My Enchanting System

Chapter 136 Mana Enchanted

Chapter 136  Mana Enchanted

<HP: 35><MP: 720><SP: 41>

<Strength: 11><Dexterity: 12><Constitution: 12>

<Intelligence: 20><Wisdom: 13><Charisma: 15>


<Martial Skills><Retract>






[Magic resistance]

[Illusion resistance]

[Spirit resistance]




<First-tier Magic>




[Burning hands]




[Earth wall]

[Lightning grasp]

[Lesser healing]

[Lesser Empowerment]



<Second-tier Magic>

[Short invisibility]

[Marlin\'s floating platform]


[Mist step]



[Scorching Rays]

<Third-tier Magic>

<Animate Dead>

<Call Lightning>



[Dispel Magic]

[Elemental Weapon]




[Lisworth\'s Tower]



[Sylph\'s Tiny hut]

[Lightning strike]

[Summon lesser Demon]

[Thunder step]


\'Mana enchanted? Does it means I have more Mana coursing through my body than normal? If that was the case then I\'m getting closer to an abomination than a lich. Lichs usually only have necrotic magic in their bodies but i have a lot more than that, I did force different types of Mana after all.\' Cain though as he tried to sit up, his body was aching all over. He took a glance at the couch, Elise was sitting there drooling as she slept.

Abomination were creatures created by the combination of multiple types of magic into a single body. Some even call them chimeras of magic. They weren\'t that strong but they boasted a great magic affinity and morph-able bodies bodies.

But they come at the cost of having their MP act like HP. If it dropped to 0 they will die.

\'This is bad, I have to make sure I stay human until Level 20 otherwise I might lose my mind and life.\'

Cain slowly stood up, BOOM! BANG! He could hear faint explosion sounds in the distance, they were coming from garden. He walked on the cold ground feeling a sharp shiver ran down his spine, slowly opening the window he was greeted with the freezing cold wind.

It was already noon but the sun was nowhere to be seen, the grey cloud covered the sky as it dripped small shards of ice. The winter was at the door and it has started with snow.

Cain looked down from his frozen breath at the garden to see four women fighting each other. Sofia, Alice and Selena were ganging up on Zaleria as if they were aiming for her life.

Flash! Sofia blasted herself toward Zaleria at an incredible speed, Her kick was easily caught by the dragon "You\'re a mage, don\'t close distance like this. Use your magic to keep a safe distance!"

Swoosh! Zaleria swung Sofia from the ankle and threw her away. At the same time Selena rushed from behind trying to score a bite at her neck. Zaleria skillfully caught Selena from the neck and gave her two punches to the stomach "Going for the neck if useful against those who\'re weaker than you, a skilled opponent will call your attacks obvious!" Zaleria gave her a third hard punch sent her flying.

BAM! In the blink of an eyes, Zaleria disappeared leaving burning marks on where she was standing. "Your coordination is slow, you were healing Sofia so why did you get distracted by Selena getting hit?" Zaleria flashed in front of Alice.

"Selena\'s injuries seemed worse than Sofia\'s." Alice replied with a shaking voice.

"And now you have healed no one. If you ignored Selena for a second you could have healed Sofia and got her back into the fight before i manage to catch you. And then in the mean time of Sofia fighting me again you would have gotten plenty of time to heal Selena and prolong the fight." Zaleria words caused her to shiver, if this was a real fight she would have been killed in the spot. She remembered how Cain saved them in Morena\'s fight, if she had just stayed focused at that time things might have turned differently.

[Firebolt] A flash of fire came blazing toward Zaleria, "Get back!" Sofia screamed at Alice, their healer should never be that close to the one they are fighting.

"You use Charisma, put more heart into your magic!" Zaleria said as she flicked Sofia\'s spell away and blocked a sneak attack from Selena, "You lack martial experience, just punching like this will do you no good!" Zaleria added as she twisted Selena\'s arm and smacked her on the ground.

\'I thought Sofia was injured enough that she wouldn\'t be able to move like that for a day." Cain was surprised at how unnaturally she recovered. Elise then woke up from the cold breeze and looked at Cain.

