The Female Soldier Has Been Told to Infiltrate the Imperial Magic Academy

Chapter 60

Razé and Luca were in the same group. They went back to the audience seats together. Folia looked so excited and greeted them with sparkle in her eyes.

Ruben: “Luca, you fall for her trap?”

“It’s not like I was careless or anything…” Luca replied with a sigh. “I hate to admit it, but it was a crushing defeat. I don’t think I can win at all.”

The other members stared at Luca with a puzzled look on their faces. They didn’t expect that he would praise Razé like that because they knew he didn’t think the commoner should be allowed in the aristocratic school. Luca pretended to ignore them and watched the ongoing match.

Ruben muttered to himself, “I didn’t expect those words from Luca.”

Meanwhile, Carna smiled happily to Razé. “Razé, you’re so great!” The smile from a goddess made Razé bashful, but she honestly felt that she hadn’t done anything great at all.

Folia: “Razé-chan. You didn’t bring a practice sword because you wanted to fight using speed?”

Razé: “Yes. You snooze, you lose. One shot, one kill. Doesn’t it sound cool?”

Razé gave Folia an embarrassed smile.

“… Why are you so determined to win this year?” Adis asked her in a calm voice. His eyes looked serious as if he wanted to find out her thoughts.

Razé was astounded when she realized his meaning. He has keen perception. Although she felt annoyed, she was also impressed with Adis’ reaction.

So far, other than her, only Carna, Ruben and Adis knew about the otome game. Carna and Ruben were always in their own world. On the other hand, Adis was very cautious about Razé. Razé could see that he thought of her as his rival. Although she was always careful about her actions, she couldn’t avoid drawing attention in this tournament.

Razé: “It’s just that I’ve found a special technique.”

Adis: “Hmm.”

Well, it’s not like I can tell them that I want to hinder a prediction by the Clairvoyant Miko. Razé was quite confident that the miko in Magenda was another reincarnator. Looking at how they purposely trying to predict an event inside the academy, this ‘Clairvoyant Miko’ must be a reincarnator who knows about the otome game. Based on this, the intruder who appeared last year was very likely an assassin from Magenda too.

“Special technique?! So cool! I want to have a match with you too!” Ian said to Razé excitedly.

She smiled at him as he looked at her with puppy eyes. “Maybe we’ll meet on stage later if we[1] don’t lose any match.”

The members were amazed by her words. They wondered if she meant to say “if I don’t lose” or “if you don’t lose”. But actually, they could tell the answer by looking closely at Razé. Her eyes looked competitive and confident. It showed that she was not going to lose in this tournament.

“You’ve inspired me. I’ll look forward to it.” Ian was full with fighting spirit after hearing the provocative words from Razé. And he wasn’t the only one inspired by her remarks. Adis, Claude, and those who doubt Razé’s ability were quietly looking for an opportunity to have a match with her.

* * *

Commentator A: “Wow! In Stage D, another match ended seconds after it started! The 2nd Year student, Razé Granoli is unstoppable!!”

Commentator B: “What makes her so powerful is that no one can stop her even if they know her tactic.”

Cheers echoed in the arena. The enthusiasm of Battle Fiesta was at its peak.

Razé: “I’m finally in the top 16.”

There were only 16 players left out of all students in the whole school. Razé won each round with the same tactic. No one could manage to attack her.

I cannot show a sloppy match to my superior or subordinate. I must stay vigilant.

Razé glanced at the audience seats and found them. Unintentionally, she relaxed her serious look for a brief moment. She returned her gaze, left the stage and returned to the audience seats.

― ― ―

Bonalt: “Did Leader look at us just now?”

Ducard: “You noticed that too? I was thinking about the same thing.”

At that time, Julius’ voice could be heard through their earpiece. “Kyaa! As expected from my Razé! My angel! Did you see what she did just now! Just because her opponent was a girl, she didn’t attack with lariat but carried her in a princess carry instead! I want to be carried in a princess carry too!! Did you two see that?!”

Bonalt: “Yes, I saw that. Please refrain from using the transceiver if it’s not related to the mission.”

Ducard: “Relax. Don’t be too strict, Captain. Major Julia was using our private line.”

While Razé was focusing on the tournament, Bonalt and Ducard were assigned to help with security task. They went to see Razé on the first day they entered the academy. She was very surprised. But they had to refrain from further contact because they could never know who might be watching them. They were very happy because Razé always found them wherever they were.

