teacher they were calling refused to heed their call!

The students who lifted their challenge all shook in fear.

"Oh? Teacher killed a Pedagog. Wow. That even amazes me, his student!" Mackerel laughed.

"Is it... Is it...?" The class president of the second-year examiner couldn\'t believe what he heard. The voices of the teachers pleading and arguing could still be heard. None denied the fact that Emeros killed a Pedagog!

"I wonder if this is true." Mackerel held out his glyph once more, slowly glowing with a pale purple light.

"Stop! Stop! We will recant our request to invoke the scores! You passed! You passed!" The student cried.

Similar scenes were happening across the examination floors.

Even the Vashura students who were suffering greatly from the unfair treatment of their examiners found themselves going through the normal tests!

Fear had crippled the second-year students bent on embarrassing Emeros\'s class.


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