Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 41 41: Hunting Humans And Picking Flowers [Part 1]

Alex could feel the blood surging through his veins as he pushed off the ground, his legs bulking with thick, powerful muscles before sending him shooting towards a concrete wall with broken glass and debris before; the air almost cut his face; the resistance was that strong; pushing his right arm out as he retracted his claws to a few inches.


His body slammed against the wall; moments later, a loud bang sounded as two bullets penetrated the ground he had been standing on a few moments ago; the males on the roof of the building began to shout and mock each other before aiming once more. Alex didn\'t care about this as he gritted his teeth, feeling a little winded from the impact, like a baseball bat smashed into his ribs.

Luckily his claws were tougher than the stone, penetrating deeply with a strange sound as they tore apart the rock and cement, hoisting him more than 2 metres into the air, feeling his body sway before he tossed the nodachi onto the ledge above with an arcing throw.

"Hmph!" The air left his body with his movements; Alex looked over his shoulder before quickly acting as he saw them lining up shots.

Swaying his body faster with each swing, kicking off the walls before his body shot into the air; flipping sideways and landing on the roof of the small shoe store; his body tumbled as he crashed into several chairs and small tables, clearly used by a family renting the apartment above the store.

"Ah, fuck!" Alex moaned as he spat some gravel and dirt from his lips, slamming into a child\'s drawing on a chalkboard with a loud crash.

He looked around as he moved carefully forwards, seeing one of the males at the edge of the building as he launched another round in the direction Alex had come from; a quick headcount told him there would be three others hiding inside.

\'They are within leaping distance if I sprinted across the long roof of the store beside this, but where did the two women go? Also, those sounds inside the building didn\'t seem aggressive or violent...\'

Alex thought for a moment before scrapping that, though. "These cunts almost killed me; then what would happen to Stella? That dumb girl isn\'t at her true strength and would be killed easily or worse... I like that cute succubus.... so these people are doomed."

As his words went on, the tone became deeper and more distorted like a demon from hell as he crept along the small roof; reaching for his nodachi; stroking it like a lover, cleaning her off as \'Eien\' seemed fine; Alex once again turned his eye towards the enemies to the northwest; Stella was to his Southeast, but seemed to be a good girl; currently out of range and fighting some zombies because of her scent.

"...So, how do I kill them?" Alex asked quietly, moving back to stand beside a chimney, looking over the rooftop quickly as Stella used her shadow bolts to avoid being seen; the white light splitting into two halves, Alex began to wonder if he was too far away from Claire now and that\'s why he didn\'t get any experience. His mind raced ahead, trying to find an answer. One thing crossed his mind instantly...

Alex leaned against the wall, eyes scanning the rooftop for movement. He could hear the footsteps, moving metal and the loud thud of people jumping and climbing. They were coming his way! Their weapons are at the ready.

\'Fuck these guys, god damn... I wanted to charge at them!\'

He took a deep breath, feeling the power of his blood surging through his veins as he prepared to unleash his magic. A bullet tore through the wall before it whizzed past his ear, grazing his cheek.

Alex didn\'t flinch, only moving like it was natural, now used to dodging bullets. He closed his eyes and focused his energy, clearing his mind.

Although their steps were getting louder, he could feel the vibrations their body weight caused in the ground, but he began to focus, feeling the spell forming inside his palm, summoning them with the power of his blood.

He could feel it swirling around him like an evil crimson storm of death; a light wind blew around his body as the scarlet blood flowed from around him, created from the small wound near his chest, dribbling out before forming a wonderful arc.

\'It stings a little bit; damn, this is annoying!\'

A dark, pulsing and terrifying energy filled his body, almost euphoric as he felt huge amounts of his magic released. He could feel the blood clotting together as he concentrated, forming sharp, spiked spears that glimmered in the dim light; they span faster as he focused on them; the slight whistle in the air was comforting as they reflected the moonlight.

Alex raised his hand, and the spears hovered around him. He could feel their weight and sharpness, a deadly extension of his will. With a fierce growl, he jumped over the wall; in his sights, the three people with guns and two spearmen were now on the same roof, merely a few metres away from him; launching his arm forward, Alex sent the blood spears shooting forward, slowly one after the other in a chained shot.

"It\'s him! Quick shoot!"

"Ah!? It\'s a fucking mutated zombie!" The female with a pistol screamed as she took a potshot at him; the bullet whizzed straight past Alex and struck the potted plant several steps beside him.

The first spear struck true, tearing through the air like it was paper before the male with a rifle could respond, piercing the chest of the male gunman with the rifle and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Gaah!?" blood spewed from the man\'s lips as he was sent flying across the air; a huge bloody hole inside his chest fell to the ground like a sack of rocks.

"Allen! No....!!! Ugh!!" Screamed the woman. The second found its mark, too, striking the female in the heart and killing her instantly as she crumbled to the ground, her body still convulsing for several moments after the death of herself and Allen, her lover.

Only one of the men with rifles remained, but he was too far away, and the angle would strike the two spearmen that began to dash forwards.

"Move! Scott, Blake, you\'re in the fucking way! I have a clear fucking shot if you move!" The gunner shouted but to no avail.

The other two men with spears charged forward, but Alex was faster.

