My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 384 We will fight alongside our rightful King

Douglas widened his eyes and he asked him : “Wait, does that mean there’s more than one !”

Nolan smiled at him and he said : “It’s new to me too but the universe is much bigger than I would have imagined… Axel and Alan told us that they had seen about 50 Warrior Spirits but may be there are more, and they also told me that they are all much stronger than Erik.”

He looked at them and he said : “Kevin is a Warrior Spirit too, you’ll see it for yourself tomorrow.”

Garry was shocked by this news but he then frowned when he heard the last sentence and he said thoughtfully : “If Kevin is a Warrior Spirit like you just said, then he can’t be our King, I had hoped it would be him.”

Nolan approached them and he said to them : “One does not prevent the other and I can assure you that Kevin is our King, I saw with my own eyes the mark of the pentagram on his chest.”.

He added then : “Tomorrow we will not only free the Queen and the human territory, we will fight alongside our rightful King, be ready to protect him.”

He looked at his pavilion and then he said to Garry and Douglas who was still speechless : “Things are about to change and it will be a good change… I’m going to join Ashton, I think I’ve made him wait long enough… Thank you for stepping in tonight, although you were a little late, the fact that the Sun Sect leaders are taking the time to come directly to their manor to remind them that the safety of their students is their priority is going to give me and Ashton some breathing room.”

Garry finally regained his voice and he said to him : “Go join him, there will be no more kidnapping attempts tonight… See you tomorrow on the battlefield.”

He then opened a teleportation portal and told Douglas to go first and when they had both disappeared, he finally entered his pavilion.

He went straight to the bedroom and saw that Ashton was sleeping peacefully, with part of his body outside the blanket, and so he noticed that he was wearing only an underwear on him.

Was this an invitation for him ? Ashton had always slept in pajamas when they were at his father’s house…

Nolan hurried to take his shower and once he had dried himself he slipped under the blanket wearing also only his underwear and he took Ashton in his arms who immediately asked him : “Is the meeting over already ?”

Nolan looked at him and saw that Ashton’s eyes were still closed and when Ashton didn’t get an answer he opened his eyes and when he saw that Nolan was looking at him hesitantly he asked him : “Is something wrong ?”

Nolan knew that Ashton didn’t particularly like his family, but it was still his family so he hesitated whether to tell him the truth or not and when Ashton called him again and saw that he was starting to worry, he decided to tell him the truth : “Your parents sent mercenaries to pick you up, there were 8 of them.”

Ashton’s eyes widened, he didn’t think his family would call in mercenaries, it was insane, he immediately asked him : “How did you know they were coming and did you get hurt anywhere ?”

Nolan hugged him and he said : “Now that I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life with you, do you really think I would have left you here without any protection.”

He looked at him in the eye and told him : “I set up a force field around our pavilion before I left, and I had Douglas warn Garry that your parents might try to come and take you away against your will.

I thought I could talk to your parents but I didn’t anticipate that they would send mercenaries… I really wish I had their consent to be your husband, I’m sorry.”

Ashton then said to him : “My family is going to face a lot of difficulties when Kevin will become our King, they will lose the monopoly they had managed to establish and their good reputation… They will go back to being an ordinary mage family and it will take them a while to accept it.

When they will come back to their senses and behave better, then maybe we can try to get their blessing for our marriage, but know that it doesn’t matter to me.

I never planned on going back to my family once I entered to the Sun Sect, I wanted to show everyone that I was different from my parents and I wanted to prove that I was worthy of fighting alongside the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark.

Luck was on my side because the first friend I made was our King and he doesn’t associate me with any of my parents’ misdeeds.

Your father and brothers also accept me for who I am and they have never judged me for the wrongs of my parents, I couldn’t have wished for better.”

He pulled away from him a little and he said caressing his cheek : “Nolan… I don’t want to wait anymore, I still feel like I’m dreaming and that you’re going to disappear and ignore me again like before.”

Nolan then leaned towards him and after kissing him he said : “The only thing that will be able to make me disappear from your life now is death.”

Nolan knew that everyone was urging him to share the mark of the Union with Ashton but no one was really thinking about him.

His parents’ threat was ridiculous compared to what could happen to him if they ever shared the mark of the Union now.

Tomorrow night’s battle was nothing compared to what awaited them in less than a month.

The great battle that lay ahead against the Titans and Lilith’s demons would take a huge toll on both sides, and if he died in that battle and that Ashton shared the mark of the Union with him, he would die too, and he didn’t want to take that kind of risk, Ashton life was too precious for him.

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