My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 152 - It Should Be There

Ian still couldn\'t believe it ... Had Kevin really figured out where his problem was coming from and was he finally going to be able to use his elements normaly ?

His hands had become sweaty, he was eager to have the answers to his questions, but he also didn\'t want to disturbe Kevin so he fell silent to let him stay focused on his task.

Kevin who was absolutely sure of what he had just discovered, began to touch Ian\'s spine where there was a good chance that there was a needle planted in it … But he soon felt disconcerted when he found nothing.

He also searched on his cervicals but again found nothing, Alan seeing him frown with a thoughtful look on his face asked him : "What is it ?"

Kevin shook his head signing helplessly and said, showing him where the needles should have been : "There are only these specific places where a needle could have done this kind of damage to Ian\'s body but I don\'t find anything ... I don\'t understand ... It should be there."

Alan could see that Kevin was frustrated so he asked him again : "Are you sure there can\'t be other places ? And maybe we are on the wrong track and there is another explanation ..."

But Alan was suddenly cut off by Kevin who told him still focused on Ian\'s back : "I\'m 100% sure of what I\'m saying, and no, there is no other place possible, those I just showed to you are the only ones that could affect his nervous system."

As Kevin scrambled to find a solution for Ian, Alan seeing Kevin\'s stubborn face knew that he was dead serious.

So since he wanted to help Ian, may be even more than Kevin, he too focused on the points Kevin had shown him and as he approached his hand to one of those places he began to swear completely taken aback.

Kevin looked at him startled and he immediately asked : "What\'s wrong ?"

Alan didn\'t answer him right away, he wanted to be sure first, so he focused and immediately the particles that were in the spiritual energy around them became visible to him.

He focused on his friend\'s back and he said, not believing his eyes : "Bingo ! You were right Kevin."

Kevin who didn\'t understand what Alan was talking about asked him again : "What\'s going on ? Explain to me …"

Alan showed him the 3 places where there were needles stuck in Ian\'s body and he said with a triumphant smile on his face : "There are needles stuck in his body but they are made with super condensed darkness particles.

If you want, you can go into meditation to see them, you won\'t be able to miss them."

As Kevin sat on the floor to check if the shap of the needles matched with what he thought, Ian turned his head slightly and looked at Alan asking him curiously : "Can you really see the darkness particles ? Since when ? And why didn\'t you tell me about it ?"

Alan looked at him and said : "It\'s thanks to Kevin that I\'m be able to see them, we can talk about that later ... But you, why did you never tell me that you couldn\'t control properly your elements ?"

Ian blushed and said : "Because I didn\'t know where the problem was coming from, I always thought I wasn\'t powerful enough to be able to control them and I didn\'t want to put you in danger.

I knew that if I told you about my problem you would have tried to help me, but as I can\'t control them, you could have been hurt by trying to help me so it was out of question."

Alan shook his head helplessly and said : "I always thought it was because of the fire accident that you were traumatized, and that was why you never used your elements, but in reality it was because you couldn\'t control them, fuck ... I should have known that he couldn\'t be as simple as that."

Damn, Alan thought then, apart from Kevin and the person who put those needles in Ian\'s body, no one else could have found out that his problem was coming from there.

Suddenly, he had a very bad feeling about what had happened to Ian.

Why would someone, who from what Kevin had told them, have done this to Ian maybe even right after he was born ?

And most importantly who was this person who had this technical knowledge and was able to master the darkness element ?

Kevin snapped him out of his thoughts, exclaiming : "Holy shit, whoever did that knew what he was doing, these needles are really very thin and they are also the right length to be able to touch the nerves that it takes to disrupt the nervous system, and from what you have shown me they are placed exactly where they need to be, it\'s really creepy."

He looked at Alan who was stunned by his statement and then he said to him : "You are the expert here for this kind of problem, so how do we removed these needles made of darkness particles ?"

Alan and Ian happy to finally be able to be useful replied at the same time : "By absorbing them."

Kevin looked at them startled and said : "Is that it ? just by absorbing them ?"

Alan held out his hand and said : "I need a Darkness Talisman paper ... Of large size preferably, because I don\'t know how many particles are in its 3 needles."

A few seconds later Kevin gave it to him after buying it directly from his System\'s Store, and Alan who took it asked him : "What will happen to Ian when I will remove these needles from him ?"

Kevin didn\'t hide the truth fand he told them so that Ian would be able to prepare himself : "It\'s going to be painful, very painful.

Not only are these needles positioned on very sensitive places of the human body, but in addition the false information that Ian\'s brain has been getting all this time on his body will suddenly disappear and will be replaced by the ones he should have always had."

Ian then said, turning around and looking straight into his friend\'s eyes : "Alan, if you still want to help me it\'s now or never, and whatever happens, you have to protect Kevin."

He pulled out a Teleportation Talisman paper from his magic bag and handed it to Alan : "If something goes wrong, get the hell out of here.

I\'m not kidding, if what I have been able to do was only 10% of my abilities, then you will be in danger."

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