"Master, you\'re awake?" She jumped from her place and rushed toward him, "It\'s alright, you can go back to sleep if you\'re still exhausted." She should have spent the whole night awake watching him.

Cain walked toward the closet on his own feeling all his muscles ache, "Damn it feel even worse than when I got the curse!" He cursed under his breath when he couldn\'t lift his arm properly. Elise rushed to help him get the wear the clothes.

After making sure he wore an ample amount of layers to ward off the cold he walked to the hallway where he smelled burnt wood. "Did some thing burn last night?" He asked thinking it might be just on of the candles falling on the ground but Elise shook her face.

"Lady Sofia\'s room went on flame yesterday, Lexi said that it was the lady\'s doing." She said confusing Cain more, why would Sofia burn her own room? It was possible for a mage to use magic in their sleep just like how people could sleep walk but that was rare. "What did Zaleria say, she was with her in the room."

Elise face went pale as she tried to find suitable words, "Lexi said that she started laughing, saying something along the lines of {This is unexpected}. She the proceeded to put the flames out." Elise opened the door so Cain could have a look at Sofia\'s room. The bed was burnt to ashed and only its place remained, the walls were charred as well did the window frame.

"It look like the flame spread from Sofia\'s bed outward, how is Lexi, she didn\'t get burnt did she?" Cain asked as he looked around the room.

"No, she said that the flames avoided her. Neither her or Zaleria were hurt." Elise helped Cain open Sofia cabinet as he was standing in front of it. He was just checking the burns on the wood but she misunderstood him and thought he wanted her to open it.

"W-well thanks? Anyway, Zaleria is an expert at fire magic, she probably was the one protecting Lexi from the flames. Make sure you never get at her bad side, and don\'t call her by her name as she might find it offensive." Hearing Cain\'s words Elise bowed slightly, "I will make everyone know. Is calling her Lady Zaleria good enough?"

"As long as you\'re respectful." Cain smiled at her as they got out of Sofia\'s room and headed down stairs so he can wash his face and have something to eat. On their way down they met Sebas passing by and he energetically called Cain.

"Master, did you have your breakfast yet?"

"I was about to. Would like to join and give a report on the way?" Cain invited him to join in, he wanted to know if any news came about the traitor noble and if any complication had happened.

As Cain ate his breakfast Sebas sipped his cup of tea. It wasn\'t a noble but a merchant who betrayed the city, he was bribed by gaining monopoly over Ourals iron trade. William wasn\'t that patient so he executed the merchant right after the interrogation to be an example.

Sebas than put a letter on the table, "The Guildmaster came to see you yesterday morning and left this. He said that he didn\'t have that much time and was heading to the capital."

Cain opened the letter and read thought it. It was poorly written and had no elegance. Just a bunch of words slapped together in a piece of paper with a bad hand writing.

"Its legit, this is a mage hand writing. I didn\'t expect him to come visit." Cain said with a smile. The guild master was rarely in the city and only stays for less than a day.  If he came back in the morning he would leave again in the afternoon, if a person as busy as him spared the time to visit it means something big happened and Cain had a hunch to what it was.

"I heard heard about your prediction on the elvish rebellion from Dolrig, I was surprised to find you were right. The Elvish princess had managed to overthrow her father and all of her siblings in such a short amount of time just as you said. The king was wondering how did you get to such a conclusion and wanted to meet you, I did put some good words for your strength and valuer as well achievements. He didn\'t say anything special but I say he wants to give you the position of court mage so travel to the capital as soon as you can. I\'m heading toward the Fenrir tribe as they seem to have a problem with sacred beast, I will be staying in their tribe for six months so fell free to stop by in your way to the capital. By the way, congratulation on getting promoted to A-rank with your party if your farm quest was successful, talk with Mary as she has a surprise for you!"

Cain eyes scanned the letter from left and right wondering if It was written by and actual Guildmaster.

"Really? That old man can\'t be serious!" Cain sighed as he saw the smile at Sebas\'s face, he seemed to have read the letter before handing it to Cain.


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