He dodged their attacks easily, spinning around them like a whirlwind; his body felt amazing; nothing felt odd as he became more flexible than ever before, wrapping around the right male, his right hand swirling with small 30cm long blood lances, rotating at high speeds.

Alex could feel the power of his blood coursing through his veins, a wild and untamed energy that made him faster, stronger, and more deadly.

\'I feel so good!\'

But Alex wasn\'t finished yet, his body leaping forwards with a wild charging, lacking grace but full of ferocity and power, using his supernatural speed and ability, smashing forwards into the leading spearman; the brown-haired man was knocked a few feet off the ground before slamming into the concrete, his head slamming backwards with a disgusting crack.

"Hahahaha!" Alex began to laugh uncontrollably; who would have thought killing humans that were not infected would give such a rush; the moment he embraced his true self, a former human scumbag who became a vicious and lustrous ghoul.

The brown-haired man was dazed, blood spilling from his head, and floundered before feeling a hand grasping his face; Alex\'s huge hand covered the man\'s face stopping even his shout for aid as he pulled it upwards, almost snapping the man\'s neck, then proceeded to smash the men repeatedly head against the solid concrete.


Each blow caused a sickening crack and thud, the man just convulsing, no longer resisting after the first smash; his partner, a black-haired man took a moment to react; his body filled with shock and eyes terror as he watched Alex crushing his best friends head like blue tac; before tearing the skull from his body; the vile crunch and spluttering caused the black haired man to vomit on the spot; almost dropping his spear in terror.

Alex could feel the man\'s blood spilling beneath him, the crack of his skull, but he didn\'t care.

He was in a fierce battle, rage fueled by his supernatural power; as euphoria filled his body, Alex yanked the man\'s head clean off; Blake was his name if he remembered correctly, as that woman shouted to him.

Alex rose to his feet, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity, filled with the thrill of battle, pivoting his hips and spinning in a full circle before tossing the man\'s skull with all his power and strength towards the woman who feebly picked up the pistol of the other dead female.

"I\'ll play with you in a minute, cute little woman."


The skull blasted through the air, almost causing a screaming howl and tearing through any resistance the wind or gravity could throw at it; before it crashed into the woman\'s hand, crushing her fingers and snapping both arms as she flew backwards into a stone wall; besides a black steel door.

Alex couldn\'t tell if she was awake because the woman was too far and fell limply.

"B-Blake..... m-monster...!" He tried to sound menacing and threatening, but the tears flowing down Scott\'s eyes with a snotty nose destroyed all sense of masculinity.

"Now then... Scott, was it?" Alex spoke, his voice deep, distorted, but quite civil if you ignored his friend\'s brains covering his hand and dropping to the ground or the woman he always loved now unconscious against the wall with deformed arms.

"P-please... Please don\'t kill her... Poppy.... she\'s...."

"Poppy, huh? What a cute name!"

"I\'ll do anything... Don\'t kill her, please... I\'m begging....." Scott began to tremble, long losing his will to fight back; he looked at the monster feeling terror; this was never a zombie or mere mutant. It could speak and understand him!

"Oh? Anything? Are you sure she might resent you for this? I mean, death is instant, but what I\'m going to do to her."

Scott\'s eyes dilated, his hands trembling as the face of Alex became like a true monster, the huge, distorted smile from ear to ear with sharp, inhuman teeth and dark black sclera with scarlet eyes suddenly looked towards him; with a delighted smile.

"...Is eternal!"

With that said, Alex didn\'t give the man a chance to react; his foot stomping forward, crushing his left kneecap; Scott was forced to his knees, letting out a miserable cry before he felt agony; Alex began to break every bone in his arms and legs while humming a happy tune under his voice.

Alex dragged Scott\'s crippled body; his arms and legs were destroyed, while one of his eyes was torn out. He grabbed Scott\'s black hair and started to drag him towards Poppy.

She was still half sleeping in a daze, her soft brown hair and above-average face filled with the blood from her missing fingers and crushed arms.

"Oh, what a wonderful day~ to enjoy the fresh poppies~ let\'s make sure to water them well!"

Alex\'s grim voice hummed this song as he leapt from the balcony; he could sense more people were inside the door, but they were all huddled together on the ground floor, some trembling.

He laughed happily as he pulled Scott closer to the body of Poppy; her bloody face and broken arms caused him to whimper, but the noise of his whining annoyed Alex; thus, he tore out his tongue now a mere flapping of gums and moaned sounded.

"Damn~ you are annoying; stop making NOISE!"


Alex\'s solid boots began to smash into Scott, sending him crashing along the ground, stones tearing the flesh of his face before his head slammed into the metal door, causing the two people who were slowly climbing up the stairs to rush back down, a muffled cry of terror reaching Alex\'s ears.


Alex squatted before the unconscious Poppy a moment later, grasping her chin with his hand.

"Hmmm... She\'s not ugly, but a little on the average side. Well, I imagine she\'ll become prettier right away; let\'s check the condition of her body..."

Scott\'s mind was messy, like the moments before losing several of his co-workers, and the woman he was dating didn\'t have deformed arms. It was just a nightmare; the end of the world never happened.

However, when his eyes opened, everything ended, and the nightmare became his reality as the naked body of Poppy, something he was yet to see, was now on display as that monster\'s huge hands began to rub and caress her moderate breasts.

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