My Enchanting System

Chapter 617 If One Can't, Then Four Would Do It.

"GRWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Lolth screamed, her divine aura slowly magnified into a brilliant light.

"What are you doing? Do you think wasting so much divine energy would help you win?" Cain stared at her.

"Yes, it will help." As she replied, her aura diminished. After just a few moments, she stood facing Cain as a human-sized spider with a drow woman\'s torso on its head. Her white hair flowed like threads of silver light as she glared at Cthulhu with her ten red eyes, two on her humanoid half and eight on her spider form.

"Fell to a demi-god status. You have grown weaker, spider queen." Cain said, staring down at her.

Thud! Lolth lifted her arm, "Welcome to my domain, sir tentacle king. Arachne Kokyangwuti is up on the stage again!" Loth roared with a smile.

"Did you go insane on your own?"

"Well, sir, tentacle king. Have you heard of [Spilt Personality]?" She stared at him with a cheeky smile, "The ability or the disorder?"

"hehe, both!" CRACK! Cain\'s mind control shattered as Lolth smiled, "Miss spider, you move. Miss web, you tell me where he is, and I will do the slicing!" She created two small sickles in her hands.

Cain lifted his tentacles, shifting his focus on the fallen goddess. She is weaker, but there is something off about her. He felt like he is facing more than one person.

Swosh! In an instant, he sent hundreds of tentacles to try and restrain her.

Ding! As her web got tickled. Lolth rushed ahead at an incredible speed, "Whoa! Slow down, will you?" She cried, her upper body dangling from her half.

HOP! She leaped on the tentacles and started running on them, "Fine, move as you like. I will focus on slicing!" She quickly pulled herself up, swinging the sickles, CLING! CLANG!

Cutting through the tentacles wasn\'t that hard for her. Her weapons were as sharp as they could get.

Cain wasn\'t just throwing his tentacles blindly. He sent one into her blind spot, SPLAT! A wave of webbing rushed from the ground, blocking the tentacles whole Lolth cried, "Whoa! what was that?" She looked back, seeing the web entangling the tentacle.

"Thank you!" she gave a thumb up and rushed toward Cain.

\'I see. That is why my mind control isn\'t working. I knew that some gods are composed of many gods. Like, Tia has Amaterasu, Selûne, and Ashura. Also, the ancient dragon god Asgorath was composed of Bahamut and Tiamat. But I never heard of Lolth having multiple deities in her body. Arachne Kokyangwuti must be that drow part of her.\'

Cain\'s eldritch body shrunk back to his humanoid form, "Multiple personalities, I guess, the dark elf, the spider, and the web." He sighed, "Facing gods is annoying. I don\'t know what you might pull, and it\'s impossible to apprise you." He grabbed the sword in one hand and the staff in the other, "But, I\'m also annoying to fight, so do what you like."

CLANG! He points the sword and the staff at her, [Teleport]. Cain immediately appeared ahead of her, swinging his sword at her neck.

CLANG! She blocked the slash with one of her sickles and swung the other at Cain.

FLASH! Before her attack could reach him, his staff pointed at the spider\'s head, BAM! The spider immediately dodged the blow. A massive stream of fire rushed ahead.

CLANG! The drow hit her spider half on the head, "I almost got him."

SCREECH! The spider growled at her, "I guess it can\'t be helped, sorry." she then patted her.

"I never expected to see Lolth apologizing," Cain said with a smile.

"I\'m not Lolth. My name is Arachne, and you better remember it." She pouted.

As Cain lifted his sword to attack, the webbing entangled him. Swosh! Flame burst from his body, burning all the web. CLANG! The sickle flew at his head. Cain deflected it and leaped backward, swinging his staff down.

CRACKLE! A massive burst of fire exploded, "You kill spiders with flames." He smiled, seeing them leap away with multiple burns.

This fight wasn\'t a problem to him, but it was more work. Lolth was stronger. But he could cheese her with his mind control but can\'t do that to those three.

After about a minute, the spider queen fell, and Cain stood facing her half-charred body. "I enjoyed this fight more than the one with Lolth."

"Hehe," Arachne giggled with a wry smile, "I hope you enjoyed the show. I haven\'t danced to anyone in a long time."


A little spider, the size of a grain, landed on Cain\'s ear, immediately rushing in. "I got you!" Lolth growled in Cain\'s ear.

GRWAAAA! He screamed, grabbing his head as the spider borrowed into his brain.

Arachne smiled, "That is Lolth. A tiny, insignificant, hard-working spider. Let\'s see you beat her now."

Cain screamed, and his body fell to the ground writhing in pain.


Lolth fell into a dark world, searching for Cain\'s consciousness to take it over. "This form is too small. I should be able to take a better shape." Her tiny spider form grew bigger, taking on her drow form.

As she walked around searching, she heard a voice in the distance, CLICK! CLACK! Something approached.

"Who are you?" Lolth cried.

From the shadow, a maid walked and stared at her with a puzzled face, "You don\'t look like an undead soul. What are you doing inside Cain\'s mind?" Amaya glared at her.

"I asked who are you?" Lolth screamed, and Amaya shrunk back a bit.

"Amaya Bennett, Cain\'s maid, and I are here to register some undead within his soul." Amaya wasn\'t the one raising undead for the army. It was Cain. And to make the process faster. She only linked the corpses to him.

"I joined his body earlier, like that black dragon woman. He told me to head to his soul, but I can\'t find the way." Lolth said with a smile.

"Like lady Morena?" Amaya said with a passive face, "I hope getting eaten wasn\'t that painful."

"I got absorbed quickly. I didn\'t feel much pain." Lolth replied.

Amaya nodded, "Then please follow me. We have to get you a key to his soul first."

"A key?"

"Yes, there isn\'t a direct path to his soul. Each person has a personal magic key. Using it will teleport you to his soul." Amaya replied.

"Can\'t we use your key to open the path?"

"No, the key will only teleport me. We don\'t want you left alone, so I will guide you to get your key." Amaya walked with Lolth for a while until they could see a golden light in the distance.

"What is that?" Lolth asked.

"The closest soul linked to Cain\'s soul, and she is also the most powerful. She is the one keeping his soul protected. She must let you in." Amaya pointed at the light.

"Who is she?"

"You will see."

As they reached the light, they saw a massive tree facing them. In the middle of its trunk, a magnificent throne rose. "Who do we have here? A new soul wanting to link to my Cain?" Sylph said, glaring down at Lolth with her glowing red eyes.

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