My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 77 - Are You Interested ?

What the hell, thought Kevin, he shook his head, and said to Alan in a non-negotiable tone : "I\'m absolutely not interested in this kind of stuff, and anyway, at the moment, I\'m way too weak to survive if this uncle ever finds out, right ?"

Alan nodded, Kevin was right, his uncle will kill him without hesitation, and he couldn\'t force him to embrace his destiny.

But if there was one thing his family had instilled deep inside of him, it was to protect the bearer of that mark at any cost.

He suddenly remembered what Kevin had just asked him and so he told him : "Your mother is still alive, your uncle is holding her prisoner in a tower near the Royal Palace in the Capital ... Your mother is the most powerful mage in the whole continent and he uses her as cannon fodder to protect the border that separates us from the demons territory.

It seems that he has found some chains that can prevent your mother from using her powers, but according to my cousin, she would willingly agree to fight at the border to avoid too many human losses."

Kevin didn\'t understand everything so he asked him : "Is the Capital far from the border with the demons ?"

Alan looked at him puzzled but remembered in time that he came from another world where magic didn\'t exist, he said to him : "Your mother is sent over there by a teleportation portal, that kind of magic can only be learnt at the Academy of the Capital so don\'t ask me to explain it to you."

Erik then said to Kevin : "The border with the demons territory is really very far from the Capital, even by using the giant birds it would take several weeks to get there."

Kevin asked again : "Why did my mom never try to escape if she\'s that powerful ?"

Alan then told him : "Because he\'s holding back her younger sister and if she tries anything, her sister will be executed immediately."

Kevin nodded, it made sense if it was to protect her younger sister. Then Kevin asked him, he was just curious about \'his parents\' : "Was my father a mage too ?"

Alan chuckled and said to him : "Your father was even more powerful than your mother, and he was the last mage who possessed an affinity with 3 elements, I will let you guess which element was his main element ..."

Kevin replied without having to think : "Lightning."

Alan just said to him : "Bingo !"

Erik took Alan\'s chin and turned his head towards him to get his attention : "Earlier, you said that this mark explained a lot of things, what did you mean by that ?"

Alan put a hand behind his neck and kissed him tenderly, he said to him : "This mark only appears on the most powerful mage, so that mainly explains why he has an affinity with 3 elements and why he is also good at controlling spiritual energy.

His Soul force reserve is quite low but after all he had never used it before, and it\'s very easy to increase … The fact that his parents are exceptional mages, surely helped him to get it though."

When he saw that Erik was satisfied with his answer, he turned again to Axel and Kevin and asked them : "Anything else ?"

Axel then said to him seriously : "It\'s over, no more secrets I promise, and I would like to know how do you feel about all of that ? Is that going to create an embarrassment between us ?"

Erik then said to him : "For me that doesn\'t change anything, in fact, I find it downright cool."

He then looked at Kevin and said : "You will have to hide this mark all the time, but I guess you already know that, right."

Kevin nodded : "I know how to take care of myself. Although, I admit that having a boyfriend and friends is completely new to me, and the more people will know about me, the more I will be in danger, but I\'m willing to take this risk as Axel trusts you guys."

Axel then looked at Alan and asked him : "What about you Alan ?"

Alan then said something he really hadn\'t expected : "It changes a lot of things for me."

Even Erik looked at him surprised, so Alan said quickly : "I was raised in a family of fighters, you all seem to forget it sometimes.

My family always fought to protect at all cost the bearer of the pentagram mark and I know from my cousin that my father and my older brother continue to protect your mother as much as they can.

My father fought alongside your father, and my grand father alongside the former bearer of the pentagram mark.

All this to tell you that I had already planned to become your tutor, but now, knowing that you are the new bearer of this mark, no matter what the two of you decide to do, we will follow you."

Alan added with a determined tone : "I hate my father for what he did to me, but I respect his loyalty, I don\'t care if you don\'t want to be the new king, but let me protect you, help you and support you ... And together it will always be easier to get us out of a bad situation."

He then looked at Erik, he already knew that he would agreed but he still had to ask : "Are you okay with that ?"

Erik smile widened, he hadn\'t expected this from Alan but he said enthusiastically : "Of course my love, if you want to follow them it\'s okay, as for me, I will always follow you."

Alan looked touched by what he had just said and leaned down to give him a kiss on his forehead.

Kevin then said with a big smile : "You are sure that you aren\'t going to regret what you just said."

Alan looked at him surprised and Axel laughed, Kevin and him exchanged a knowing look, and Kevin then explained to them, seeing how curious they were getting : "First of all, what I\'m going to tell you cannot be considered as a secret, let\'s say it\'s something that brought us together a lot with Axel."

Kevin saw them both frown and he found that they definitely made a really lovely couple together : "The first time we went out with Axel we ran into a dungeon, and we realized that not only did it make us earn a lot of money, but it also brought us a lot of other benefits.

Thanks to my System, I can find boxes that could have stayed unnoticed, and each time inside these boxes we have discovered weapons or items that were more or less powerful depending on the level of the box.

Once you wear these items or weapons, their Stats are added to yours.

It\'s also the fastest way we\'ve found to get me to level up quickly."

He then looked at Alan and said : "The necklace you tried on didn\'t come from Tony\'s shop but from one of the boxes found in a dungeon."

Alan then exclaimed : "What the hell Axel, dungeons are dangerous, what if something happened to him."

Axel then said to him : "Alan, how can you say that … You are one of the few who know my true level of power, you really believe that I would put his life in danger if I was not 200% sure that I could protect him."

Erik seeing that Alan looked tense, tried to distract his man\'s attention by asking Kevin : "Why are you telling us this though ?"

Kevin scratched the back of his head and he said, avoiding to mention that he had been hypnotized by an unknown force of course : "Well this afternoon we ran into a dungeon with a purple vortex, the System warned us that we needed at least 2 other powerful people with us to be able to get into it.

With Axel we wanted to invite you to come with us, and we will also share the rewards that the System will give us with you. So, are you interested ?"

Erik immediately exclaimed super excited : "Too awesome, my love ..."

He fell silent immediately when he saw Alan\'s expression, Alan gave him a warning look that was best not to ignore, so he said quickly to appease his man : "All in all, I think it\'s better if Axel talks about it with Alan."

He then looked at Kevin and said : "How about you show me the room that you modified for your training, let\'s them talk, okay."

Kevin looked at Axel who nodded so he motioned for Erik to follow him and they let their men come to an agreement between them.

When they arrived in the bedroom, which was now equipped with all the essentials to build muscle, Kevin pulled out the axes they had just bought from Tony and handed them to Erik who looked paralyzed.

Kevin then said to him : "I chose them myself for you, take them."

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