My Enchanting System

Chapter 501 You can grant spells?

“Told you not to do it, learn some restraint.” It was Alice, “Remember that you have a powerful toxin, just because he can endure it doesn’t mean it’s fine to keep giving him more.”

Gracie gave Alice an empty look, her eyelid dangling as she opened her mouth. Crunch! She bit her hand, “I know.”

She quickly finished, with Alice monitoring them, she couldn’t take her time.

She slowly pulled out and lay on the side. Marina approached from underneath, she hasn’t done it in a while.

As she grabbed it with her hand, she got a feeling that something was off.

She above him and tried to push it slowly down, it was tight, painful, and required some force to push it in. As she fell into her deepest spot, she sighed in relief, for a moment she thought taking it all in was impossible.

She felt something poke into her rear end. Gracie tickled her, “Look down.”

When Marina looked down, it wasn’t all in, almost a third was left. Cain did get bigger and ticker.

Alice ran her hand through Cain’s body up to his head, “It would be strange had only your torso got wider to accommodate the organs, your whole body got bigger and taller.”

Marina was using her whole body weight trying to force Cain inside her.

“By tomorrow I might be as tall as my father,” Cain replied in a whisper.

Alice smiled, touching the remaining shaft that couldn’t get into Marina. “Say, can you make it a bit smaller for her?”

“No need, I would get in soon,” Marina growled still trying to push it in.

“Don’t force yourself, Gracie is a succubus and can take it. I’m a devil and I can force it down, same for Sofia and Mary. Selena also won’t have a problem with her strength.” Alice touches Marina.

“I also been training, I learned some sword fighting and even the basics of magic.” She cried.

“She’s right. No need to force yourself.” Cain made himself small just enough to fit inside her.

“But…all I’ve been doing…” She stared at him.

“Don’t worry about that. I have a solution but it may seem outrageous.” Cain said looking away.

“What? Turn me into a lich like Bela? I wouldn’t mind.” Marina gave him an exciting look.

“No. The truth is, I can grant spells now.”

“Like with enchanting something?” Alice stared at him.

“No, I gave spells to people who ask me for power. Just as the clergy can get basic spells after praying to their gods.” Cain replied with a worried face.

“So are you a god or something?” Alice gave him a weird look.

“No, am not. There is only one true god I can accept. I’m still but a mortal. But, I won’t lie. The power I grant uses a belief link to transfer so…the one wanting the power need to actively worship me to keep the link.”

Sofia opened her eyes, “And we just suck power from you? Or do we have to say something like Oh, great Cain grant us power?”

“You’re awake?” Cain stared at her surprised.

“We’re all awake, do you really we would stay asleep?” Both Mary and Selena stared at him. Even the faintest of noise would have woken them up.

“You don’t need to call my name. The name you pray with will be a bit different. Since I will evolve into a one-in-a-kind, it will be better to identify me by my race.”

“What will it be?” Mary asked.

“Cthulhu, the great dreamer.”

Mary gave him a weird look, “I remember father once mentioning them, a race of elder primordial beings that went extinct in grandfather’s ages.”

“Your father? Bahamut? It’s true that they died in the war with the three progenitors Asgorath, Adam, and the world tree Yggdrasil. But that was it, besides those three, a few can match the might of a Cthulhu.”

“I can understand grandfather fighting them and winning, even the world tree would be feasible. But how could Adam stand a chance? Wasn’t he a human?” Mary asked with a puzzled face.

“Adam, the progenitor of humans. He was 90 feet tall, muscular, and boasted a calm temper. He had power equal to the other two so it’s hard to see him as a normal human from today.” Cain explained.

“So humans were getting weaker?” Sofia asked.

“Yep, they got shorter, skinnier, less magical, and even lost their hot blood. That’s one reason why most people chose to evolve out of humanity.”

After listening to him, Marina started moving. “Oh great Cthulhu, grant me power.” She said.

“It won’t be that easy, I can’t find a link to send spells through yet. Keep trying alone, the moment I get a link I will give spells according to your level.”

“Why not give me stronger spells right away?”

“You need to level up.”

She kept moving, slowly getting faster and faster. Her mind quickly wandered away thinking about how to get a belief link to be established. Her movement got a bit violent, and then it got into the wrong hole.

“AGRRAA!” Marina cried rolling to the side, “AHAAAAAAAAAA!”

Alice immediately cast a healing spell on her. She was grabbing her back end as if it was the last thing she will do.

“Are you fine?” Cain asked trying to stand up.

“No, just got a bit excited. Need some time to rest…” she laid down as Alice healed her.

After resting for a while, Marina started again and this time far slower. “Take your time, don’t rush it,” Cain said giving her a smile.

“I know…” Marina replied, her back end still hurting. She needs to focus on what she is doing.

After she finished, it was Selena’s turn who immediately leaped in after Marina. She was excited and unlike Marina, she pushed Cain’s original size all the way down in one go.

“Say, Cain, I can use the spells you gave me…can I get more?”

“This isn’t the time to be asking about that, is it?”

If only he could move, he would have taken the top and made doing it the focus. Right now, the best he could do is lay down.

Cain signaled to Alice to approach him, and when she did, he asked her to sit on his face. He could get busy licking her and have the other finish faster. Otherwise, they will keep bringing the magic top over and over. Especially Sofia, he was expecting her to talk the most.

Alice’s face turned rest as Cain asked her that in front of the other before it was only when they were alone. “Not now Cain…”

“Come here.”

Alice’s body moved on its own, “Cain, please stop…not…Ah”

Cain then stooped, staring at her. “No!” He started licking more violently. Alice tried to run but she couldn’t move, and soon she gave up and relaxed.

Cain used his hands to Grab Sofia and Mary’s private parts and started toying with them. Each of the girls moaned as he moved his fingers.

The night continued.

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