My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 241 - I'm Not Sure If I Can Help You

Ashton was disappointed that Nolan didn\'t kiss him but he could feel that he was very tense so he reluctantly walked away and started to change quickly, he saw Nolan turn to give him some privacy and he couldn\'t help but wonder if Nolan regretted what he had said to him this morning.

When he was ready he decided that he had to talk to Nolan about it or he wouldn\'t be able to concentrate and so he went to hug him from behind and asked him in a small voice : "I know this is obviously not the right time, but you haven\'t changed your mind about us, have you ?"

Nolan\'s eyes widened and he wondered what he had done to make Ashton ask him such a question.

He then turned around and he saw Ashton\'s disturbed look that refused to let go of him, he found him really too cute at that moment so he hugged him back and despite his father reminding him to hurry up he then asked him : "Tell me my little rabbit, what did I do wrong for you to ask me such a question, of course I have not changed my mind, besides I will be transferred here the next Thursday."

Ashton finally smiled at him and he repeated : "Next Thursday, really ?"

Nolan leaned in a little and he rubbed his lips against his before kissing him feverishly, he felt like doing so many things to him at that moment but he restrained himself and he stepped away from Ashton saying : "I\'m sorry if I seemed distant but Kelan\'s life is in danger and I don\'t know if he\'ll come back alive ... I didn\'t want you to be involved but we really need you Ash."

Ashton paled no wonder Nolan had seemed so tense, his family meant everything to him and he had just wasted time, he said to him hastily : "I\'m sorry Nolan, let\'s go I\'m ready."

Nolan nodded and he put a protective arm around his shoulders and they walked together through the portal he had just opened.

Meanwhile, Ian had written down the formula for the antidote with the quantities needed to make about 20 potions and Kevin had already provided him with all the ingredients that were available with his System.

They were only missing 5 of the 27 ingredients, and Ian had only found a substitution that would work for 2 of the 5 missing ingredients.

And just when they were starting to feel helpless, a portal opened in the living room and Nolan and Ashton came out of it.

When Ashton\'s gaze finally fell on Kevin, he immediately understood why Kevin had asked him to not ask questions, so it was really him the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark.

Kevin saw that Ashton didn\'t need an explanation, and he signaled him to join them.

Nolan then asked them as he accompanied Ashton : "Where\'s the others ?"

Kevin replied to him : "They went to lift the force fields around the manor, if as I assume Mykael and Axel are going to free the other prisoners and they need to be treated, we are going to need a safe place larger than this living room.

Alan also went to settle Erik before everyone arrived to keep his warrior spirit instinct from waking up."

Nolan just nodded and Ashton, who was looking at the ingredients on the table in the living room, frowned and said to them : "I\'m not sure if I can help you, I don\'t know of any potions that use those ingredients together."

Kevin smirked and said to him : "If you knew this potion you would really have impressed me ... Ashton I need you to keep a very open mind because this is a lot of information at once and I\'m not going to go into detail, there will be plenty of time later for explanations."

Ashton nodded and waited for his summary : "This potion is an antidote for a poison that comes from another world, Ian has the formula for the antidote but we are missing 5 ingredients, and we are sure that they cannot be found on our world.

Ian had already managed to find two ingredients that have the same characteristics as the missing ones, but you are the expert in this field, so we need your help to find ingredients that could be used in their place."

Kevin handed him a sheet of paper where Ian had described the characteristics of the ingredients they were missing and he had even made a sketch of what these plants looked like.

Ashton concentrated immediately and as he began to read the characteristics of the ingredients they were missing Kevin then said : "We\'re all going to join the others at the manor."

He looked at Nolan and said : "Kelan is still alive but in critical condition and there are 12 other prisoners in the same condition as him, Axel said they were all poisoned."

Nolan had been really relieved to hear that his big brother was still alive but he had tensed up again when he heard Kevin say that they were all poisoned, because if his brother had been poisoned with this poison they still didn\'t have an antidote to give him.

Kevin then looked at Ian and asked him as he put away the ingredients that were on the table : "Will you be able to recognize if it is this poison that was used ?"

Ian nodded and handed a medium distance Talisman paper to Nolan who immediately opened a portal, and once everyone was on the other side he said to Kevin : "This poison is easily recognizable it leaves traces that look like purple and red veins on the body."

Ashton who had put his arm around Nolan\'s waist to comfort him then asked Kevin : "Kevin, can I have the formula for this potion ? I need to know the order of the ingredients because there are several herbs that fit these descriptions."

Ian looked at him in disbelief, and he couldn\'t help but think, what the hell there are several herbs that fit these descriptions, I hadn\'t even been able to identify one of them.

Kevin smiled and motioned for Ian to give him the formula for this potion, he had a look on his face that clearly said \'See, I told you so\', and then he said to Ashton : "When you are sure let me know right away so I can provide Ian with the missing herbs."

Ashton looked at him and nodded, this potion had a level of difficulty that almost made the Regeneration potion high grade seem insignificant, even though it was one of the most complicated potions out there.

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