Julius was in the command room overlooking the arena, while Bonalt and Ducard were paired together and mixed in the audience seats in plain clothes.

Julius: “I knew it~. I knew you won’t missed it. And did you hear her words at the end of the match? She said; do you still want to continue, princess?! When did she learn to say such a cheesy line?!”

Both Bonalt and Ducard frowned as they listened to the noise coming from their earpieces. Both of them could lipread too, so they knew about it already.

Bonalt: “If Leader is a man, she would cause trouble in this tournament…”

Julius: “What are you saying, Captain? She already caused trouble even when she’s a girl.”

“You’re right” Bonalt and Ducard assented.

Julius: “It’s so great that you two could watch her big moment live at the arena.”

Ducard: “Big moment…”

“What is it? What are you trying to say?” Julius asked when she noticed Ducard mumbling his words. Bonalt, who was sitting next to him, also watched him with a puzzled look on his face.

Ducard: “Leader isn’t showing her full power. If only these people could know how great she actually is.”

Looking at his sulky face, Bonalt gave a dry laugh.

Bonalt: “I know you like Leader very much.”

Ducard: “Of course. I mean, I’m annoyed when she made us do troublesome mission, but I never hate her. She’s only doing her job.”

Julius sighed when she listened to their conversation. “I’m so jealous. I wish I’m in Razé’s team too. By the way, you two don’t have to standby during lunch break, right? Can one of you come to my place? I’ve made bento for Razé.”

Bonalt: “You’re not going to give it to her yourself?’

Julius: “I’m on standby during lunch break. You should go have meal with her at least once. I’ve made extra food for the two of you too. I’ve already got permission from the top level. Just make sure to disguise yourself later.”

Bonalt and Ducard looked at each other and thanked Julius.

* * *

“Razé-san! Your next opponent is me!”

When Razé went to the audience seats, Ian, who had finished his match earlier, walked up to her. Her next opponent was Ian Masse Durhua.

The cast of otome game that still remained in the tournament were Ruben, Ian, Adis, and Claude. Unfortunately, Folia had lost in her second match while Carna had lost to a seed player from the 3rd


Ian: “I won’t let you win easily.”

Razé: “I’m looking forward to it.”

To be honest, she was also bored to win each match using the same tactic.

“… I don’t think you can win against her speed at magic activation…” Luca said with a dubious look on his face.

“Don’t worry. I have a plan,” Ian said confidently.

Announcement: “We will take a short break for lunch. Top 16 players, please standby 10 minutes before your match. I repeat-”

When the members heard the announcement, they looked at each other.

“Razé-chan. Let’s eat together.” Folia spoke up to avoid the awkward silence. She was worried about Razé. In Carna and Razé’s previous life, this situation was like an elementary school kid attending their sports day alone without any guardian accompanying them.

Julia-san said she will come to bring me bento. I feel bad to trouble her, she must be busy…

Since the Battle Fiesta last year, Julius always brought her bento whenever she came to the academy as auxiliary security personal. If she was busy, then Razé would join Folia but she felt bad to disturb the new couple.

“Thank you, but I’m fine. My friend is coming later,” Razé smiled to Folia and turned down her offer.

Folia looked relieved after hearing her answer. “Alright. See you later.”

Razé: “Un.”

The members left one after another to join their family. There were only Razé and Adis left.

I think Welrian and Vanessa are still at the VIP seats. Why is he still here? Razé watched Adis with a puzzled look on her face.

Adis: “What is it?”

Razé: “Nothing. I think your parents are at the VIP seats. Why are you still here?”

Adis breathed out a sigh. Razé wondered what had she done to make him reacted that way.

Adis: “Do you know that you’re indifferent about yourself? I was planning to go actually, but now I changed my mind. I want to see your friend first.”

Razé: “Huh?”

Adis: “When a commoner like you attracted attention, the high-ranking official will chase after you if they see you’re alone.”

Razé: “Oh…”

Razé felt disappointed with herself for not noticing that earlier. She finally realized that Adis had been accompanying her while waiting for Julius.

Why didn’t I notice that I’ve troubled the Prime Minister’s son?

Razé felt bad for disturbing their family time while Welrian was waiting nearby.

Razé: “I’m sorry for troubling you. I’m fine. You can go to your family.”

Adis: “… I’m not doing this for you to apologize. I really hope that you would stop saying you’re fine that easily.”

Normally their conversation was full of sarcasm. But today, Razé felt she was a bit wrong too. She was about to apologize again but managed to swallow the words. Instead, she said, “… Thank you. It’d be helpful if you can stay with me…” It was rare for her to thank him and she noticed he was catching a glance at her.

He’s right. It would be troublesome if I stay here alone. Thankfully he’s here…

But when she thought of how the Grim Reaper would react if he found out about this, she wondered if she should be thankful or be scared… She felt so complicated.

Adis: “The one that is coming today is the same as last one?”

Razé assumed he was referring to Julius. She nodded to him. “Julia-san is busy but always make time to visit me. She’s good at cooking. I really wish she can be my wife~.”

Adis widened his eyes. “The one that you proposed to; it was that person?”

Razé: “You noticed? That’s right. She’s my sweetheart that I couldn’t manage to get engaged with. It’s embarrassing, so please keep this a secret from Carna-sama and Folia.”

Adis tried to recall this person called Julia that he had seen before. In all seriousness, that person looked more feminine than Razé but the body was masculine. He couldn’t imagine what would happen if she really got engaged with that person. He jokingly said, “Don’t tell me you’re still thinking of getting engaged?”

Razé: “Hmm. I think we should wait and see the situation first.”

Her serious answer made Adis speechless. She seemed to be still considering the broken engagement plan.

“Razé-san! Didn’t you decide to cancel that plan?!”

Razé was surprised by the sudden voice that came from behind her. She turned and saw Bonalt holding huge paper bag using both hands. Ducard stood behind him. She noticed their presence suddenly appeared, so she knew they must had come using teleportation.

Ducard: “Someone is going to be sacrificed again…”

Bonalt: “Don’t jinx me, Harul.”

Ducard looked completely unbothered as Bonalt stared at him. He said to Razé, “This is from your precious friend-not-wife~”

Ducard noticed Adis and whispered to Bonalt, “Cross. I think he’s wary about us. What should we do?”

Adis was on guard as he looked at the two strangers. He always activated his wind magic and sensitive to other presence. He could keenly feel the unique aura peculiar to military personnel. He put on a stiff expression like being in a social occasion and asked Razé, “Your friends?”

Razé immediately nodded her head after seeing he looked so serious. “Yes. You don’t have to be on guard. I’m closed to them ever since we worked together before. …Both of you, why are you here?”

Bonalt: “We want to have lunch together with you.”

Razé: “… Oh. Is it okay? You’re not forcing yourself?”

Razé was worried that they were busy with security duty and she thought it would only trouble them to have lunch with superior. Both of them smiled at her and said they were fine.

Bonalt: “These are prepared by Julia-san.”

When she finally realized what they meant, she broke into a grin. “For me? Oh, what should I do? How can I thank her? Both of you, thank you for coming. I’m glad that you’re here.”

Adis was fascinated by her elated reaction. She looked like she was about to cry. Bonalt and Ducard smiled gently as they knew that she cared about her comrades as if they were her family.

Ducard: “Just now, Cross hastily went back to the town and bought the limited edition tart that you wanted to eat.”

Razé: “Really?!”

Bonalt: “Yes. I hope you can continue to do your best for the matches in the evening.”

Razé: “I will!”

Seeing Razé’s innocent and unguarded smile in front of her friends, Adis felt an unfamiliar and undefinable emotion.

Adis: “… Okay then. I’ll leave first.”

Razé: “Thank you. Let me show my gratitude next time.”

Adis: “Just a small matter, you don’t have to thank me.”

He got up from his chair. He didn’t know why but he felt he wanted to leave as soon as possible. He greeted the two men and walked away hurriedly.

After that, Adis joined his family. But while he was having lunch, he still felt nervous about something.

At this time, he had noticed that the voices of the men who came to see Razé sounded familiar but decided to ignore it. He didn’t know that he would regret it later.

[1] Subject and indirect object are usually omitted in Japanese sentences, especially dialogues. The actual dialogue is: “Will meet on stage if don’t lose the match.” No subject, no indirect object. ↩

T/L Note: •ω•。)”… I’ve released a new novel Murder at The Rainy Mansion ~The Never Ending 100 Tales~

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